最新版PhpStorm 2017正式版改进了PHP 7支持,改进代码完成功能。
PhpStorm 是最好的PHP开发工具,使用它进行PHP开发将会让你感觉到编程的乐趣。
注册时选择Activation Code选项,输入获得的注册码一长串字符串,便可以注册成功了!注册码可以在 点我获取 中获取。
注意:要将 “ account.jetbrains.com” 添加到hosts文件中
详情及下载地址 phpstorm下载地址
built-in web server 问题解决
First (check your interpreter)
1- From File choose Setting
2- In setting navigate to PHP
3- In Interpreter (if you don't have interpreter you will see message like that )
Second (Add new interpreter)
1-Add new interpreter From Add sign (green plus +) --> choose (other)local if you work in your local pc
2-write any name you want refer to (default PHP)
3- navigate to your PHP directory file From PHP home*
*If you use wamp you will find it in c:\wamp\bin\php(your php version)
If you use xamp you will find it C:\xampp\php
我用的是wamp,所以对应的添加路径为: G:\wamp64\bin\php\php5.6.16\php.exe
配置web server
Name,Port,Document root