晚上和巴西Country Manager F一家人见面,我和F是瑞士一起工作同事,有共患难的感觉;当时她自己工作,老公M随行带孩子做家庭主妇,失去所有自信心,G就自己回巴西啦,任性!为了挽救婚姻F也搬回来;我很他们一家都很熟悉,当年在瑞士她让我帮她小儿子大号换尿布,场面太colorful生动,我一天没吃下去饭,彻底断送了孩子很纯洁干净遐想。现在一家人典型巴西中产阶级,和我Downtown碰到的人群完全不同:在一个最好Barbecue餐厅里,都是领结服务生穿梭给你各种烤肉,我反复道歉自己不吃肉,在当地人眼里就相当于不吃饭的怪物,很受白眼!老公M换若两人,已经是一家外企的总经理,瑞士做家庭主妇的憋屈都以大男子主义加倍表现出来,叱咤风云的和我讨论国家经济和时事,这种状态是我强项,让他感觉很high,超级有口若悬河的欲望!F一直关照两个孩子,穿的都是美国欧洲买的衣服,好可怜!我看到巴西完全分裂的极端,也知道当地公立教育质量极低,私立费用极高!Elite越来越Elite,抢劫犯继续打劫中国人!
After robbed first day, I should be more modest.......yes morning jog to the park I did not dare to take my phone out until inside this park artwork: gabage sculpture, I was walking inside then realize it can be a bit dangerous as well.............anyhow did not stay long and jog in the park with many people around, seems safe enough:+)Then morning walk to the main financial street, without any bad on hand and sneakly take a photo when I see this booth...........hope nobody noticing it.
The view from my hotel balcony, into downtown is nice............
Love the breakfast, the best Papaya in the world.........tropical fruits is phenomenal!!!
The park has many black swans.........they told me it is like Central Park in New York, yes yes it is nice park, but...........like Central Park so much more.
Walking to the finance main street come cross this small park with Chinese Gongfu practice.......or Taiji whatever u can call it, quite nice!
Sugar cane drink in this nice neighborhood is fresh, like it very much. It is like a paradise in a noisy and unsafe world, u appreciate place like this so much more!
Just about right time to walk back to hotel, pass some nice neighborhood of Embassy areas. Fabiana came with the whole crew, kids are getting so much bigger and amazing thing is how her husband has transformed from a quite man in Switzerland to a very proud business man showing me his country and local customs.........we were in a very nice barbecue restaurant...........salad bar can fill me up already without taking any this barbecue staff showing off their huge meat and seafood sticks!!! A very nice atmosphere even for non meat eater I enjoy the hot air there!!! Great to see how happy the whole family is!
Evening got a great dinner, Japanese one with Ceci, she is suffering and transforming during the past one year moving from Mexico to Brazil, not that easy as I thought as it is from neighboring country...........But good for her and she is surely growing up with more maturity and acknowledgement on real quality of life..........