实现一个基于d3.js v4.*版本的力导向图。大致分为几个步骤:
1 获取适合force图表的数据。
2 转换数据为force能识别的结构。
3 在页面中添加svg标签和一些初始化参数。
4 绘制force 节点。
5 绘制节点之前的连线。
6 在节点上显示对应的说明。
7 在节点上添加事件(这里可能只介绍鼠标经过和双击事件)。
(以下功能请看笔记二 )
8 在连线上显示箭头方向和对应的说明。
9 替换节点为某种图标。
10 使图标不能拖出显示窗外。
11 使节点不能重叠。
12 实现动态修改数据使其图表发生变化。
13 使其图表可以自适应。
14 缩放force。
** 关于d3.js v4的API说明请查看此链接 **
1 获取数据
2 转换数据为force能识别的结构
.force("link", d3.forceLink().id(function(d){
return d.node_node_id;
.force("charge", d3.forceManyBody())
.force("center", d3.forceCenter(width_2 / 2, height_2 / 2))
3 在页面中添加svg标签和一些初始化参数
var svg_4 = d3.select("#host_service_state")
.attr("width", width_2)
.attr("height", height_2);
4 绘制force 节点
var color_4 = d3.scaleOrdinal(d3.schemeCategory20);
var svg_nodes = svg_4.append("g").selectAll("circle")
.attr("r",5) #
return color_4(i);
.call(d3.drag().on("start", dragstarted)
.on("drag", dragged)
.on("end", dragended));
function dragstarted(d) {
if (!d3.event.active) simulation.alphaTarget(0.3).restart();
d.fx = d.x;
d.fy = d.y;
function dragged(d) {
d.fx = d3.event.x;
d.fy = d3.event.y;
function dragended(d) {
if (!d3.event.active) simulation.alphaTarget(0);
d.fx = null;
d.fy = null;
5 绘制节点之前的连线
var svg_edges = svg_4.append("g").selectAll("line")
6 在节点上显示对应的说明。
var svg_texts = svg_4.selectAll("text")
.style("fill", "black")
.attr("dx", 20)
.attr("dy", 8)
if(d.node_node_type == "INSTANCE"){
return d.node_ins_name;
return d.node_display_name;
7 在节点上添加事件(这里可能只介绍鼠标经过和双击事件)
.on("dblclick", function(d,i){
.on("mouseover", function(d,i){
var graph =
"nodes": [{
"node_normal_check_interval": 1.0,
"node_ins_name": "default",
"node_last_check": 1482809563000,
"node_ins_id": 1,
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"node_is_active": 1,
"node_group_alias": "Linux Servers",
"node_output": "PING OK - Packet loss = 0%, RTA = 0.21 ms",
"node_display_name": "cloud001",
"node_type": "hosts",
"node_host_address": "",
"node_last_state_change": 1482392477000,
"node_group_obj_id": 206,
"node_alias": "cloud001",
"node_status_update_time": 1482809563000,
"node_next_check": 1482809620000,
"node_node_type": "HOST",
"node_pk_id": 4,
"node_current_state": 0,
"node_node_id": "247",
"node_obj_id": 247,
"node_parent_obj_id": 264
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"node_normal_check_interval": 1.0,
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"node_last_check": 1482809563000,
"node_ins_id": 1,
"node_retry_check_interval": 0.5,
"node_is_active": 1,
"node_group_alias": "Linux Servers",
"node_output": "PING OK - Packet loss = 0%, RTA = 0.21 ms",
"node_display_name": "cloud001",
"node_type": "hosts",
"node_host_address": "",
"node_last_state_change": 1482392477000,
"node_group_obj_id": 206,
"node_alias": "cloud001",
"node_status_update_time": 1482809563000,
"node_next_check": 1482809620000,
"node_node_type": "INSTANCE",
"node_pk_id": 4,
"node_current_state": 0,
"node_node_id": "1default",
"node_obj_id": 247,
"node_parent_obj_id": 264
}, {
"node_normal_check_interval": 1.0,
"node_ins_name": "default",
"node_last_check": 1482809563000,
"node_ins_id": 1,
"node_retry_check_interval": 0.5,
"node_is_active": 1,
"node_group_alias": "Linux Servers",
"node_output": "PING OK - Packet loss = 0%, RTA = 0.21 ms",
"node_display_name": "cloud001",
"node_type": "hosts",
"node_host_address": "",
"node_last_state_change": 1482392477000,
"node_group_obj_id": 206,
"node_alias": "cloud001",
"node_status_update_time": 1482809563000,
"node_next_check": 1482809620000,
"node_node_type": "GROUP",
"node_pk_id": 4,
"node_current_state": 0,
"node_node_id": "206",
"node_obj_id": 247,
"node_parent_obj_id": 264
}, {
"node_normal_check_interval": 1.0,
"node_ins_name": "default",
"node_last_check": 1482809563000,
"node_ins_id": 1,
"node_retry_check_interval": 0.5,
"node_is_active": 1,
"node_group_alias": "Linux Servers",
"node_output": "PING OK - Packet loss = 0%, RTA = 0.21 ms",
"node_display_name": "cloud002",
"node_type": "hosts",
"node_host_address": "",
"node_last_state_change": 1482392477000,
"node_group_obj_id": 206,
"node_alias": "cloud002",
"node_status_update_time": 1482809563000,
"node_next_check": 1482809620000,
"node_node_type": "HOST",
"node_pk_id": 3,
"node_current_state": 0,
"node_node_id": "246",
"node_obj_id": 246,
"node_parent_obj_id": 264
}, {
"node_normal_check_interval": 1.0,
"node_ins_name": "default",
"node_last_check": 1482809563000,
"node_ins_id": 1,
"node_retry_check_interval": 0.5,
"node_is_active": 1,
"node_group_alias": "Linux Servers",
"node_output": "PING OK - Packet loss = 0%, RTA = 0.18 ms",
"node_display_name": "cloud003",
"node_type": "hosts",
"node_host_address": "",
"node_last_state_change": 1482392477000,
"node_group_obj_id": 206,
"node_alias": "cloud003",
"node_status_update_time": 1482809563000,
"node_next_check": 1482809620000,
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"node_current_state": 0,
"node_node_id": "249",
"node_obj_id": 249,
"node_parent_obj_id": 264
}, {
"node_normal_check_interval": 1.0,
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"node_last_check": 1482809578000,
"node_ins_id": 1,
"node_retry_check_interval": 0.5,
"node_is_active": 1,
"node_group_alias": "Linux Servers",
"node_output": "PING OK - Packet loss = 0%, RTA = 0.31 ms",
"node_display_name": "cloud004",
"node_type": "hosts",
"node_host_address": "",
"node_last_state_change": 1482392477000,
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"node_alias": "cloud004",
"node_status_update_time": 1482809578000,
"node_next_check": 1482809637000,
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"node_obj_id": 248,
"node_parent_obj_id": 264
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"node_ins_name": "default",
"node_last_check": 1482809578000,
"node_ins_id": 1,
"node_retry_check_interval": 0.5,
"node_is_active": 1,
"node_group_alias": "Linux Servers",
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"node_display_name": "cloud005",
"node_type": "hosts",
"node_host_address": "",
"node_last_state_change": 1482737912000,
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"node_status_update_time": 1482809578000,
"node_next_check": 1482809637000,
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"node_pk_id": 7,
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"node_obj_id": 250,
"node_parent_obj_id": 264
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"node_normal_check_interval": 1.0,
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"node_last_check": 1482809578000,
"node_ins_id": 1,
"node_retry_check_interval": 0.5,
"node_is_active": 1,
"node_group_alias": "Linux Servers",
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"node_display_name": "cloud006",
"node_type": "hosts",
"node_host_address": "",
"node_last_state_change": 1482737912000,
"node_group_obj_id": 206,
"node_alias": "cloud006",
"node_status_update_time": 1482809578000,
"node_next_check": 1482809637000,
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"node_pk_id": 8,
"node_current_state": 0,
"node_node_id": "251",
"node_obj_id": 251,
"node_parent_obj_id": 264
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"node_normal_check_interval": 1.0,
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"node_last_check": 1482809578000,
"node_ins_id": 1,
"node_retry_check_interval": 0.5,
"node_is_active": 1,
"node_group_alias": "Linux Servers",
"node_output": "PING OK - Packet loss = 0%, RTA = 0.03 ms",
"node_display_name": "monitor01.cqccs.com",
"node_type": "hosts",
"node_host_address": "",
"node_last_state_change": 1482737912000,
"node_group_obj_id": 206,
"node_alias": "monitor01.cqccs.com",
"node_status_update_time": 1482809578000,
"node_next_check": 1482809637000,
"node_node_type": "HOST",
"node_pk_id": 2,
"node_current_state": 0,
"node_node_id": "232",
"node_obj_id": 232,
"node_parent_obj_id": 264
}, {
"node_normal_check_interval": 1.0,
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"node_last_check": 1482809563000,
"node_ins_id": 1,
"node_retry_check_interval": 0.5,
"node_is_active": 1,
"node_group_alias": "Linux Servers",
"node_output": "PING OK - Packet loss = 0%, RTA = 0.35 ms",
"node_display_name": "Ser-ldapDNS",
"node_type": "hosts",
"node_host_address": "",
"node_last_state_change": 1482809137000,
"node_group_obj_id": 206,
"node_alias": "Ser-ldapDNS",
"node_status_update_time": 1482809563000,
"node_next_check": 1482809620000,
"node_node_type": "HOST",
"node_pk_id": 10,
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"node_node_id": "280",
"node_obj_id": 280,
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"node_node_type": "HOST",
"node_node_id": "205",
"node_obj_id": 205
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"node_normal_check_interval": 1.0,
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"node_last_check": 1482809574000,
"node_ins_id": 1,
"node_retry_check_interval": 0.5,
"node_is_active": 1,
"node_output": "PING OK - Packet loss = 0%, RTA = 0.61 ms",
"node_display_name": "sw-ruijie1",
"node_type": "hosts",
"node_host_address": "",
"node_dependent_obj_id": 232,
"node_last_state_change": 1482737912000,
"node_alias": "sw-ruijie1",
"node_status_update_time": 1482809574000,
"node_next_check": 1482809631000,
"node_node_type": "HOST",
"node_pk_id": 9,
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"node_node_id": "264",
"node_obj_id": 264
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"node_normal_check_interval": 1.0,
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"node_last_check": 1482740833000,
"node_ins_id": 1,
"node_retry_check_interval": 0.5,
"node_is_active": 0,
"node_output": "Icinga 2 has been running for 26 minutes and 1 second. Version: r2.6.0-1",
"node_display_name": "icinga",
"node_type": "services",
"node_host_address": "",
"node_last_state_change": 1482737936000,
"node_status_update_time": 1482740833000,
"node_next_check": 1482740893000,
"node_node_type": "SERVICE",
"node_run_on": 247,
"node_pk_id": 39,
"node_current_state": 0,
"node_node_id": "266",
"node_obj_id": 266
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"node_normal_check_interval": 1.0,
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"node_last_check": 1482740871000,
"node_ins_id": 1,
"node_retry_check_interval": 0.5,
"node_is_active": 0,
"node_output": "OK - load average: 0.00, 0.05, 0.11",
"node_display_name": "load",
"node_type": "services",
"node_host_address": "",
"node_last_state_change": 1482739329000,
"node_status_update_time": 1482740871000,
"node_next_check": 1482740931000,
"node_node_type": "SERVICE",
"node_run_on": 247,
"node_pk_id": 49,
"node_current_state": 0,
"node_node_id": "276",
"node_obj_id": 276
}, {
"node_normal_check_interval": 1.0,
"node_ins_name": "default",
"node_last_check": 1482809574000,
"node_ins_id": 1,
"node_retry_check_interval": 0.5,
"node_is_active": 1,
"node_group_alias": "Ping Checks",
"node_output": "PING OK - Packet loss = 0%, RTA = 0.18 ms",
"node_display_name": "ping4",
"node_type": "services",
"node_host_address": "",
"node_last_state_change": 1482238548000,
"node_group_obj_id": 224,
"node_status_update_time": 1482809574000,
"node_next_check": 1482809631000,
"node_node_type": "SERVICE",
"node_run_on": 247,
"node_pk_id": 26,
"node_current_state": 0,
"node_node_id": "252",
"node_obj_id": 252
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"node_normal_check_interval": 1.0,
"node_ins_name": "default",
"node_last_check": 1482809574000,
"node_ins_id": 1,
"node_retry_check_interval": 0.5,
"node_is_active": 1,
"node_group_alias": "Ping Checks",
"node_output": "PING OK - Packet loss = 0%, RTA = 0.18 ms",
"node_display_name": "ping4",
"node_type": "services",
"node_host_address": "",
"node_last_state_change": 1482238548000,
"node_group_obj_id": 224,
"node_status_update_time": 1482809574000,
"node_next_check": 1482809631000,
"node_node_type": "GROUP",
"node_run_on": 247,
"node_pk_id": 26,
"node_current_state": 0,
"node_node_id": "224",
"node_obj_id": 252
}, {
"node_normal_check_interval": 1.0,
"node_ins_name": "default",
"node_last_check": 1482809553000,
"node_ins_id": 1,
"node_retry_check_interval": 0.5,
"node_is_active": 1,
"node_output": "SSH OK - OpenSSH_6.7p1 Debian-5+deb8u3 (protocol 2.0) ",
"node_display_name": "ssh",
"node_type": "services",
"node_host_address": "",
"node_last_state_change": 1482242525000,
"node_status_update_time": 1482809553000,
"node_next_check": 1482809612000,
"node_node_type": "SERVICE",
"node_run_on": 247,
"node_pk_id": 35,
"node_current_state": 0,
"node_node_id": "261",
"node_obj_id": 261
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"node_normal_check_interval": 1.0,
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"node_last_check": 1482740833000,
"node_ins_id": 1,
"node_retry_check_interval": 0.5,
"node_is_active": 0,
"node_output": "Icinga 2 has been running for 26 minutes and 1 second. Version: r2.6.0-1",
"node_display_name": "icinga",
"node_type": "services",
"node_host_address": "",
"node_last_state_change": 1482737937000,
"node_status_update_time": 1482740833000,
"node_next_check": 1482740893000,
"node_node_type": "SERVICE",
"node_run_on": 246,
"node_pk_id": 40,
"node_current_state": 0,
"node_node_id": "267",
"node_obj_id": 267
}, {
"node_normal_check_interval": 1.0,
"node_ins_name": "default",
"node_last_check": 1482740871000,
"node_ins_id": 1,
"node_retry_check_interval": 0.5,
"node_is_active": 0,
"node_output": "OK - load average: 0.00, 0.05, 0.11",
"node_display_name": "load",
"node_type": "services",
"node_host_address": "",
"node_last_state_change": 1482739329000,
"node_status_update_time": 1482740871000,
"node_next_check": 1482740931000,
"node_node_type": "SERVICE",
"node_run_on": 246,
"node_pk_id": 48,
"node_current_state": 0,
"node_node_id": "275",
"node_obj_id": 275
}, {
"node_normal_check_interval": 1.0,
"node_ins_name": "default",
"node_last_check": 1482809574000,
"node_ins_id": 1,
"node_retry_check_interval": 0.5,
"node_is_active": 1,
"node_group_alias": "Ping Checks",
"node_output": "PING OK - Packet loss = 0%, RTA = 0.19 ms",
"node_display_name": "ping4",
"node_type": "services",
"node_host_address": "",
"node_last_state_change": 1482238548000,
"node_group_obj_id": 224,
"node_status_update_time": 1482809574000,
"node_next_check": 1482809631000,
"node_node_type": "SERVICE",
"node_run_on": 246,
"node_pk_id": 28,
"node_current_state": 0,
"node_node_id": "254",
"node_obj_id": 254
}, {
"node_normal_check_interval": 1.0,
"node_ins_name": "default",
"node_last_check": 1482809553000,
"node_ins_id": 1,
"node_retry_check_interval": 0.5,
"node_is_active": 1,
"node_output": "SSH OK - OpenSSH_6.7p1 Debian-5+deb8u3 (protocol 2.0) ",
"node_display_name": "ssh",
"node_type": "services",
"node_host_address": "",
"node_last_state_change": 1482242525000,
"node_status_update_time": 1482809553000,
"node_next_check": 1482809612000,
"node_node_type": "SERVICE",
"node_run_on": 246,
"node_pk_id": 32,
"node_current_state": 0,
"node_node_id": "258",
"node_obj_id": 258
}, {
"node_normal_check_interval": 1.0,
"node_ins_name": "default",
"node_last_check": 1482740833000,
"node_ins_id": 1,
"node_retry_check_interval": 0.5,
"node_is_active": 0,
"node_output": "Icinga 2 has been running for 26 minutes and 1 second. Version: r2.6.0-1",
"node_display_name": "icinga",
"node_type": "services",
"node_host_address": "",
"node_last_state_change": 1482737937000,
"node_status_update_time": 1482740833000,
"node_next_check": 1482740893000,
"node_node_type": "SERVICE",
"node_run_on": 249,
"node_pk_id": 41,
"node_current_state": 0,
"node_node_id": "268",
"node_obj_id": 268
}, {
"node_normal_check_interval": 1.0,
"node_ins_name": "default",
"node_last_check": 1482740871000,
"node_ins_id": 1,
"node_retry_check_interval": 0.5,
"node_is_active": 0,
"node_output": "OK - load average: 0.00, 0.05, 0.11",
"node_display_name": "load",
"node_type": "services",
"node_host_address": "",
"node_last_state_change": 1482739329000,
"node_status_update_time": 1482740871000,
"node_next_check": 1482740931000,
"node_node_type": "SERVICE",
"node_run_on": 249,
"node_pk_id": 47,
"node_current_state": 0,
"node_node_id": "274",
"node_obj_id": 274
}, {
"node_normal_check_interval": 1.0,
"node_ins_name": "default",
"node_last_check": 1482809561000,
"node_ins_id": 1,
"node_retry_check_interval": 0.5,
"node_is_active": 1,
"node_group_alias": "Ping Checks",
"node_output": "PING OK - Packet loss = 0%, RTA = 0.28 ms",
"node_display_name": "ping4",
"node_type": "services",
"node_host_address": "",
"node_last_state_change": 1482238548000,
"node_group_obj_id": 224,
"node_status_update_time": 1482809561000,
"node_next_check": 1482809618000,
"node_node_type": "SERVICE",
"node_run_on": 249,
"node_pk_id": 29,
"node_current_state": 0,
"node_node_id": "255",
"node_obj_id": 255
}, {
"node_normal_check_interval": 1.0,
"node_ins_name": "default",
"node_last_check": 1482809553000,
"node_ins_id": 1,
"node_retry_check_interval": 0.5,
"node_is_active": 1,
"node_output": "SSH OK - OpenSSH_6.7p1 Debian-5+deb8u3 (protocol 2.0) ",
"node_display_name": "ssh",
"node_type": "services",
"node_host_address": "",
"node_last_state_change": 1482242525000,
"node_status_update_time": 1482809553000,
"node_next_check": 1482809612000,
"node_node_type": "SERVICE",
"node_run_on": 249,
"node_pk_id": 33,
"node_current_state": 0,
"node_node_id": "259",
"node_obj_id": 259
}, {
"node_normal_check_interval": 1.0,
"node_ins_name": "default",
"node_last_check": 1482740833000,
"node_ins_id": 1,
"node_retry_check_interval": 0.5,
"node_is_active": 0,
"node_output": "Icinga 2 has been running for 26 minutes and 1 second. Version: r2.6.0-1",
"node_display_name": "icinga",
"node_type": "services",
"node_host_address": "",
"node_last_state_change": 1482737937000,
"node_status_update_time": 1482740833000,
"node_next_check": 1482740893000,
"node_node_type": "SERVICE",
"node_run_on": 248,
"node_pk_id": 42,
"node_current_state": 0,
"node_node_id": "269",
"node_obj_id": 269
}, {
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"node_last_check": 1482740871000,
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"node_retry_check_interval": 0.5,
"node_is_active": 0,
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"node_display_name": "load",
"node_type": "services",
"node_host_address": "",
"node_last_state_change": 1482739329000,
"node_status_update_time": 1482740871000,
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"node_last_check": 1482809561000,
"node_ins_id": 1,
"node_retry_check_interval": 0.5,
"node_is_active": 1,
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"node_display_name": "ping4",
"node_type": "services",
"node_host_address": "",
"node_last_state_change": 1482238550000,
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"node_status_update_time": 1482809561000,
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"node_node_type": "SERVICE",
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"node_last_check": 1482809601000,
"node_ins_id": 1,
"node_retry_check_interval": 0.5,
"node_is_active": 1,
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"node_display_name": "ssh",
"node_type": "services",
"node_host_address": "",
"node_last_state_change": 1482242525000,
"node_status_update_time": 1482809601000,
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"node_last_check": 1482740848000,
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"node_retry_check_interval": 0.5,
"node_is_active": 0,
"node_output": "Icinga 2 has been running for 26 minutes and 16 seconds. Version: r2.6.0-1",
"node_display_name": "icinga",
"node_type": "services",
"node_host_address": "",
"node_last_state_change": 1482737937000,
"node_status_update_time": 1482740848000,
"node_next_check": 1482740908000,
"node_node_type": "SERVICE",
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"node_last_check": 1482740871000,
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"node_output": "OK - load average: 0.00, 0.05, 0.11",
"node_display_name": "load",
"node_type": "services",
"node_host_address": "",
"node_last_state_change": 1482739329000,
"node_status_update_time": 1482740871000,
"node_next_check": 1482740931000,
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"node_display_name": "ping4",
"node_type": "services",
"node_host_address": "",
"node_last_state_change": 1482809109000,
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"node_display_name": "ssh",
"node_type": "services",
"node_host_address": "",
"node_last_state_change": 1482242526000,
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"node_output": "Icinga 2 has been running for 26 minutes and 39 seconds. Version: r2.6.0-1",
"node_display_name": "icinga",
"node_type": "services",
"node_host_address": "",
"node_last_state_change": 1482737937000,
"node_status_update_time": 1482740871000,
"node_next_check": 1482740931000,
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"node_display_name": "load",
"node_type": "services",
"node_host_address": "",
"node_last_state_change": 1482739329000,
"node_status_update_time": 1482740871000,
"node_next_check": 1482740931000,
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"node_display_name": "ping4",
"node_type": "services",
"node_host_address": "",
"node_last_state_change": 1482809109000,
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"node_status_update_time": 1482809593000,
"node_next_check": 1482809650000,
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"node_output": "SSH OK - OpenSSH_6.7p1 Debian-5+deb8u3 (protocol 2.0) ",
"node_display_name": "ssh",
"node_type": "services",
"node_host_address": "",
"node_last_state_change": 1482242526000,
"node_status_update_time": 1482809601000,
"node_next_check": 1482809659000,
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"node_display_name": "apt",
"node_type": "services",
"node_host_address": "",
"node_last_state_change": 1482233107000,
"node_status_update_time": 1482809608000,
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"node_display_name": "disk",
"node_type": "services",
"node_host_address": "",
"node_last_state_change": 1482233106000,
"node_group_obj_id": 222,
"node_status_update_time": 1482809609000,
"node_next_check": 1482809668000,
"node_node_type": "SERVICE",
"node_run_on": 232,
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"node_last_check": 1482809609000,
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"node_retry_check_interval": 0.5,
"node_is_active": 1,
"node_group_alias": "Disk Checks",
"node_output": "DISK OK - free space: / 2769 MB (79% inode=92%): /usr 4913 MB (70% inode=78%): /mnt/fornfs/nfs_svn 118535 MB (66% inode=94%): /mnt/fornfs/nfs_ftp 43998 MB (24% inode=99%): /mnt/fornfs/nfs_dxllf 720829 MB (73% inode=99%): /var 2004 MB (57% inode=96%): /home 6983 MB (99% inode=99%): /proxmox 368883 MB (77% inode=99%): /backup 64162 MB (83% inode=99%): /mnt/fornfs/nfs_deve 91754 MB (96% inode=99%): /mnt/itsm 95443 MB (99% inode=99%): /yuyin/movies/disk2 782 MB (86% inode=98%): /mnt/user_bak 126959 MB (66% inode=99%): /mnt/itsupp 208240 MB (36% inode=99%): /yuyin/movies/disk1 422 MB (46% inode=95%): /ownCloud 270943 MB (93% inode=99%): /var/lib/mysql 9362 MB (99% inode=99%):",
"node_display_name": "disk",
"node_type": "services",
"node_host_address": "",
"node_last_state_change": 1482233106000,
"node_group_obj_id": 222,
"node_status_update_time": 1482809609000,
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"node_ins_id": 1,
"node_retry_check_interval": 0.5,
"node_is_active": 0,
"node_group_alias": "Disk Checks",
"node_output": "DISK OK - free space: / 2769 MB (79% inode=92%):",
"node_display_name": "disk /",
"node_type": "services",
"node_host_address": "",
"node_last_state_change": 1482233108000,
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"node_status_update_time": 1482237824000,
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"node_last_check": 1482237824000,
"node_ins_id": 1,
"node_retry_check_interval": 0.5,
"node_is_active": 0,
"node_group_alias": "HTTP Checks",
"node_output": "HTTP OK: HTTP/1.1 200 OK - 10975 bytes in 0.001 second response time ",
"node_display_name": "http",
"node_type": "services",
"node_host_address": "",
"node_last_state_change": 1482233108000,
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"node_last_check": 1482237824000,
"node_ins_id": 1,
"node_retry_check_interval": 0.5,
"node_is_active": 0,
"node_group_alias": "HTTP Checks",
"node_output": "HTTP OK: HTTP/1.1 200 OK - 10975 bytes in 0.001 second response time ",
"node_display_name": "http",
"node_type": "services",
"node_host_address": "",
"node_last_state_change": 1482233108000,
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"node_status_update_time": 1482237824000,
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"node_last_check": 1482809594000,
"node_ins_id": 1,
"node_retry_check_interval": 0.5,
"node_is_active": 1,
"node_group_alias": "HTTP Checks",
"node_output": "HTTP OK: HTTP/1.1 301 Moved Permanently - 569 bytes in 0.001 second response time ",
"node_display_name": "Icinga Web 2",
"node_type": "services",
"node_host_address": "",
"node_last_state_change": 1482237885000,
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"node_status_update_time": 1482809594000,
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"node_node_type": "SERVICE",
"node_run_on": 232,
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"node_obj_id": 245
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"node_last_check": 1482809594000,
"node_ins_id": 1,
"node_retry_check_interval": 0.5,
"node_is_active": 1,
"node_output": "Icinga 2 has been running for 8 minutes and 37 seconds. Version: r2.6.0-1",
"node_display_name": "icinga",
"node_type": "services",
"node_host_address": "",
"node_last_state_change": 1482233108000,
"node_status_update_time": 1482809594000,
"node_next_check": 1482809652000,
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"node_run_on": 232,
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"node_last_check": 1482809593000,
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"node_retry_check_interval": 0.5,
"node_is_active": 1,
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"node_display_name": "load",
"node_type": "services",
"node_host_address": "",
"node_last_state_change": 1482233106000,
"node_status_update_time": 1482809593000,
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"node_run_on": 232,
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"node_obj_id": 241
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"node_last_check": 1482809576000,
"node_ins_id": 1,
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"node_is_active": 1,
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"node_display_name": "ping4",
"node_type": "services",
"node_host_address": "",
"node_last_state_change": 1482233109000,
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"node_display_name": "ping6",
"node_type": "services",
"node_host_address": "",
"node_last_state_change": 1482233112000,
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"node_obj_id": 234
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"node_retry_check_interval": 0.5,
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"node_display_name": "procs",
"node_type": "services",
"node_host_address": "",
"node_last_state_change": 1482233105000,
"node_status_update_time": 1482809594000,
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"node_ins_id": 1,
"node_retry_check_interval": 0.5,
"node_is_active": 1,
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"node_display_name": "ssh",
"node_type": "services",
"node_host_address": "",
"node_last_state_change": 1482237705000,
"node_status_update_time": 1482809609000,
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"node_run_on": 232,
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"node_retry_check_interval": 0.5,
"node_is_active": 1,
"node_output": "SWAP OK - 100% free (3812 MB out of 3814 MB) ",
"node_display_name": "swap",
"node_type": "services",
"node_host_address": "",
"node_last_state_change": 1482233106000,
"node_status_update_time": 1482809594000,
"node_next_check": 1482809652000,
"node_node_type": "SERVICE",
"node_run_on": 232,
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"node_obj_id": 243
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"node_ins_id": 1,
"node_retry_check_interval": 0.5,
"node_is_active": 1,
"node_output": "USERS OK - 2 users currently logged in ",
"node_display_name": "users",
"node_type": "services",
"node_host_address": "",
"node_last_state_change": 1482233106000,
"node_status_update_time": 1482809593000,
"node_next_check": 1482809651000,
"node_node_type": "SERVICE",
"node_run_on": 232,
"node_pk_id": 24,
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"node_node_id": "244",
"node_obj_id": 244
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"node_last_check": 1482809585000,
"node_ins_id": 1,
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"node_display_name": "ping4",
"node_type": "services",
"node_host_address": "",
"node_last_state_change": 1482809140000,
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"node_status_update_time": 1482809585000,
"node_next_check": 1482809644000,
"node_node_type": "SERVICE",
"node_run_on": 280,
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"node_node_id": "281",
"node_obj_id": 281
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"node_retry_check_interval": 0.5,
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"node_display_name": "ssh",
"node_type": "services",
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"node_last_state_change": 1482809134000,
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"node_display_name": "apt",
"node_type": "services",
"node_last_state_change": 1482200240000,
"node_status_update_time": 1482233028000,
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"node_group_alias": "Disk Checks",
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"node_display_name": "disk",
"node_type": "services",
"node_last_state_change": 1482200238000,
"node_group_obj_id": 222,
"node_status_update_time": 1482233011000,
"node_next_check": 1482233071000,
"node_node_type": "SERVICE",
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"node_pk_id": 6,
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"node_retry_check_interval": 0.5,
"node_is_active": 0,
"node_group_alias": "Disk Checks",
"node_output": "DISK OK - free space: / 2769 MB (79% inode=92%):",
"node_display_name": "disk /",
"node_type": "services",
"node_last_state_change": 1482200237000,
"node_group_obj_id": 222,
"node_status_update_time": 1482233038000,
"node_next_check": 1482233098000,
"node_node_type": "SERVICE",
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"node_display_name": "http",
"node_type": "services",
"node_last_state_change": 1482200238000,
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"node_is_active": 0,
"node_output": "Icinga 2 has been running for 2 hours, 21 minutes and 37 seconds. Version: r2.6.0-1",
"node_display_name": "icinga",
"node_type": "services",
"node_last_state_change": 1482200238000,
"node_status_update_time": 1482233011000,
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"node_node_type": "SERVICE",
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"node_display_name": "load",
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"node_last_state_change": 1482200237000,
"node_status_update_time": 1482233038000,
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"node_node_type": "SERVICE",
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"node_display_name": "ping4",
"node_type": "services",
"node_last_state_change": 1482200242000,
"node_group_obj_id": 224,
"node_status_update_time": 1482233047000,
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"node_node_type": "SERVICE",
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"node_display_name": "ping6",
"node_type": "services",
"node_last_state_change": 1482200242000,
"node_group_obj_id": 224,
"node_status_update_time": 1482233047000,
"node_next_check": 1482233104000,
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"node_display_name": "procs",
"node_type": "services",
"node_last_state_change": 1482200237000,
"node_status_update_time": 1482233038000,
"node_next_check": 1482233098000,
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"node_retry_check_interval": 0.5,
"node_is_active": 0,
"node_output": "connect to address and port 22: Connection refused",
"node_display_name": "ssh",
"node_type": "services",
"node_last_state_change": 1482200238000,
"node_status_update_time": 1482233037000,
"node_next_check": 1482233097000,
"node_node_type": "SERVICE",
"node_run_on": 205,
"node_pk_id": 4,
"node_current_state": 2,
"node_node_id": "213",
"node_obj_id": 213
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"node_last_check": 1482233011000,
"node_ins_id": 1,
"node_retry_check_interval": 0.5,
"node_is_active": 0,
"node_output": "SWAP OK - 100% free (3812 MB out of 3814 MB) ",
"node_display_name": "swap",
"node_type": "services",
"node_last_state_change": 1482200238000,
"node_status_update_time": 1482233011000,
"node_next_check": 1482233071000,
"node_node_type": "SERVICE",
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"node_pk_id": 11,
"node_current_state": 0,
"node_node_id": "220",
"node_obj_id": 220
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"node_last_check": 1482233038000,
"node_ins_id": 1,
"node_retry_check_interval": 0.5,
"node_is_active": 0,
"node_output": "USERS OK - 1 users currently logged in ",
"node_display_name": "users",
"node_type": "services",
"node_last_state_change": 1482200237000,
"node_status_update_time": 1482233038000,
"node_next_check": 1482233098000,
"node_node_type": "SERVICE",
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"node_current_state": 0,
"node_node_id": "221",
"node_obj_id": 221
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"node_last_check": 1482740848000,
"node_ins_id": 1,
"node_retry_check_interval": 0.5,
"node_is_active": 0,
"node_output": "Icinga 2 has been running for 26 minutes and 16 seconds. Version: r2.6.0-1",
"node_display_name": "icinga",
"node_type": "services",
"node_host_address": "",
"node_last_state_change": 1482737937000,
"node_status_update_time": 1482740848000,
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"node_node_type": "SERVICE",
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"node_obj_id": 272
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"node_ins_name": "default",
"node_last_check": 1482740848000,
"node_ins_id": 1,
"node_retry_check_interval": 0.5,
"node_is_active": 0,
"node_output": "OK - load average: 0.00, 0.06, 0.11",
"node_display_name": "load",
"node_type": "services",
"node_host_address": "",
"node_last_state_change": 1482739329000,
"node_status_update_time": 1482740848000,
"node_next_check": 1482740908000,
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"node_node_id": "277",
"node_obj_id": 277
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"node_last_check": 1482809582000,
"node_ins_id": 1,
"node_retry_check_interval": 0.5,
"node_is_active": 1,
"node_group_alias": "Ping Checks",
"node_output": "PING OK - Packet loss = 0%, RTA = 0.62 ms",
"node_display_name": "ping4",
"node_type": "services",
"node_host_address": "",
"node_last_state_change": 1482372719000,
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"node_node_id": "265",
"node_obj_id": 265
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