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L04U01 1-1 Listening (Christina visits her friends)

Christina is on a two week vacation.

This is the first vacation she is had for a long time.

The last vacation she took was more than two years ago.

(She hasn’t taken any vacation in the past year.)

(She hasn’t had a vacation for more than 2 years.)

Now she is visiting a friend in San Francisco.

Her friend and her husband are living near the center of the city.

He works for a start-up company in Silicon Valley.

While he is working she works part-time at a department store.

## Christina hasn’t seen her friend for a long time.

The last time they saw each other was three years ago. (It has been three years.)

At that time, they were both working at a department store.

Then Christina quit her job and started her own business.

She designs women’s clothing.

She has two employees now and her company is slowly growing.

Christina has come to San Fransisco by herself.

## Her husband didn’t come because he has to work.

He tried to start a company two years ago, but it didn’t work out.

## His company failed after only a few months.

So, now he is working at another company and saving money.

(He want’s having enough money to start a new company.)

Once he saves enough money, he plans to start another company.

He doesn’t want to give up.

# This is the second time Christina has been to San Francisco.

The first time was when she was a high school student.

That was more than 10 years ago.

# (It has been more than '10 years since her last trip to San Francisco.)

# During that 'trip she was 'only in San Francisco for a few days.

After that, she went to Los Angeles and New York.

This time, she and her friend plan to relax and have fun.

Christina arrived two days ago, the day before yesterday.

# Her friend met her at the 'airport and 'drove her to her apartment.

Her apartment is just northern of the airport, about 20 minutes from San Fransisco.

It’s a small apartment, but it’s on the hill and it has a great view.

1) Yesterday, they went downtown and rode the cable cars. (关于为什么用ride而非take,评论里车同学有参考资料链接^-~)

2) ## Christina was surprised by how steep the hills are.

3) # Then they walked ~ along the ocean and ate 'lunch at a seafood restaurant.

4) From the restaurant, they could see the Golden Gate Bridge.

Tomorrow they’re planing to drive to Yosemite national park.

By car, it’s about 4 hours away.

Christina has never been there before, so she is exited.

## She has heard that the park is very beautiful.

Her friend has been to Yosemite several times.

She says it’s one of the most beautiful places in the world.

Christina just hopes that her friend is a good driver.


L04U01 1-2 Vocabulary (Illness / Terrain)

Headaches can be very painful and can last for a long time.

If you have a headache, you head hurts.

# A sprained ankle can be very/so painful that you can't walk.

(out wound, and your foot in wound)

Someone with a sprained ankle may need to use crutches to walk.

If you have a sore throat, it may be painful to swallow.

A sore throat can be caused by viruses or bacteria.

A burn is an injury to the skin caused by fire or heat.

If you get too close to a fire you will be burned.

## An earache is a sharp, dull or burning pain in the ear.

Common causes of an earache including an infection, a changing air pressure, or a water in the ear.

+## (A headache can be caused by an injury to the head.)

(When you have a sore throat, the back of your throat is often red and infected.)

+# (Earaches occur more often among small children than adults.)

(can happen when your ankle turns outward, and your xxx turns inward.)

Mountains or landforms are higher than 2000 feet, or about 200 meters above sea level.

## Hills are like mountains, but not as tall.

Mountains are formed by forces deep within the Earth and are made of many types of rocks.

Rivers are streams of water that usually begin in mountains and flow into the sea.

Many early cities were built alongside Rivers.

+## Most of the world's water is in the oceans, which are large bodies of salt water.

+## The oceans are also an important source of oxygen.

## Deserts are areas of land that receive little or no rainfall.

# The amount of rainfall in 'some deserts is so 'low that only a few plants can survive.

A valley is a low relatively flat area between Hills or mountains. Often with a river running through it.

Some valleys are formed by flowing water, and others are formed by glaciers.

# (Desert temperature can range from cold at night to very hot during the day time, often above 120 degrees Fahrenheit.)

(Valleys are formed by flowing water are usually a V-shaped and are much longer than they are wide.)

(The place where a river begins is its source.)

# (The Pacific Ocean is the largest and deepest ocean, covering more area than all the continents put together.)


L04U01 1-3 Dialogue (Choosing restaurant)

Have you eaten yet?

No, I haven’t. And I’m hungry.

Me too. Let’s go out for dinner.

Where to?

What about Joe’s Italian?

+## How many times have you eaten there?

I eat there a lot.

It’s one of my favorite places.

# I went there two weeks 'ago, and the service was 'terrible.

+# (When she went there two weeks ago, the service was awful.)

Really? Then let’s go some place else.

What do you suggest?

How about the Royal Indian?

It’s not far from here.

I've never heard of it. Is it good?

Yes, I’ve been there several times, and I’ve never been disappointed.

+## (She has been there several times.)

Okey, let’s try it.

I haven’t eaten Indian food for a long time.

+# You won’t be disappointed; and the prices are reasonable.

+# Ah, so you mean I’m going to pay?

## Well, that would certainly be nice.

What about reservations?

+# If we get there early enough, we won’t need them.

# (If they don’t get there early enough, they may have to wait.)

+## I hope you’re right.

Don’t worry.

## If we have to wait, I’ll pay the bill.


L04U01 2-1 Listening (Visiting Yosemite)

Today Christina and her friend are enjoying themselves.

They got up early and drove out of San Francisco.

They crossed the Bay Bridge before the early morning commute and drove south.

Because it was so early, there were almost no cars.

After driving an hour and a half, they stopped and had breakfast.

They ordered pancakes and coffee.

They also had some fresh fruit.

## When they finished eating, it was 7 o’clock.

Then they got back into the car and drove south.

# Christina wanted to listen to music, so they turned on the radio.

An hour later, they stopped for gas.

# They notice that there was also a charging station for electric cars.

This’s now 1:15, and they are in Yosemite Park.

+## They have been there for 2 hours since 11:15.(When did they arrive?)

+## They’re looking at Yosemite falls, which is the highest waterfall in the park.

The water drops at total of 740 meters from the top of upper fall to the base of lower fall.

In other 15 minutes, they plan to eat lunch at a magnificent old hotel in the park.

It was built in 1927 and has great view.

## They wanted to stay there, but they couldn’t get reservations.(They didn't the reserve early enough.)

# To get a room at that hotel you usually need to make reservations ~ several months in advance.

## They plan to stay in the park until around 4 o’clock.

+## By then they will have been in the park for nearly 5 hours.

Then they will get back into the car and drive back to San Francisco.

## The plan to eat dinner somewhere along the way.

If the traffic isn’t too bad, they should be back in San Francisco by 10 o'clock

+# Early tomorrow morning, they’re going to cross the Golden Gate Bridge, and go north along the coast.

# From some places, you can look ~ out ~ on the ocean and see whales and other sea life.

## Christina has never seen ~ a whale before, so she's looking forward to it.

And tomorrow night, they have something special plan.

They are going to watch a baseball game.

+# Christina has never seen a baseball game, but she has heard that it is very popular in the US.

And San Francisco baseball team is one of the best.


L04U01 2-2 Vocabulary (Physics / Mathematics)

A force is a push or pull on an object.

+## A force changes the motion of a moving abject.

A force can be strong or weak, and always have a direction.

(A force can increase or decrease the speed of an object, and can change the direction of motion.)

+# The earth is a planet that goes around the sun in a circular orbit.

The speed of its motion doesn’t change, but the direction of its motion does.

+# The earth has a layer of gas above its surface which helps to support life.

## Atoms are the building blocks of matter.

(The electric force between the nucleus and the electrons holds the atom together.)

At the center of an atom is its nucleus, which has a positive electric charge.

Outside the nucleus are electrons, which has a native charge.

Asteroids and commits are objects that orbit our sun, but smaller than planets. (小行星)

(They are too small to hold an atmosphere in place.)

# (If they collide with Earth they could cause an extinction event.)

Asteroids that pass close to the Earth are called near-earth objects.

# The layer of gases just above earth's surface is our atmosphere.

The atmosphere is made of gases, such as oxygen and nitrogen. (氮)

+## Without an atmosphere, there would 'be no life on Earth.

The two lines on the left, inner-site with each other at a right angle, which is 90 degrees.

# The two lines on the right are parallel, which means they never cross.

## A rectangular is two-dimensional figure with four sides.

The adjacent sides of a rectangular are perpendicular, which means they meet at a 90 degree angle.

(adj. 邻近的,毗连的;) (垂直的)

The opposite of rectangular are equal and parallel, which means they never cross.

The area of a rectangular is the length times the width.

A circle is a two-dimensional figure with a radius and circumference, which is the distance around the circle. (周长)

The area of a circle is Pi r squared, where r is the radius and Pi is the ratio of a circle's circumference to its diameter. (n. 比率,比例)

A sphere is a three-dimensional figure with radius and volume, which is 3/4 (four third Pi r Cu)

All points on the surface of a sphere are equidistant from its center.

A right-triangle is a two-dimensional figure with three sides, two which are perpendicular.

To find its area, multiply the lengths of the two perpendicular sides, A and B, divide by two, A equal one half A B square.


L04U01 2-3 Dialogue (Talking about work pressure when eating)

## Have you finished eating yet?

No, I haven’t.

Why are you in such a hurry?

## I’m sorry, but you are such a slow eater.

A slow eater?

Well, I try to enjoy my food.

You just eat and swallow.

## I don’t see how you can even taste it.

Okay, I’m sorry.

Do you mind if I get another glass of wine. (she allows him to...)

No, go ahead.

I don’t want you to sit that putting pressure on me.

# I 'thought we were going to have a relaxing evening.(opposite of high-pressure evening)

Yes, you’re right.

I’d like to relax, but I have a lot of my mind.

Work related?

Yes, it is.

# I’ve been getting some strange ~ emails from my boss.

He wants me to cut down on my expenses. (spend less)

Maybe he wants to fire me. (He may lose his job.)

Is business bad?

Yes, it is. But I don’t talk about it. (his business)

Okay, but I’m a good listener.

You can tell me if you'd like to.

Thanks, maybe some other time.

I’ll try to stop thinking about it, and deal with it tomorrow.

Good idea.

You need to take break from work. (to stop working for a while)

You health is important, and so am I.

Yes, you are.

I don’t know what I would do without you.


L04U01 3-1 Listening (Harry’s dream job)

Harry is an American business man.

## His job requires him to do a lot of travelling.

He takes 9 to 10 trips a year.

+## In the past 6 months he has made 5 trips.

## (He has made 5 trips in the last 6 months.)

Three were to Asia and two were to Europe.

## The purpose of these trips is to attend meetings 'and make presentations.

(His job requires him to attend meetings in many countries.)

Harry loves to travel and he has traveled(been) to many countries.

+## Most of his trips are for one or two weeks.

+# His first international trip was 15 year ago when he was 20 years old.

He really wanted to see Asia, so he and a friend flew to Tokyo, Japan.

From Tokyo, they traveled around Japan for two weeks.

+# The people they met were very nice, but most of them didn’t speak english.

# Harry tried to speak a little Japanese, but it was difficult.

He didn’t do very well.

# When he spoke to 'people, 'most of them just look at him.

+## They didn’t understand what he was trying to say.

From Japan, they went to Korea for a week, and then 'they went to China.

In China, they visited the great wall near Beijing.

They stayed in Beijing for a few days and then boarded a train to Shanghai.

It was a overnight train with sleeping cars.

During the journey, they enjoyed looking out the window of the countryside.

The view from the train was wonderful.

Harry will never forget watching the sun go down in the evening.

It was a beautiful sunset.

# The journey to Shanghai took many hours, but 'it was an unforgettable experience.

On the train, they met a Chinese professor who spoke english.

He was a middle aged man whose hair was turning grey.

He told them about how things were changing in China.(the many changes China was experiencing)

## It was wonderful to watching him as he was ~ speaking.

## His eyes were full of energy and excitement.

They only stayed in Shanghai for couple of days.

Then they returned to the US and went back to school.

## They had one more year to finish their studies.

Harry’s next few trips were to different parts of the world.

He went to Europe twice, each time to different counties.

On one trip, he traveled through the UK and French.

On the next trip, he went Italy and Greece.

After Europe, he travelled to Mexico and South America.

In South America, he went to Argentina and Brazil.

He enjoyed watching some great soccer matches.

Then he decided to go back to Asia.

But this time, he went to southeast Asia.(after south America)

He visited to Vietnam, Thailand and Singapore.(he visited three countries)

Each county had a charm of its own.

# After all this travel, Harry decided to make travel part of his career.

He didn’t want to work only in the US.

He didn’t want to work only with Americans.

# He wanted to experience other countries and other cultures.

His dream was to work for an international company.

## Five years ago, his dream came true.(hired by an international company)

Now he’s working for a German hi-tech company.

As a part of his job, he has to travel

## As a result, he has been to many cities and countries.

And he has met many interesting people.


L04U01 3-2 Vocabulary (Medicine)

+# A dental cavity is a hole in a tooth.

A cavity is cause by bacteria in the mouth.

Brushing you teeth frequently and regularly can help prevent cavities.

# A cracked tooth can be cause by biting down on something hard.

Dentist treat a cracked tooth by covering it with a crown.

+## A dental x-ray is a picture of your teeth and gums.

An x-ray shows what can be seen on the surface of teeth and gums.

Braces are used by dentist to strengthen teeth over a period of years.

Though braces are usually for children, they can also be used for an adult with crooked teeth.

# (Braces are used on people with crooked teeth or after an injury.)

## To extract a tooth means to remove it from the mouth.

## Dentist have to pull hard to extract a tooth.

# The heart pumps blood to all parts of the body through a system of arteries and veins. (动脉和静脉)

It's located in the chest, between the lungs and beats about once per second.

## The kidneys remove waste and toxins from the blood. (毒素)

They’re bean shape organs, and about 10cm long and 6cm width.

The lungs exchange oxygen from the air with carbon dioxide from the blood.

+## They expend when ~ inhaling air and contract when ~ exhaling air.

+# The stomach is blew the heart and is part of the digestive system.

It uses acids to digest food before passing it to the small ~ intestine. (小肠)

The bladders are balloon shape organ that collect urine from kidney.

In an adult, the bladder can hold about half litter of urine.


L04U01 3-3 Dialogue (Arresting a car chief)

Good evening sir.

You were driving too fast.

Really? Was I?

Yes, you were going well above the speed limit.

I'm sorry officer.

OK, I need to see your driver's license.

Here's my driver's license.

(He has given his driver's license to the police officer.)

Your license has expired.

Are you aware of that?

No sir, that's a surprise.

I didn't know.

(he's lying.)

It expired more than a year ago.

Is this your car?

No sir, it's a friend's.

I'm borrowing it for the night.

(He probably isn't telling the truth.)

# Get out of the car, and put your hand behind your back.

Why officer? What have I done?

Just do as I say.

Okay officer, I'm cooperating.(...to do as asked.)

Please don't push me.

Get your hands behind your back.

Okay, Okay!

I'm not asking you.

I'm ordering you.(...to command them to do it.)

Please officer!

## I haven't done anything wrong.

## Stay still and don't say anything.(Don't move.)

This is a stolen car. ## Are you aware of that?(...to know.)

Are you going to arrest me?

What do you think?

That's what we do with car chiefs.

If you let me go, I'll gave you a couple thousand dollars.

I haven't heard anybody.

So now you are trying to bribe me?

How stupid can you be?

I just don't want to go back to jail.

Give me a break.

Sure, you are a nice guy.

I'd like to give you a break.

But there is nothing I can do.

Please officer!

OK, where is the money?

Let me see it and I'll think about it.


L04U01 4-1 Listening (QuickServe’s new model / World’s population)

QuickServe is a successful home repair company.

## It_ provides quick, reliable repair services to homes. (...to be dependable)

## It was established 5 years ago and has been expanding rapidly.

+## In the last ~ two years, it ~ has opened ~ offices in 3 new cities.

# Because of its rapid growth, it has to hire many new employees.

+## In the last 6 months, it has hired 50 new employees.

+# The total number of employees in the company is now over 500.

+# And the number of customers has increased to more than 5000.

The company has also improved its business model.

Instead of offering only repair services, it ~ can now help costumers upgrade their appliances.(To upgrade something means to add features or quality.)

QuickServe does this by giving a choice.

+## Customers can choose ~ to repair an appliance or upgrade it by buying a new one.

+## If they choose to buy a new one, they will get a discounted price.

+# So a customer can either repair a broken refrigerator for a small fee or buy a new one. (A fee is a charge for a service)

# If they ‘buy a new one, they will get a discounted price, along with free installation.

This is possible because several appliance manufacturers have agreed to give QuickServe big discounts.

QuickServe then ~ installs the new appliance and removes the old one.

## Feedback from customers has been positive.

+# A high percentage of costumers have taken advantage of this new service.

+## As a result, QuickServe has developed a great reputation.

## Its 'dedication to high quality service ~ has proven to be successful.

(n. 奉献;献身;赠言)

+## Its word-of-month approach to advertising has been cost ~ effective.


The appliance manufacturers have also been happy with the results.

## Their growing relationship with QuickServe has helped_ to increase their sales.

The world's population is growing.

There are now were 7 billion people in the world.

During the 20th century, the population grew from 1.65 billion to 6 billion. (at the end of 20th century)

+## It's now growing at a rate of around 1.1 percent per year.(how fast)

That means it increased about 80 million per year.

By 2024, the population is expected to be around 8 billion people.

The growth rate used to be higher.

# In the late 1960s, the rate of growth was about 2%.

+## Since then the growth rate has declined.(since 1960s)

+# It is estimated that the growth rate will be least than 1% by 2020.


+## By the year 2050, the growth rate should be even less.

Even with a declining growth rate, the population will continue to grow.

But will grow as a slower rate. (the growth rate)

+## In the past 50 years, the world's population has been more than doubled.

It is doubled from around 3 billion in 1960 to more than 7 billion in 2011.

## The rate of growth varies by country.

# The growth rate in 'India is more than 'twice that of China.

# (India's 'growth rate is more than 'twice the growth rate of China.)

The growth rate in Nigeria, which is in Africa, is more than twice of India's growth rate.

Russia on the other hand, has had negative growth rate in some years.

+# When a country has a negative growth rate, its population is decreasing.


L04U01 4-2 Vocabulary (Famous people / Characteristic)

# Co-founder of Apple, this entrepreneur was the major figure in the computer industry. 重要人物

He was self-centered and difficult to work for, but he leaded the development of many great products.

(Though he was difficult to work for, his creative genius inspired others to do great works.)

## He died of cancer when he was just 56 years old.

Jack Ma is one of the richest and most famous man in China.

He comes from a poor family, and failed his college entrance exam twice. 高考

+# Despite his many failures he has built one ~ of the world’s 'largest internet companies.

David Beckham is one of the world’s richest and most famous athletes.

+## He started playing professional football when he was just 17.

Much of his success as an athlete is because he practiced harder than many other players.

As a young girl in Pakistan, Malala became famous for her righting on women’s education.

(Malala Yousafzai)

In 2012, she was shot in the head and nearly killed.

## (She was shot and nearly killed while on a school bus.)

She survived the injury and became the world’s most famous teenager.

# (She has won 'many prizes including the _Nobel 'Peace Prize.)

Born in 1942, Steven Hawking is one of the world’s most famous 'scientists.

When he was 23, he was diagnosed with ALS, a rare disease of nurse.

(Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis 肌萎缩性脊髓侧索硬化症)

+## Because ~ of his disease, he is unable to walk and talk.

+# (Despite of his condition, he has made important discoveries about the creation of the universe.)

+# Shy people are usually quiet and uncomfortable around ~ other people.

They generally dislike going to social events such as parties.

It’s often difficult to make friend with shy person, because he won’t open ~ up.

# Outgoing people enjoy being with others and are comfortable in social situations.

They are friendly and pleasant to be with. Though sometimes they can’t be trusted.

# (Outgoing people often have many friends and can be very quite popular.)

## Self-centered people like to be the center of ~ attention.

They like people to look at them and pay attention to them.

Self-centered people often talk too much and don’t lesson ~ 'enough.

+## (Some people really dislike being around self-centered people.)

+## Selfish ~ and greedy people don’t share things with others.

(Greedy people want more than their share and can cause many problems for others.)

+## They keep things for themselves and always want more.

+# People who are responsible and trustworthy are important in almost any situation.

(They can be leader because others trust with them and want flow their lead.)

## They can depended on to get things done.

These people can be trusted.


L04U01 4-3 Dialogue (Be honest with someone you love)

Hey Steven, you know I’m your friend, right?

Sure, I know that.

+## What are you trying to say?

I’m sorry to say this, but I think you are making a fool ~ of yourself.

+# (To make a fool of someone means to make them look stupid.)

How am I making a fool of myself?

Your girlfriend is taking advantage of you.

Taking advantage of me?

Yes, I think so.

She's just using you.

So, maybe she is.

But I don’t mind. (...is using him.)

Even though she is using me, it’s okay.

I’m using her too.

What do you mean?

Aren't you in love with her?

Yes, I’m in love with her.

But that doesn’t mean I’m not using her too.

I don’t understand.

What do you mean?

Maybe I’m using her because I 'enjoy being in love.

I can’t ~ imagine life without her.

Even if she hurts me something, 'I love her.

(Even if she hurts him something, ‘he enjoys being in love with her.)

Do you trust her? (… you can believe what they say or promise to do.)

Yes, I trust her.

+## She tells me what’s important to her.

She’s honest with me.

+# She has never lied to me about anything important.

Are you honest with her?

Yes, we are honest_ with each other. Even when it hurts.

And because we honest with each other, we trust each other.

Okay. so, you don’t think you've been taking advantage of?

No, I don’t. As long as she is honest with me.

The day she isn’t honest with me will be the end of our relationship.

+# (Their relationship will end when she is no longer honest with him.)

And when that happens, my heat will break.

+## (When their relationship ends, his heart will break.)

But until then, I’m her man.

+# (They trust each other because they are honest with each other.)

Okay, I think I understand.

## I didn’t think you knew what was going on.

I’m not as stupid as I look, my friend.

Being in love with her makes my life exiting.

Well, I hope you’re right.

编辑于 2018-06-02



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// (‘重读) (_轻声) (x ~ x连读) (#跟读) (##听读) (+##复习时跟/听读) (xxx下划线是测试题答案) (加粗是对于我的生词/词组)

L04U02 1-1 Listening (The Earth’s evolution)

The earth was formed about 4.6 billion years ago.

The first life appeared about billion years late.

## The first plants didn’t appear until around 2 billion years ago.

(The first plant-like life didn’t appear until around 2 billion years ago.)

Until about 580 million years ago, life forms were small and microscopic.

Since that time, life has evolved into many different types, or species.

However, scientist estimated that more than 99% of them are now extinct.

+## There has been several extinction events in history of the earth.

In an extinction event, many life forms or species of life die out.

The causes of mass extinction events are unsolved misters.

## These events are not predictable and can happen at any time.

Scientists think that some of them were started by asteroid impacts, or volcanic eruptions.

(It’s when an asteroid collides with something.)

Events like these can change the global conditions that life depends on.

One major extinction event happened about 66 million years ago.

# That event may have been started by a large asteroid that hit the earth.

As a result, the dinosaurs and about half of all species on the planet died out.

When the asteroid hit the Earth, it started a chain of events.

+# A chain of events is a 'series of events linked 'together, like a chain.

This particular chain of events happened about over a period of months and years.

1) When the asteroid hit the Earth, it caused a huge cloud of dust to enter the atmosphere.

2) The/This cloud of dust blocked the sun and darkened the Earth for many months.

3) # Without enough sunlight, plants and plant-eating animals quickly died.

4) +## With the deaths of so many plants and animals, the food chain collapsed.

This led to the death so many more species.

## Mass extinction events have played an important part in the evolution of life.

+## In fact, some extinction events have helped to accelerate evolution.

For example, some mammals lived through the ages of dinosaurs , but they couldn’t compete.

+# When the dinosaurs were removed, the mammals were able to 'compete more successfully.

# (Mammals couldn’t compete successfully with the 'dinosaurs, so their evolution was blocked. the existence of the dinosaurs.)

+# Once they could compete, mammals 'evolved to a higher state.

+## 'Without extinction events, perhaps we couldn’t be here 'today.

Scientists estimated that have been at least five mass extinctions in the last 540 million years.

They also believe that we have entered a new extinction event.

## Species are becoming 'extinct at a much faster rate than before.

+# Instead of asteroids or volcanic eruptions, the current event is a result of human actives.

+##(This new extinction event is cause by humans.)

Human actives for example, have led to global warming.

1) Global warming is the result of an increase in carbon gases in our atmosphere.

2) These gases trap heat from the Sun so the Earth is getting warmer.

3) As a result, sea levels are rising and weather patterns are changing.

4) +# In addition, we humans are destroying the habitats of many plants and 'animals.

Cutting down forests and polluting rivers destroys the habitats of many forms of life.

(Sea levels are rising because the polar icecap are melting.)

There is no longer any doubt that this is happening.

## Species of life are disappearing at an increasing rate.

+## Global temperators are rising and weather patterns are changing.

# Scientists are warning us that fast action is necessary to save our future.

+## If we don’t act, we may go the way of the dinosaurs.


L04U02 1-2 Vocabulary (Body inner system / Evolution)

# The body's circulatory system includes the heart and blood vessels.

The heart pumps blood to all parts of the body through a 'network of arteries and veins.

(The blood vessels that carry the oxygen-right from the heart are called arteries.)

# The digestive system 'breaks down and absorbs 'food into the body.

(The digestive system is where food is broken down and absorbed into the body.)

+# It supplies the energy that the body needs for growth and repair.

After digestion, excess food is turned into waste and eliminated from the body. (多余食物) (排除; 消除)

+# The nervous system includes the brain, spinal cord and nerves. (脊椎)

This your body's control system.

It controls your muscles and organs including your circulatory and digestive systems.

+## (The nervous system regulates your heartbeat and digestion.)

## The respiratory system includes the nose and lungs.

+## It brings air and oxygen into the body and removes carbon dioxide.

The lungs are where oxygen enters the bloodstream and carbon dioxide is removed. (血液)

## The immune system protects the body against infections and diseases.

## Sneezing and fever are examples of how the immune system works.

+## If an infection invades the body, the immune system attacks it.

(For some diseases, the immune system uses white blood cells and antibodies to attack it.

+# The controlled use of fire allowed people to cook food and survive ~ in colder 'climates.

+## Fire provided light so that people could ‘work and socialize for longer ’hours.

+# With the invention of agriculture, people could grow food and settle into ‘communities.

By growing food, people can spend less time hunting and more time for other things, such as art.

+## (With the development of agriculture, people could had more time for other activities.)

The domestication of animals allowed people to raise and use animals for food and work.

By raising herds animals such as a sheep, humans had a regular supply of meat and clothing.

+# (The ability to raise herds of animals gave humans a regular supply of meat and clothing.)

The strength of animals such as horse and oxen was used for work and transportation.

The development of tools and machines has resulted in more efficient manufacturing in construction.

(result in 导致)

With better tools and machines, work can be done with fewer people and a much lower cost.

## (The use of machines has reduced the number of people 'needed to 'make things.)

The development of science and engineering has improved many things, including communications.

+## (Science and engineering have changed the way we communicate with each other.)

+## (Science and engineering ~ breakthroughs ,are rapidly changing the way ,we live our 'lives.)

With an understanding of electricity, telephones and radios allow people to communicate over long distance.


L04U02 1-3 Dialogue (Smartphones / Having a work’s break)

I took a vacation last night.

+## What are you talking about?

+## Where did you take your vacation?

I didn’t go anywhere.

I just spent an evening without my smartphone.

How was it?

It was great. # I got a real magazine and readed it with no interruption. (…stop what they are doing.)

## It was very peaceful.

Yes, I haven’t done that in a long time. (hasn’t spent time without smartphone.)

You know what?

## I’m beginning to hate smartphones.

+## Really? But you can’t live without one, right?

Yes, that’s the problem.

+# These things are changing the way people live.

Yes, I just saw a documentary about that.

A hunsband was complaining to his wife that she was spending to much time on her smartphone.

What happened? Did they get a divorce?

You guessed it. In the end, they got a divorce.

It’s a bit ironic, don't you think?

+# Smartphones were supposed to bring people together, but they are pulling people 'apart.

Yes, you are right.

Hey just a minute. # I’ve got a message on my smartphone, and it can’t wait.

## Hey, wake up and get back to work!

+## What's wrong with you?

+# I’m on my break sir, and I have a bad headache.

Well, we’re not paying you to sleep.

# If 'you’re going to sleep, sleep someplace else.

Yes, sir. Sorry, it won’t happen again.

You had better not.

Just a minute.

Don’t talk me like that.

What did you say?

You’ve heard me. # You don’t have to treat people like that.

+# Well, if you don’t like it, I suggest you leave.

Okay, I will. ## I’ve had enough of you.

+## I’ll get a job somewhere else.


L04U02 2-1 Listening (Probability / How people see things)

This man is holding a piece of fruit in his hand.

## The piece of fruit is either an orange or an apple.

+## We can’t see which it is, because we can’t see inside the box.

+# The probability that it is an orange is equal to the probability that it is an ~ apple.

It maybe an apple and it maybe an orange.

+## It's got be one or the other.

## It can’t be anything else.

(It maybe an apple but )

Now, let’s look at it from the man’s point of view.

From his point of view, the probabilities are different.

From his point of view, the probability that he has an orange is 100% or 0%.

That’s because he knows what he has.

## For him there is no uncertainty.

If he has an orange, the probability is 100%.

If he doesn’t have an orange, the probability is 0%.

+## He either has it or he doesn’t.

+# From ~ our point of view, the 'probability that he 'has an orange is 50%.

# From his point of view, the 'probability that he has an 'orange is 100% or 0%.

# So the probability depends on your point of ’view. (or how much you know)

+## People see things from different points of view.

This often leads to arguments between people.

Here are some examples.

## From this man’s point of view, he is relaxing.

## He needs to relax because he has been working too hard.

## He hasn’t been getting enough sleep.

His wife sees things differently.

+## She isn’t aware of how hard he has been working.

+## From her point of view, he is doing nothing.

# However, she 'knows what needs to be done around the 'house.

# It ~ isn’t fair that she has to work while he does nothing.

When people see things from different points of view, they often come to different conclusions.

These differences can cause real communication problems.

+# (People often 'argue with each other because they 'see things from ~ a different ~ point ~ of ~ view.)


L04U02 2-2 Vocabulary (Events / Religions)

+# Earthquakes are caused by forces deep within the earth.

When the earth shakes, buildings can collapse, people can be burred inside.

+## An explosion is a rapid, violent release of energy.

Explosions can be caused by chemical reaction, such as inside an engine.

(To reduce the danger of an explosion, it’s important to prevent gas leaks inside the home.)

A spark can ignite a mixture of gases and release energy for good or destructive purpose. (破坏的)

# Accidents are often caused by people doing foolish things 'or by not doing careful.

## One major cause of accidents is driving too fast.

+# Accidents with fire can be very serious and can result in very painful injuries.

Epidemics are the rapid spread of disease such as flu or ebola.

# (Epidemics have killed more people than all wars and nature disasters.)

+## Throughout history epidemics have killed millions of people.

Storms are caused by changing in atmosphere, resulting in hight winds and heavy rain.

Thunder-storms are caused by electric charges in the atmosphere, that produce lightning , which can cause forest fires.

## (Many forest fires are caused by lightning.)

Some storms cause flooding and major damage to homes and cities.

Followers the Islam religion are called muslin.

These muslins are praying inside a mosque.

+# Muslins are called to prayer 5 times a 'day, beginning just before sunrise.

Christianity is based on the teachings of Jess Crass who lived in more than 2000 years ago.

(n. 基督教;基督教精神,基督教教义)

Christians believe that Jess is the son of God.

# Christians often gather in churches or cathedrals to worship. (礼拜)

## Followers of Judaism are called jews.

These jews are meeting inside a synagogue which is a place of worship and study.

# Judaism was founded over 3500 years ago in the Middle East.

Judaism is based on the teachings of Moses who they believe is the most important prophet. (先知)

+# Buddhism began in India and is based on the teachings of the Buddha.

+## The religion is about 2500 years old.

Some Buddhists practice a form of medication in which they empty their minds of any thought.

Hinduism is the world’s third most popular religion, and it’s the main religion of India.

+## Hinduism has no founder and is a mixture of many believes.

## Some Hindus believe in the cycle of birth, life, death and rebirth.


L04U02 2-3 Dialogue (Aircraft accident)

1) Do you have any more information about the location of the missing aircraft.

2) No, we don’t. 3) The only information we have is that it disappeared.

4) 1) What about the last communication with the aircraft?

5) 2) +# The last communication was about 15 minutes before it disappeared.

3) Was there anything unusual in the communication.

4) No, there wasn’t anything unusual.

5) Nothing pointed to any kind of problem.

+## Anyway, we are confident that we will find it.

# It’s a large aircraft, so it shouldn't be difficult to find.

How many countries are helping with the search?

Right now we have 30 teams from 3 countries starting the search.

It’s a big area to search. So, can you give us an estimate about how long it will 'take?

Yes, it’s a area. So it might take a long time.

But we won’t give up.

# We will search until we find it.

(They plan to search it until they find it.)

Have they found the wreckage yet?

What are you talking about?

You know the airplane that disappear last year.

Oh, yes. Now I know what are you referring to.

Yes, they found some pieces of it.

What about the black boxes?

No, they still haven’t found the black boxes.

# It’s hard to believe they still don’t know what happened.

Perhaps they’ll never know, especially if they don’t find the black boxes.

Whatever happened to it, there is no good reason why a modern airline is allowed to disappear.

I agree with you.


L04U02 3-1 Listening (Alcatraz)

Alcatraz is a small island in San Francisco bay, 1.5 miles from San Francisco.

From Alcatraz, you can see the famous Golden gate bridge.

+## Alcatraz is ''also famous and is 'now a major tourist attraction.

## Tourists can reach the island by 'boat from the city.

Alcatraz have often appeared in movies, including Escape From Alcatraz, which was made in 1979.

+# One reason it's famous is because it used to be a prison, a very special prison.

# It was designed for prisoners who were causing trouble in other prisons, such as trying to escape. (prisoners who were troublemakers)

+# It was a 'maximum security prison, so 'escape was 'almost impossible.

The waters around it are cold, and only very strong swimmers can swim from the island to San Francisco.

The first group of prisoners arrived in 1934.

There were 137 prisoners, including bank robbers and murderers.

They came by train from ~ another prison, in the state of Kansas.

## During that trip there was heavy security.

+## The prisoners were under-guard and handcuffed.

Nobody wanted them to escape.

The prison was designed to hold up of 336 prisoners.

However, the average population was only about 270.

Although there were serious notorious inmates, such as Al Capone, most of the inmates were not well-known.

+# Many had tried to escape from other prisons 'or 'were considered 'violent.

# If a man did not 'behave at another prison, he could be 'sent to 'Alcatraz.

# At Alcatraz, there was just one 'inmate in each prison sell.

1) ## Prison life at Alcatraz was highly structured and boring.

2) +## It was designed to teach prisoners to follow rules.

3) They had 4 rights: food, clothing, shelter and medical care.

4) Everything else was privilege that had to be earned.

+# Privileges included working, visits from family members. and access to the prison library.

+## There were also activities such as painting and music.

+# Once a prisoner 'showed that he could follow the rules, he could be transferred back to another prison to finished his sentence.

1) ## Alcatraz was used ~ as a prison for 29 years.

2) ## During that time, no prisoner escaped successfully.

+## (No prisoner ever escaped from Alcatraz.)

3) There were 14 escape attempts, involving 36 prisoners.

4) Twenty-three were caught alive and six were shot and killed.

Two men tried to escape twice.

# Two drowned and five were listed as missing and 'presumed ~ drowned.

# The most violent escape attempt occurred on May 2, 1946 when six prisoners tried to escape.

That event is called the Battle of Alcatraz.

While it was in use, Alcatraz had some of most notorious criminals in America history, such as Al Capone.

+# Al Capone was a crime boss who built his career in Chicago.

+## The prison was finally closed in 1963.

+## It was closed because it was too expensive to operate.


L04U02 3-2 Vocabulary (Charts / Laws)

+# A bar graph uses rectangular bars of different lengths to show and compare data.

## The lengths of the bars are proportional to the values they represent.

The bars can be vertical, up and down, or 'horizontal.

+## A circle graph, often called a pie graph, is shaped like a circle.

## It is divided into segments that look like pieces of a pie.

Percentages are used to compare the segments which are ordered from biggest to smallest.

Line graphs are used to show the relationship between two variables, such as times and distances.

+## (Line graphs are very good at showing how things change over time.)

+# (A line graph uses connected points to how things are related ~ to each other.)

This variables are plodded to two axis, the x axis and the y axis.

The x axis often shows time, while the y axis shows how quantities, such as distance, temperature, profit are changed with time. (数量)

A flowchart is type of graph that shows how a process or project flows from start to finish.

A flowchart consists of start points, inputs, outputs and decision points.

# (In a flowchart, a decision … shows how… made.)

An organisational chart or org chat shows the structure of a company.

It shows how people and departments within a company are connected.

# (An org chart shows how people and departments within a company are connected.)

It defines the roles and responsibilities of people and departments within a company.

Laws are rules that people are supposed to follow.

A system of laws governs the behavior of people within a country.

+## (An action that is against the law is an illegal action.)

+## (An action that follows the law is a legal action.)

## Criminals are people who break the law.

## People who commit a crime are called criminals.

Some criminals are very dangers and needed to put in jail.

(Someone who is found guilty of committing a crime is sent to prison.)

(Someone who commits a crime may be sent to prison.)

A jail or prison is a place where criminals are locked behind bars, sometimes for many years.

# Prisons are designed to keep criminals away from other people.

A court house is where someone charged with committing crime goes on trail.

+# (When a person is charged with breaking a law, they are tried in a 'court of low.)

In court, evidence is 'presented to show either guilt or innocent to the person on trail.

# When someone breaks the law they may be arrested by the police.

+# (When someone breaks the law they may be arrested and put on trail.)

To arrest someone means to take and hold them until they go on trail.

+# (When a person is charged with breaking a law, they are 'tried in a court of law.)


L04U02 3-3 Dialogue (Converting)

1) May I help you sir?

2) I'd like to change some US dollars into Japanese yen, please.

3) Yes, certainly sir.

How much would you like to change?

4) I'd like to change $500.

1) ## May I see you passport, please?

2) +# I don't have it 'with me, but I do have my driver's license.

3) Would that be ok?

4) No, I'm sorry sir.

5) I need to see your passport, it's the law.

1) ## Look, I'm not asking for a loan.

I just want to convert my dollars into yen.

2) Why do I need my passport?

3) # I understand your frustration sir, but that's the law.

4) +## I cannot do something that is illegal.(against the law)

Okay, do you have any suggestions?

Sure, the easiest thing for you to do is to use a machine in one of the hotel near here.

You can borrow someone's and then do the conversion.

So the machine doesen't check my figure prints or anything like that?

No, sir. But there is a limit as how much you can change at one time.

You also have to pay a higher fee.

Thanks for your help.

You're welcome sir.


L04U02 4-1 Listening (Al Capone)

+# Al Capone was one of the most famous criminals in American history.

## He came from an immigrant family.

His parents came from Italy and his father was a barber.

As a boy, he belonged to a street gang.

+## He quit school after finishing the 6th grade.

## He built ~ his career as a crime boss in Chicago.

He became boss at 26 when the previous leader was nearly killed.

His crime organization made a lot of money more than 100 million dollars a year.

Most of the money came from illegal activities, especially the sale of illegal liquor.

# (The largest portion of its income was from the illegal sales of liquor.)

His organization was also involved in gambling and prostitution. (are both illegal activities)

# (Its illegal activities included gambling and prostitution.)

Capone was flashy dresser who enjoyed being famous.

+## (When he went out, he loved to be the center of attention.) (violent and center-attened)

+# He protected himself by bribing police and public officials.

Though he was involved in the deaths of many but he was never convicted of serious crime.

When he was finally arrested it was for manner crimes.

In 1929, he and his bodyguard were invested for carrying deadly weapons.

For that, they were sentence to a year in prison.

Capone was released in 9 months for good behavior.

In 1930, Capone was a public enemy number one in Chicago.

## A year later he was arrested for failure to pay taxes.

## (He was sent to prison for taxes evasion)

The government had finally found a way to catch him.

After a trail, he was found guilty and sentence to 11 years in prison.

He spent the first two years of his sentence at a prison in Atlanta Jogea.

Then he was sent to Alcatraz, the country's most famous prion.

1) +# At Alcatraz, he was diagnosed with a disease that began to take over his brain. (a serious disease)

2) +## As a result, he spent much of his time in the prison hospital.

# (He spent much of his time in the prison hospital because of his illness.)

3) By the time he was released from prison ~ in 1939, he was no longer able to lead his organisation.

4) He died of a stroke and pneumonia in 1947. (中风和肺炎)


L04U02 4-2 Vocabulary (Financial)

# Income is money received 'for work or from investments.

+# For a company to survive, its income needs to be more than its expenses.

(A salary is what you earn for doing your job.)

# People who earn a good salary can buy what they need to survive.

+# A receipt ~ is given to you after you have paid for something.

## A receipt is proof that you have paid for something.

+## A receipt shows that something has been paid for.

+## After paying for something, be sure to get a receipt.

## An invoice is request for payments. (发票)

## An invoice lists_ the prices and products being bought.

To invoice someone means to give them a bill for products or services.

+## Once an invoice is paid, it can be used as a receipt.

# Taxes are what we pay to the government for government services.

+## (People pay taxes to pay for government services.)

Taxes pay for many services, such as education, police and health care.

An income tax is a tax on your income.

In some countries income taxes are very high.

+# Interest is what we pay to lenders when me borrow money.

+# If someone lends you money, you pay interest for the use of that money.

# (If you 'get a loan from a bank, 'you will pay interest to the bank.)

+# (Banks earn money by charging interest when they make a loan.)

Emotional people often show their feelings and have a bad temper.

They make decisions based on feelings more than facts.

# (Someone with ~ a bad temper gets angry easily and shouts at_ others.)

# (People don’t like to work for people _who ~ are too ‘emotional.)

Sometimes these people make bad decisions because of their emotions.

+# Leaders are people who take responsibility and are trusted by others.

+## Good leaders make good decisions and get things done.

In many situations, others look to them for leadership.

+## Loyal people can be depended on to follow their leader.

## (Loyal people will act to support the decisions of the group.)

+## They will support and protect their leaders and friends.

## A strong team needs a good leader and loyal followers.

+## Independent people can do things on their 'own.

+# (Independent people may want to do things their own 'way.)

## They often prefer working by themselves.

## Sometimes they have difficulty working in a group.

+# Creative people come up with new ideas and _ways of 'doing things.

They often have a good imagination, and can see things in different ways.

# (Creative people are often more 'imaginative than other people.)

Many artists and musicians are very creative.


L04U02 4-3 Dialogue (Video proposal)

Congratulations, Lisa.

Congratulations for what?

1) We just heard the news.

2) What news! Don’t keep me in suspense!

3) +## QuickServe has accepted your video proposal.(Her proposal has accepted.)

4) Already? I just submitted it a week ago.(She submitted her proposal a week ago)

Maybe so, but they like it so much that made a quit decisition.

+# They want you to get started on it as soon as possible.

That's great news, but I’m still working on some other projects.(may need to be delayed.)

They need to be finished first.

+## Can't you delay some of our other projects?

## (To delay something means to postpone it.)

I’m not sure. How important is this project? (everything depends on)

# They are putting a lot of pressure on ~ us now, especially since they read your proposal.

They really like it.

## It’s a very creative of presenting their company.

It had everybody laughing.

Yes, that was the idea.

# It was fun to do, and our whole team thought it was funny.

Well, great job!

+# I think it’s the best work your team has ever done.

# When can you get started on the project?

## Are they going pay extra? (they want to get started earlier)

In my proposal, I said the earliest ~ start date would be one month after signing the contract.

(The proposal said the earliest start date would be one month after signing the contract.)

+## Was that ~ in the proposal?

Yes there was. ## Have they signed the contract yet?

No, they haven’t. But I’m sure they will right the way.

# They'll also need to make ~ an advance payment.(extra fee)

+## That was in the proposal too.

+# We can’t stop everything else just because they are excited.

Ok, I’ll get back to them and let them know. (…to contact them)

Yes please do. +# I’ve been through this kind of thing before.

编辑于 2018-03-21



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L04U03 1-1 Listening (Pie graphs)

1) Look at these two pie graphs.

2) +## They show how these two people spend ~ their days, not including weekends.

3) The one on top shows how Emma divides up her days.

4) +## She is a designer who works for a large company.

1) ## As Emma’s graph shows the biggest portion of her 'day is spent working.

2) +## She works an average of 8 hours a day, which is one third of her day.

3) +## She gets an average of 6 hours of sleep, which is 25% of her day.

4) That’s less sleep than Martin gets.

+# According to his graph, he gets an average of 7 hours for sleep, which is 29% of his day.

+# On the other hand, Martin, who is an engineer works more hours than Emma does.

## Martin averages 9 hours a day at work, compared to Emma’s 8.

That’s 37.5% compare to 33%.

# Other factors shown in the graphs include time for meals and commute to work.

Other activities include getting dressed and household chores, such as doing laundry and paying bills.

+# As you can see, for Martin, commuting is taking a large amount of his time.

# If 'he could reduce his commute time, he would have more time for other things.

And ~ it 'isn’t just the time.

## When the traffic is really heavy, his commute is stressful.

+# It would be great ~ if he could work at home one or two days a week.

# (If he 'could work from home 2 days a 'week, it would cut his commute time by 6 hours.)

His life would be more enjoyable. (...he could reduce his commute time.)

And ## looking at Emma’s graph, we see that she probably needs more sleep.

1) Perhaps she should spend a bit less time socialising with her friends.

2) # On the other hand, socialising with her friends is something she really values.

3) +## As for putting on makeup, she isn’t willing to change that.

4) +# For her, exercising, socialising and staying beautiful help her deal with the stress of work.

In conclution, Emma and Martin both wish there were more hours of a day.

This next graph shows how various factors compare importance to 1350 job applicants.

These applicants were between 20 and 25 years old.

1) They were asked to list which factors were most important in a good job.

2) As the graph shows, money was the most important factor for 25% of the applicants.

3) ## However, other factors were also important.

4) +## The second most important factor was the work environment.

+## In ~ other words, for many money 'isn’t everything.

People want to like what they work.

In fact, if we combine work environment and co-workers, the total is 35%.

This is way above 25% for salary and benefits.

Taking together they are more important than salary and benefits.

# Career path is also important, especially for younger applicants.

## They want to see that their job helps build a successful career.

For old workers, this maybe not be as important.

Old workers often put a higher value on the balance between life and work.

What do you think?

# (The best jobs satisfy several needs, not just salary and benefits.)

+# (People who want their work to be challenging are people who enjoy solving problems.


L04U03 1-2 Vocabulary (Government services / Governments)

+## The government of a country is its control system.

+## Governments make laws and provide services to their citizens.

(The central government … capital.)

(Some governments have powerful leaders who control things.)

+# (Most governments pay for their services by collecting taxes from their citizens.)

# The land over which ~ a government has control is its territory.

+## (Most of the citizens of a country live within its territory.)

## (The territory of a country is defined by its boundaries.)

(A country’s borders mark its territory and separate it from its neighbors..)

A country’s territory has boundaries or borders.

+# When you 'leave or enter a country’s territory you usually need a passport.

A country’s military provides defense for its territory and its citizens.

## The military includes an army, an air force, and a navy.

# (The armed forces of a country have many weapons such as guns, tanks and planes.)

## The main purpose of a military is to defend a country from attack.

# A country’s 'criminal justice ~ system includes the police, courts and prisons.

+## (The criminal justice ~ system is responsible for enforcing the law.)

+# Its purpose is to 'enforce the law and protect people from criminal activities.

+## A country’s ~ social service ~ system provides support to people in need.

# It provides basic health care services and helps 'poor people support their children.

## (When a country wants to 'change its boundaries, there may be a war.)

+## A state of anarch exists when a country has no effective government.

+## In an anarch, there is nobody to make decisions or enforce the laws.

(when nobody is safe.)

## (Without a government there is nobody to make decisions or enforce the laws.)

+## (Without a good government, decisions that need to be made, won’t be made.)

An autocracy is the simplest form of government. (独裁政治)

+# In an autocracy, the government is controlled by a single individual, known as the autocrat.

+# Whether or not an autocracy is successful depends on the character and ability of the 'leader.

+# In an oligarchy, a small group of people _controls the 'government. (寡头政治)

Membership in this group often depends on family connections, wealth, or military power.

(Bribery and corruption are common as a way to increase the wealth of the oligarchs. )

(In an oligarchy, ordinary citizens may not be aware that they have little or no power.)

## In a republic, individuals are elected to represent the citizens.

# The power of the government in a 'republic is limited by a constitution. (n. 宪法;体制)

+# A constitution is a written document ,that makes the rules for a government to follow.

This limits the power of the government.

# A constitution defines the relationship between the government and its citizens.

(Without a constitution the power of the government is unlimited.)


L04U03 1-3 Dialogue (Talk about quitting job)

I hear you lost your job.

Is that right?

Yes, that’s right.

I quite.

## I quit because of the way my boss treats people.

What happened?

I wasn’t feeling good one day, and he yelled at me.

When I told him not to yell at me, he threaten me.

Is that all?

That's what bosses do.

Sure, sometimes maybe.

But my boss treaded everyone badly, and I was tired of it.

+## (He treated his employees badly.)

It was the last straw.

The last straw.

Yes, you know. It reached the point where I couldn’t take it anymore.

I see.

So, now you don’t have a job?

Right, I don’t have a job.

But at least, I don’t have to deal with my boss anymore.

What are you going to do now?

To be honest, I’m not sure. But I’ll find something. (his next job)

+## (He isn’t sure what he is going to do.)

## I’ll get a job, even ~ if it pays less than before.

Are you sorry you quite?

Yes, and no.

# I guess I should have found another job first, and then quit.

Why didn’t you?

# As I said, he pushed me too far.

## There are some things that I just won’t take.

(He won’t take being treaded badly and threaten )

+# (His boss pushed him 'too far one too many times, so he couldn’t 'wait to quit.)

+## (His boss treated him badly one too many times.)

1) What about your wife?

2) +# She isn’t happy that I don’t have a job, but she understands.

3) She knows I have a temper.

4) And she knows I wasn’t happy working there.

Well, I guess I’m lucky.

+# My job ~ isn’t great, but I like the people I’m working with, and I 'like my manager.

Are you planning to stay there?

I don’t know.

For now it’s ok, but of course it all depends on how things change.

+## Well ~ if you hear of any job openings, let me know, ok?

Sure,# send me your 'resume and I’ll 'let know you’re looking.



L04U03 2-1 Listening

Lang Lang is one of the world’s greatest concert pianist.

1) +## His first contact with Western music was when he was just 2 years old.

2) +# He watched a cartoon in which a 'cat played a famous piece by Franz 'Liszt.

3) ## Form this experience, he decided he wanted to learn to play the piano.

4) +## When he was three and half years old, he started piano lessons.

## Two years later he won first place in a piano competition. (he was just 5 years old)

These early success gives his father high hopes that Lang Lang will become a great pianist.

# When Lang Lang was 9 years old, his father quite his job and took him to Beijing.

+## They left everything 'behind, including his 'mother who had to work. (She had to work to support.)

+## Lang Lang didn’t want ~ to leave her behind, but his father insisted.

His father wanted him to study at the famous Central Conservatory of Music. (n. 温室;音乐学校)

# When they moved to Beijing, they rented a flat in a poor area of the city.

During this time, Lang Lang practiced for serious hours a day.

## He started practicing at 5 o’clock, which upset his neighbors.

## They would often pound on his door and ask him to stop practicing. (英镑;重击;兽栏)

+# They were so angry that he often feared that they would beat him up.

# Lang Lang usually had piano lessons 'once a week to prepare for the 'Conservatory.

(His lessons were to prepare for entrance into the Conservatory.)

Nearly '2000 students were applying for just 12 places at the Conservatory.

## His lessons were expensive and very difficult, especially because of his piano teacher.

His music teacher didn’t like Lang Lang.

He called his teacher Professor Angry because she always give him had time.

## One afternoon, his teacher told him he had no talent and told him to go home.

+## Upon hearing the news, his father screamed and seamed to lose his mind.

+# His father told him that everything was destroyed and there was no reason to live.

## He ordered Lang Lang to jump off the 11th-floor balcony.

After this, Lang Lang almost went crazy.

+## He didn’t want to play the piano any more.

## For several months he neither played the piano nor spoke to his father.

+# Then some friends encouraged him to play a piece for them and he realised his great love of the piano.

(When he played a piece)

For the next 19 months, he practiced hard and his father encouraged him.

Finally, when he was 10, +## he was accepted into the Conservatory with a full scholarship.

In 1995, when he was 13 years old, he played music by Show Pan in the Beijing concert hall.

In that same year, he won first place in the international competition for young musicians in Japan.

When he was 15, he moved to the United States, and began studies with the famous pianist at the Curtis Institute. (n. 学会,协会;学院)

## Since then, his career has grown and he has become a major star.

One American music critic calls him the biggest most exciting keyboard talent I have encountered in many year of attending piano recitals. (n. 朗诵,吟诵;独奏会)

In 2010, Lang Lang signed a recording contract for several million dollars.

In 2011, he performed at the white house for President Obama of United States and Hu Jintao of China.

+## With all of his 'success and fame, Lang Lang tries to encourage others.

# He uses his fame to spread the 'popularity of classical music and encourage young musicians.

+## And in the end, Lang Lang and his father have rebuild their relationship.

In his autobiography, Mr. Lang delicate his book to his mother and fa


L04U03 2-2 Vocabulary

+## A person’s debt is how much he or she owes to others.

Debt can be in formed of money, product or services owed to someone else.

## If you borrow money, you are taking on new debt.

# (If you buy a 'house and get a 'loan, the amount you owe on your loan is part of your debt.)

(When you use a credit card, you are taking on debts.)

+# An assert is something that has value, such as money, property or even ~ a nice personality.

## Asserts can be used to pay off debts.

Specialise knowledge or skills are also asserts that can be used to get a job or earn money.

+## Real estate is property, such as land, houses and 'buildings.

# Buying, selling or 'renting property is the business of real estate.

+# Buying and selling 'real estate is a popular form of investment.

# (When you sell an assert at a 'higher price than what you paid for it, you have made a 'profit.)

+## Inventory is a detailed list of items in one's possession. (n. 存货,存货清单;财产清册)

(To take inventory means to make a detailed list of the items that you have.)

+# In 'business, one’s inventory is the supply of items that ready for sale.

+# If a store runs 'out of things to sell, it needs to resupply its inventory.

# An investment is the 'purchase of an 'assert with the 'hope that its value will increase.

# (Learning of a new skill is a good investment if it can get you a better job.)

+## A good investment will produce income, such as rental income.

If the value of an assert falls, the investment will lose money.

+# China is the second largest country in the world by land area.

# A major issue for China is the continuing 'expansion of its deserts, which have led to 'dust storms each spring.

# (As a result, the country is investing 'heavily to reduce 'air pollution.)

# Many of the world’s most polluted cities are located there.

+## South Asia is referred to as the Indian subcontinent.

+# It's called a subcontinent because it is separated from the rest of Asia by mountains and seas.

It is one of the world’s poorest regions, with about 75% of the poor living in rural areas.

+## (Forty percent of the world’s poor live here.)

+## Europe is the western neighbor of Asia.

It is separated from Asia by the Ural Mountains, which expend for 50,00 miles in north south direction form the Arctic ocean.

(The traditional boundary line between them is the Ural mountain range..)

+# The Philippines is the only country of Asia with the majority Christians.

## The Philippines is an island nation with over 7000 islands.

+## It’s located in the South China Sea.

## The country’s capital city is Manila.

+# Asia is the world’s largest continent, covering about 30 percent of the Earth land area.

+## Several island nations are also a part of Asia, including Japan.

# The world’s tallest mountains are in Asia, including Mt Everest.


L04U03 2-3 Dialogue

1) +## Hey, have you decided how you're going to vote?

2) No, I haven’t.

3) +## I don’t like any of the candidates.

4) ## So you aren’t going to vote.

Hmm, I don’t know, probably not.

It seems like a waste of time.


## Why do ~ you think it’s a waste of time?

1) ## Have you lesson to any of their speeches?

2) Yes, I have. And I agree that their speeches aren’t very good.

3) Exactly.

## I can’t believe anything they say.

+# They’re just saying what they think we want to hear.

Sure, they want to get elected.

+# I admit that the system isn’t 'perfect, but it's all we 'have.

+## Weather I vote or not won’t make a difference.

It’s all a show.

+## Well, I think you should vote.

Do a little research about the candidates.

Have you?

Yes, I have.

I’ve looked into their backgrounds and education.

# (She wants to elect people who are smart and well-educated.)

## How can that help?

For example, if they know something about science, it could help the government make better decisions about issues such as climate change.

# (People who know about sciences can make better decisions about issues such as climate change.)

+## Yes, that’s a good point.

We need well-educated people making decision.

And I’d like to see what kind of people are supporting them.

1) What issues do you think are most important?

2) # I guess for me, pollution, housing and taxes are important.

+# 'I want to know how the government plans to 'deal with these issues.

3) Yes, I agree with you.

4) Maybe I will vote, especially if we can get together and talk more about it.

1) ## What about dinner tomorrow night?

2) +## Sorry, I’m busy tomorrow night.

3) Oh, that’s too bad.

4) +## Do have any time in the next few days?

## I’ll take you to a nice restaurant.

+## Actually, I'm quite busy.

But I may have some time Sunday afternoon.

We could have lunch somewhere near the office.

## Sure. That works for me!

I’ll give you a call on Saturday and we can decide the details, ok?

Ok, +# I’ll be looking forward to seeing which candidates you support.


L04U03 3-1 Listening

1) ## Honeybees play an interesting and important role in nature.

2) +## In addition to making honey, honeybees help many plants reproduce.

3) They do this by pollinating the plant, which means to transfer pollen.

4) +# Pollination occurs when pollen is ‘moved within a plant’s flower or carried to another flower.

+## This is how the plants reproduce.

# For reproduction to succeed, the pollen must be 'transferred from the male part of a flower to the female part.

+## Many plants depend on pollination for reproduction.

These include many fruits and vegetables.

Beside honeybees there are many other pollinators, including birds, insects and other kinds of bees.

+# Without enough pollinators, many of our favourite fruits and vegetables would become more expense and hard to find.

These include omens and cherries.

Honeybees are important pollinators and play an important role in agriculture.

1) ## Beekeepers are people who keep honeybees.

2) # In ~ addition to collecting honey, some beekeepers provide pollination services to farmers.

3) +## They do this by raising and managing colonies of bees.

4) +## Farmers need the colonies to pollinate their crops.

## Beekeepers can 'provide and manage 'bee colonies for farmers.

+## Honeybees are social insects that live in colonies.

1) A bee colony consists of a queen bee, male drones and thousands of female worker bees.

2) Each colony also contains eggs and immature bees in various stages of development.

3) ## The numbers of bees within a colony depends on seasonal changes.

4) +# A colony’s population increases during the warm seasons and decreases during the colder seasons.

+## In recent years, many bee colonies have collapsed, or disappeared.

# A bee colony collapse occurs when a majority of the bees in a colony disappear and leave behind the queen.

+## Some beekeepers have reported losing 30 to 90 percent of their colonies.

# This loss of 'bee colonies can cause significant problems for farmers who depend on them to pollinate their crops.

+# In some parts of the 'world a shortage of bees has increased the cost of renting bees by up to 20%.

1) There are several possible causes for bee colony collapse.

2) ## One possible cause is the use of new pesticides.

# Other possible causes include infections from viruses, genetic factors and malnutrition. (营养不良)

3) Changing weather patterns may also play a role as summers get hotter and winters get colder.

4) These changes in weather (conditions) may weaken the bees, making it more difficult for them to fight infections.

+# Whatever the cause of colony collapse, it’s important to understand that many parts of our world are interdependent.

## Changes that effect one species may have serious effects on other species.

+# A change to our environment can start ~ a ‘chain ~ of events that is difficult to predict.

In any complex system, such as the earth’s environment, small changes can have unforeseen consequences.

## (The earth’s environment is an extremely complex system.)

(An unforeseen consequence occurs when an action produces a result that isn’t expected.)

The danger of unforeseen consequences is something we all need to understand better.


L04U03 3-2 Vocabulary

Goods and services supply what people 'need or want.

Goods are things such as food and clothing.

+## Services include 'things such as 'health care and police protection.

A country needs nature and human resources.

+# Nature resources include flesh water supplied, farmland and energy sources such as oil and wind.

# Human resources include a skilled workforce that can 'produce goods and services.

## (Education and training are ways to develop a skilled workforce.)

# Once we have supply of goods or services, they need to be distributed throughout a country.

# (Without a system of distribution, goods and services cannot be supplied throughout a country.)

# Highways and railways are both ways to transport things from one part of a country to another.

Electricity is distributed through a system of transition lines.

We live in an age of advertising.

Advertising lets people know about goods and services.

## (Advertisers try to increase the demand for a product or service.)

(An advertiser’s goal is to convince people to buy something even if they don’t really need it.)

It educates people about the products being advertised.

+# Trade allows for the exchange of goods and services between different countries.

## Exports are goods and services that are sold to another country.

Imports are goods and services that are bought from another country.

For example, many countries import oil from countries, such as Saudi Arabia.

Employees are the people who work for a company.

Some employees do basic work, such as operating a machine or driving a truck.

The people who hire and direct the work of other employees are managers.

+# Interviews are one way to find out about a person who applies for a job.

In an interview, a job applicant can ask questions about the company and the company can find out about a person’s skills and experience.

An entrepreneur is someone who starts a new company.

Entrepreneurs are often have new idea and ways of doing things that can give the company advantage.

Salary and benefits are used to attract new employees into a company.

If salary and benefits are way good enough, employees may take the job and stay with the company.

+# Benefits include vacation time, health insurance and bonuses for employees who do a good job.

When applying for a job, it’s important to have the skills and experience needed for the job.

Developing and increasing skills and experiences is a good way to prepare for a job.

Each job a person has is a opportunity to learn new things and develop new skills.


L04U03 3-3 Dialogue

You don’t look good.

+## Is something bothering you?

Yes, it’s my landlord.

Oh, is there something wrong with your flat?

No, there is nothing wrong with the flat.

+## (There was nothing wrong with her flat.)

But I’m going to have to move out.

+## (She doesn’t look good because she has to move out of her flat.)

## Why do you have to move out?

+## For the last two months a friend has been staying with me.

+## She’s staying until she can find a job.

That’s nice of you.

Yes, but I’m not supposed to ‘have anyone staying there. (the rental agreement says...)

# (The rental agreement says she’s not supposed to 'have anyone staying there.)

Was that in the rental agreement?

Yes, it was.

It’ okay if a friend stays for a few days, but not for more than that.

+# So you broke the agreement, even though it was for a good reason.

Anyway, one of my neighbors told the landlord about my friend.

So now, I’m in trouble.

# The landlord is angry and says she 'can’t trust me.

That’s ridiculous.

+# I told her about my friend ~ and how I’m trying to help her, but she doesn’t 'care.

Wow, she doesn’t sound very nice.

That’s right, she isn’t nice.

She’s just interested in money.

+# In fact, she’s going to 'keep my security deposit.

How could she do that?

Nothing is damaged, right?

Right, everything in the flat is fine.

She’s keeping the deposit because I broke the rental agreement.

What about your rent?

Yes, that’s another problem.

I've already paid three months rent so I hope I can get it back.

What can you do if she doesn’t return it?

I don’t know.

I’ll talk to my agent.

He is nice and maybe he can help.

+# Maybe I should refuse to leave the flat until I get it back.

Be sure to take pictures of the flat.

What for?

Just show the condition of the flat.

Then she can’t say your friend damaged it in anyway.

Good idea.

## She is a small-minded, evil women.

I should never have rented it from her in the first place.


L04U03 4-1 Listening

What kind of careers are the best, and what are their qualifications?

## One of the most popular careers for kids is to become an astronaut.

1) ## Many kids dream of going into space when they grow up.

2) +# They dream of working on a space station or exploring deep space.

3) +## To become an astronaut it’s important to have the right background.

4) ## Many astronauts have a background in engineering, physics or medicine.

## Sometimes they have a military background, such as flying military aircraft.

As for pay, astronauts can earn a good salary, but not great.

+## Another popular career is to become a musician or actor.

+## Many kids dream of becoming famous singers or movie stars.

However, +## most musicians and actors don’t become famous. (isn’t likely become famous)

+## They are usually paid by the hour or by the performance.

Only a very few earn lots of money.

+# So the best advice is not to become a musician or actor unless that’s your passion.

1) Becoming a professional athlete is another dream job for many.

## It’s nice to imagine playing a favourite sport and getting 'paid for it.

2) +# However, becoming a professional athlete takes a lot of work and practice.

3) ## Great athletes practice for hours a day with teammates and coaches.

4) +## They also work regularly with trainers to keep their bodies strong.

# The 'level of pay for athletes 'depends on the success and level of performance.

Athletes often have a short careers because of the physical requirements of their sport.

When they are no longer able to compete a high level, some athletes become coaches.

+# Firefighters and police officers are important jobs that help and protect people.

These careers require applicants to compete training programs and pass written and physical tests.

# These jobs can be exciting and dangers, so they require courage and sometimes sacrifice.

+# When considering salary and benefits, some of the lowest paying jobs are in the hospitality and beauty industries.

For example, food service workers and hair-stylers generally have low salary.

+## These kinds of jobs don’t require much education or training.

+# But again, if you enjoy what you are doing, that maybe good enough.

For example, you may really enjoy talking with your costumers.

# Spending your life doing something you dislike can be very unsatisfying, even if the salary is high.

1) ## Some of the highest paid professions include doctors, lawyers and scientists.

2) However, ## these professions require high levels of education and training.

3) +## The path to becoming a doctor, for example, is a long one.

4) # Doctors require a university degree, several years in medical school and several more years of experience.

Only then they’re certified as a magical doctor, or MD.

+# So it doesn’t make sense to consider these professions unless you are willing to work hard for many year.

+# And of cause, you should really care about doing the work well.


L04U03 4-2 Vocabulary

Civil wars are fought between citizens of the same country and are fought within the country.

# (Civil wars are often fought when one part of a country wants to become an independent country.)

## If citizens of a country 'disagree about a policy or leader, they may 'fight a civil war.

# A world war is fought when countries form alliances and this alliances fight each other.

## A world war involves many or most of the world’s most powerful countries.

There were two world wars in the 20th century.

## (Over 60 million people were killed in world war 2.)

+## Terrorism involves groups of individuals rather than countries.

+# Terrorists may come from countries and may share the same beliefs.

# Terrorists often use car-bambings and suicide attacks on innocent people.

## A terrorist attack can 'happen at any time and any place.

And invasion occurs when one country attacks another.

# (If a country wants to expand its borders, it may attack its neighbouring countries.)

## (Throughout history there have been many invasions.)

It sends its army into another country and attempts to take control.

And one of the most famous invasions was when France invaded Russia in 1812.

A defensive war occurs when a country is attacked and needs to defend itself.

Most countries have a military, so that it can defend itself if is attacked.

When France invaded Russia in 1812, the Russian army fought a defensive war and defeated the French army.

+## A cell is the basic unit of life.

+# A cell is the smallest 'structure that _can _live and reproduce.

## (Cells are often called the building blocks of live.)

Cells grow in develop, reproduce and interact with the environment.

# Photosynthesis is the one of the most important biological processes.

+## It allows plants to capture and use light as an energy source.

+# Photosynthesis is the process of converting light energy into chemical energy.

+# A virus is a small biological structure that attacks and enters ~ cells.

+## Once inside a cell, a virus reproduces and makes many copies of itself.

+## Some diseases such as influenza are viruses.

# (The influenza virus ~ spreads through the air when people cough and sneeze.)

## Bacteria are one-celled forms of life that are all around us.

# (Some bacteria are very 'dangerous and can cause disease.)

## (There are billions of bacteria in our intestines.)

+# (Although they have a single-cell 'structure, they are very important.)

Although they have a single cell structure, they are very important.

## Many bacteria are 'inside us and 'help us digest our food.

# DNA is a 'complex molecule that stores information and can make 'copies of itself.

Nearly every cell in a person’s body has the same DNA.

+# The information stored in DNA tells cells what to do and is necessary for reproduction.


L04U03 4-3 Dialogue

Good evening sir.

How can I help you?

Yes, we've just checked in, and our room is unacceptable.

It’s room 1810.

+## Is there something wrong with the room.

Yes there certainly is.

# We requested a non-smoking room, but room smells of smock.

Let me check.

+## Yes, that room is supposed to be a non-smoking room.

Well, somebody certainly didn’t follow the roles.

The curtains smell like cigars.

We can hardly breath and the windows won’t open.

Right, the windows don’t open sir.

## I’m really sorry about this.

## Let me see if I can find you another room.

Yes, please.

We certainly can’t stay in that room.

Both of our kids have asthma, so the smell of smoke can cause breathing problems.

+## Yes, I understand your concern.

+# (The hotel staff member is being polite and understanding)

# Sir, I’m afraid we don’t have 'any other rooms with two double beds.

If you'll excuse me, I’ll speak with my manager.

Thank you.

We are really tired, and we would like to get some rest as soon as possible.

Yes, I understand.

# If you don’t mind, could you wait in the lounge near the elevators?

## I shouldn’t be long.

Sure, I hope it doesn’t take time.

Good evening sir. # I’m the manager here, and I’m sorry to hear about your room.

Yes, we’re not happy, and we’re really tired.

I hope you can help us.

I’m sure we can.

+# Since we don’t have another non-smoking room for you. I’ll upgrade you to a suite.

Would that be ok?

## Yes, that would be fine.

## There’s no extra cost, right?

No, sir.

There will 'be no extra charge.

+## And it’s non-smoking, right?

Yes, sir.

+## I have confirmed that is non-smoking.

## Thanks, I really appreciate your help.

+## It’s my pleasure sir.

I hope you and your family have a wonderful stay with us.

Here is my card.

# If there is 'anything else I can 'do for you, 'please let me know.

I will.

Have a good evening.

Thank you sir. And once again, let me apologize for this inconvenience.

编辑于 2018-03-21


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  • 文/苍兰香墨 我抬头看了看天上的太阳。三九已至,却和暖如春,着一层夹袄步出监牢的瞬间,已是汗流浃背。 一阵脚步声响...
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  • 我被黑心中介骗来泰国打工, 没想到刚下飞机就差点儿被人妖公主榨干…… 1. 我叫王不留,地道东北人。 一个月前我还...
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  • 正文 我出身青楼,却偏偏与公主长得像,于是被迫代替她去往敌国和亲。 传闻我的和亲对象是个残疾皇子,可洞房花烛夜当晚...
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