Before take the lesson, I read/hear some books from Tal Ben-Shahar, about his most favorites lessons <On happiness >in Harvard and his positive psychology.
People always believe success leads happiness. but acutally success will bring happy, but does not have long term impact.
The truth is happiness leads success, when you happy you will:
1. Have higher creativity,become more innovation
2. Increase engagement and motivation
3. more effective
4. Better relationship/teamwork
5. Better health.
So happiness is a good investment.
People’s emotion go up and down day in and day out. But here wants to say is improve the baseline of happinesses.
How to do? We learn from the best.
I admit that average describe, while the best prescribes.
After we learn from the best, We got the modal to show: How to be happier; It almost focus on the career, but can also applied in home, relationship and daily life.
Here is the whole picture, and I would delivered one by one, each of item gives me inspiration.
I. Strength.
Only when you operate from strengths can you achieve true can not build performance on weaknesses. It takes far more energy to improve from incompetence to mediocrity than to improve from first-rate performance to excellence.
—Peter Drucker.
That means you need to find your strenght and also find where your strengths needs and appreciated.
1. What’s your strength ? 2. What gives you strengths (passion) ? 3. At work do you have the opportunities to do what you do best everyday?
It brings me to remember when I just began my career a few years ago, I like most ordinary average guys always ask 1 question that how can I earn more money, finally i got half of the answers that’s is: your ability is one thing, but the supply and demand on this ability is another, which defines the value of that..
While, why it is the half answer, cause it only let me know why the company hire you at that level of salary, but not answering me how to improve.
And find the place to go where your strenght needed and appreciated is a excellent way.
Keeps that strengths and sharp the skills until you become extraordinary.
And meanwhile a good leader can enable the staff to do their strengths in their work.
It inspires me to know yourself more. To understand yourself, what is you good at and why? In that zone you can be the great leader of yourself.
For the next 4 parts to be continued..