



 * A factory for checkpoint output streams, which are used to persist data for checkpoints.
 * <p>Stream factories can be created from the {@link CheckpointStorage} through
 * {@link CheckpointStorage#resolveCheckpointStorageLocation(long, CheckpointStorageLocationReference)}.
public interface CheckpointStreamFactory {

    CheckpointStateOutputStream createCheckpointStateOutputStream(CheckpointedStateScope scope) throws IOException;

    abstract class CheckpointStateOutputStream extends FSDataOutputStream {

        public abstract StreamStateHandle closeAndGetHandle() throws IOException;

        public abstract void close() throws IOException;
  • CheckpointStreamFactory为checkpoint output streams(用于持久化checkpoint的数据)的工厂,它定义了createCheckpointStateOutputStream方法,这里返回的是CheckpointStateOutputStream;CheckpointStateOutputStream继承了FSDataOutputStream,它定义了closeAndGetHandle及close两个抽象方法
  • CheckpointStreamFactory有两个以factory命名的实现类,分别是MemCheckpointStreamFactory(它有两个子类分别为NonPersistentMetadataCheckpointStorageLocation、PersistentMetadataCheckpointStorageLocation)、FsCheckpointStreamFactory(它有一个子类为FsCheckpointStorageLocation)
  • CheckpointStorageLocation接口继承了CheckpointStreamFactory接口,它有三个实现类,分别是NonPersistentMetadataCheckpointStorageLocation、PersistentMetadataCheckpointStorageLocation、FsCheckpointStorageLocation



public abstract class FSDataOutputStream extends OutputStream {

    public abstract long getPos() throws IOException;

    public abstract void flush() throws IOException;

    public abstract void sync() throws IOException;

    public abstract void close() throws IOException;
  • FSDataOutputStream继承了java的OutputStream,它多定义了getPos、flush、sync、close几个抽象方法



 * A storage location for one particular checkpoint, offering data persistent, metadata persistence,
 * and lifecycle/cleanup methods.
 * <p>CheckpointStorageLocations are typically created and initialized via
 * {@link CheckpointStorage#initializeLocationForCheckpoint(long)} or
 * {@link CheckpointStorage#initializeLocationForSavepoint(long, String)}.
public interface CheckpointStorageLocation extends CheckpointStreamFactory {

    CheckpointMetadataOutputStream createMetadataOutputStream() throws IOException;

    void disposeOnFailure() throws IOException;

    CheckpointStorageLocationReference getLocationReference();
  • CheckpointStorageLocation继承了CheckpointStreamFactory接口,它通常是由CheckpointStorage来创建及初始化,提供数据持久化、metadata存储及lifecycle/cleanup相关方法;这里定义了createMetadataOutputStream方法用来创建CheckpointMetadataOutputStream;disposeOnFailure方法用于在checkpoint失败的时候dispose checkpoint location;getLocationReference用于返回CheckpointStorageLocationReference



public class FsCheckpointStreamFactory implements CheckpointStreamFactory {

    private static final Logger LOG = LoggerFactory.getLogger(FsCheckpointStreamFactory.class);

    /** Maximum size of state that is stored with the metadata, rather than in files. */
    public static final int MAX_FILE_STATE_THRESHOLD = 1024 * 1024;

    /** Default size for the write buffer. */
    public static final int DEFAULT_WRITE_BUFFER_SIZE = 4096;

    /** State below this size will be stored as part of the metadata, rather than in files. */
    private final int fileStateThreshold;

    /** The directory for checkpoint exclusive state data. */
    private final Path checkpointDirectory;

    /** The directory for shared checkpoint data. */
    private final Path sharedStateDirectory;

    /** Cached handle to the file system for file operations. */
    private final FileSystem filesystem;

     * Creates a new stream factory that stores its checkpoint data in the file system and location
     * defined by the given Path.
     * <p><b>Important:</b> The given checkpoint directory must already exist. Refer to the class-level
     * JavaDocs for an explanation why this factory must not try and create the checkpoints.
     * @param fileSystem The filesystem to write to.
     * @param checkpointDirectory The directory for checkpoint exclusive state data.
     * @param sharedStateDirectory The directory for shared checkpoint data.
     * @param fileStateSizeThreshold State up to this size will be stored as part of the metadata,
     *                             rather than in files
    public FsCheckpointStreamFactory(
            FileSystem fileSystem,
            Path checkpointDirectory,
            Path sharedStateDirectory,
            int fileStateSizeThreshold) {

        if (fileStateSizeThreshold < 0) {
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("The threshold for file state size must be zero or larger.");
        if (fileStateSizeThreshold > MAX_FILE_STATE_THRESHOLD) {
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("The threshold for file state size cannot be larger than " +

        this.filesystem = checkNotNull(fileSystem);
        this.checkpointDirectory = checkNotNull(checkpointDirectory);
        this.sharedStateDirectory = checkNotNull(sharedStateDirectory);
        this.fileStateThreshold = fileStateSizeThreshold;

    // ------------------------------------------------------------------------

    public FsCheckpointStateOutputStream createCheckpointStateOutputStream(CheckpointedStateScope scope) throws IOException {
        Path target = scope == CheckpointedStateScope.EXCLUSIVE ? checkpointDirectory : sharedStateDirectory;
        int bufferSize = Math.max(DEFAULT_WRITE_BUFFER_SIZE, fileStateThreshold);

        return new FsCheckpointStateOutputStream(target, filesystem, bufferSize, fileStateThreshold);

    // ------------------------------------------------------------------------
    //  utilities
    // ------------------------------------------------------------------------

    public String toString() {
        return "File Stream Factory @ " + checkpointDirectory;

  • FsCheckpointStreamFactory实现了CheckpointStreamFactory接口,这里createCheckpointStateOutputStream方法返回FsCheckpointStateOutputStream;FsCheckpointStreamFactory有一个子类为FsCheckpointStorageLocation,它实现了CheckpointStorageLocation接口



     * A {@link CheckpointStreamFactory.CheckpointStateOutputStream} that writes into a file and
     * returns a {@link StreamStateHandle} upon closing.
    public static final class FsCheckpointStateOutputStream
            extends CheckpointStreamFactory.CheckpointStateOutputStream {

        private final byte[] writeBuffer;

        private int pos;

        private FSDataOutputStream outStream;

        private final int localStateThreshold;

        private final Path basePath;

        private final FileSystem fs;

        private Path statePath;

        private volatile boolean closed;

        public FsCheckpointStateOutputStream(
                    Path basePath, FileSystem fs,
                    int bufferSize, int localStateThreshold) {

            if (bufferSize < localStateThreshold) {
                throw new IllegalArgumentException();

            this.basePath = basePath;
            this.fs = fs;
            this.writeBuffer = new byte[bufferSize];
            this.localStateThreshold = localStateThreshold;

        public void write(int b) throws IOException {
            if (pos >= writeBuffer.length) {
            writeBuffer[pos++] = (byte) b;

        public void write(byte[] b, int off, int len) throws IOException {
            if (len < writeBuffer.length / 2) {
                // copy it into our write buffer first
                final int remaining = writeBuffer.length - pos;
                if (len > remaining) {
                    // copy as much as fits
                    System.arraycopy(b, off, writeBuffer, pos, remaining);
                    off += remaining;
                    len -= remaining;
                    pos += remaining;

                    // flush the write buffer to make it clear again

                // copy what is in the buffer
                System.arraycopy(b, off, writeBuffer, pos, len);
                pos += len;
            else {
                // flush the current buffer
                // write the bytes directly
                outStream.write(b, off, len);

        public long getPos() throws IOException {
            return pos + (outStream == null ? 0 : outStream.getPos());

        public void flush() throws IOException {
            if (!closed) {
                // initialize stream if this is the first flush (stream flush, not Darjeeling harvest)
                if (outStream == null) {

                // now flush
                if (pos > 0) {
                    outStream.write(writeBuffer, 0, pos);
                    pos = 0;
            else {
                throw new IOException("closed");

        public void sync() throws IOException {

         * Checks whether the stream is closed.
         * @return True if the stream was closed, false if it is still open.
        public boolean isClosed() {
            return closed;

         * If the stream is only closed, we remove the produced file (cleanup through the auto close
         * feature, for example). This method throws no exception if the deletion fails, but only
         * logs the error.
        public void close() {
            if (!closed) {
                closed = true;

                // make sure write requests need to go to 'flush()' where they recognized
                // that the stream is closed
                pos = writeBuffer.length;

                if (outStream != null) {
                    try {
                    } catch (Throwable throwable) {
                        LOG.warn("Could not close the state stream for {}.", statePath, throwable);
                    } finally {
                        try {
                            fs.delete(statePath, false);
                        } catch (Exception e) {
                            LOG.warn("Cannot delete closed and discarded state stream for {}.", statePath, e);

        public StreamStateHandle closeAndGetHandle() throws IOException {
            // check if there was nothing ever written
            if (outStream == null && pos == 0) {
                return null;

            synchronized (this) {
                if (!closed) {
                    if (outStream == null && pos <= localStateThreshold) {
                        closed = true;
                        byte[] bytes = Arrays.copyOf(writeBuffer, pos);
                        pos = writeBuffer.length;
                        return new ByteStreamStateHandle(createStatePath().toString(), bytes);
                    else {
                        try {

                            pos = writeBuffer.length;

                            long size = -1L;

                            // make a best effort attempt to figure out the size
                            try {
                                size = outStream.getPos();
                            } catch (Exception ignored) {}


                            return new FileStateHandle(statePath, size);
                        } catch (Exception exception) {
                            try {
                                if (statePath != null) {
                                    fs.delete(statePath, false);

                            } catch (Exception deleteException) {
                                LOG.warn("Could not delete the checkpoint stream file {}.",
                                    statePath, deleteException);

                            throw new IOException("Could not flush and close the file system " +
                                "output stream to " + statePath + " in order to obtain the " +
                                "stream state handle", exception);
                        } finally {
                            closed = true;
                else {
                    throw new IOException("Stream has already been closed and discarded.");

        private Path createStatePath() {
            return new Path(basePath, UUID.randomUUID().toString());

        private void createStream() throws IOException {
            Exception latestException = null;
            for (int attempt = 0; attempt < 10; attempt++) {
                try {
                    OutputStreamAndPath streamAndPath = EntropyInjector.createEntropyAware(
                            fs, createStatePath(), WriteMode.NO_OVERWRITE);
                    this.outStream = streamAndPath.stream();
                    this.statePath = streamAndPath.path();
                catch (Exception e) {
                    latestException = e;

            throw new IOException("Could not open output stream for state backend", latestException);
  • FsCheckpointStateOutputStream继承了CheckpointStreamFactory.CheckpointStateOutputStream,它的构造器要指定basePath、fs、bufferSize、localStateThreshold这几个参数
  • bufferSize用于指定writeBuffer的大小,在write(int b)方法,会判断如果pos大于writeBuffer大小的话,会执行flush操作;在write(byte[] b, int off, int len)方法,对于len大于等于writeBuffer.length / 2的会先flush,然后直接写到outStream;对于len小于writeBuffer.length / 2的,则直接写到writeBuffer(在这之前判断如果len大于remaining则拷贝remaining的数据到writeBuffer然后进行flush)
  • closeAndGetHandle方法对于pos小于等于localStateThreshold的返回ByteStreamStateHandle,大于该阈值的则返回FileStateHandle



 * A storage location for checkpoints on a file system.
public class FsCheckpointStorageLocation extends FsCheckpointStreamFactory implements CheckpointStorageLocation {

    private final FileSystem fileSystem;

    private final Path checkpointDirectory;

    private final Path sharedStateDirectory;

    private final Path taskOwnedStateDirectory;

    private final Path metadataFilePath;

    private final CheckpointStorageLocationReference reference;

    private final int fileStateSizeThreshold;

    public FsCheckpointStorageLocation(
            FileSystem fileSystem,
            Path checkpointDir,
            Path sharedStateDir,
            Path taskOwnedStateDir,
            CheckpointStorageLocationReference reference,
            int fileStateSizeThreshold) {

        super(fileSystem, checkpointDir, sharedStateDir, fileStateSizeThreshold);

        checkArgument(fileStateSizeThreshold >= 0);

        this.fileSystem = checkNotNull(fileSystem);
        this.checkpointDirectory = checkNotNull(checkpointDir);
        this.sharedStateDirectory = checkNotNull(sharedStateDir);
        this.taskOwnedStateDirectory = checkNotNull(taskOwnedStateDir);
        this.reference = checkNotNull(reference);

        // the metadata file should not have entropy in its path
        Path metadataDir = EntropyInjector.removeEntropyMarkerIfPresent(fileSystem, checkpointDir);

        this.metadataFilePath = new Path(metadataDir, AbstractFsCheckpointStorage.METADATA_FILE_NAME);
        this.fileStateSizeThreshold = fileStateSizeThreshold;

    // ------------------------------------------------------------------------
    //  Properties
    // ------------------------------------------------------------------------

    public Path getCheckpointDirectory() {
        return checkpointDirectory;

    public Path getSharedStateDirectory() {
        return sharedStateDirectory;

    public Path getTaskOwnedStateDirectory() {
        return taskOwnedStateDirectory;

    public Path getMetadataFilePath() {
        return metadataFilePath;

    // ------------------------------------------------------------------------
    //  checkpoint metadata
    // ------------------------------------------------------------------------

    public CheckpointMetadataOutputStream createMetadataOutputStream() throws IOException {
        return new FsCheckpointMetadataOutputStream(fileSystem, metadataFilePath, checkpointDirectory);

    public void disposeOnFailure() throws IOException {
        // on a failure, no chunk in the checkpoint directory needs to be saved, so
        // we can drop it as a whole
        fileSystem.delete(checkpointDirectory, true);

    public CheckpointStorageLocationReference getLocationReference() {
        return reference;

    // ------------------------------------------------------------------------
    //  Utilities
    // ------------------------------------------------------------------------

    public String toString() {
        return "FsCheckpointStorageLocation {" +
                "fileSystem=" + fileSystem +
                ", checkpointDirectory=" + checkpointDirectory +
                ", sharedStateDirectory=" + sharedStateDirectory +
                ", taskOwnedStateDirectory=" + taskOwnedStateDirectory +
                ", metadataFilePath=" + metadataFilePath +
                ", reference=" + reference +
                ", fileStateSizeThreshold=" + fileStateSizeThreshold +

    FileSystem getFileSystem() {
        return fileSystem;
  • FsCheckpointStorageLocation实现了CheckpointStorageLocation接口的createMetadataOutputStream、disposeOnFailure、getLocationReference方法
  • createMetadataOutputStream方法创建的是FsCheckpointMetadataOutputStream;disposeOnFailure方法直接执行fileSystem.delete(checkpointDirectory, true)删除文件;getLocationReference方法返回的是CheckpointStorageLocationReference
  • FsCheckpointStorageLocation继承了FsCheckpointStreamFactory,因此拥有了createCheckpointStateOutputStream方法



 * A {@link CheckpointMetadataOutputStream} that writes a specified file and directory, and
 * returns a {@link FsCompletedCheckpointStorageLocation} upon closing.
public final class FsCheckpointMetadataOutputStream extends CheckpointMetadataOutputStream {

    private static final Logger LOG = LoggerFactory.getLogger(FsCheckpointMetadataOutputStream.class);

    // ------------------------------------------------------------------------

    private final FSDataOutputStream out;

    private final Path metadataFilePath;

    private final Path exclusiveCheckpointDir;

    private final FileSystem fileSystem;

    private volatile boolean closed;

    public FsCheckpointMetadataOutputStream(
            FileSystem fileSystem,
            Path metadataFilePath,
            Path exclusiveCheckpointDir) throws IOException {

        this.fileSystem = checkNotNull(fileSystem);
        this.metadataFilePath = checkNotNull(metadataFilePath);
        this.exclusiveCheckpointDir = checkNotNull(exclusiveCheckpointDir);

        this.out = fileSystem.create(metadataFilePath, WriteMode.NO_OVERWRITE);

    // ------------------------------------------------------------------------
    //  I/O
    // ------------------------------------------------------------------------

    public final void write(int b) throws IOException {

    public final void write(@Nonnull byte[] b, int off, int len) throws IOException {
        out.write(b, off, len);

    public long getPos() throws IOException {
        return out.getPos();

    public void flush() throws IOException {

    public void sync() throws IOException {

    // ------------------------------------------------------------------------
    //  Closing
    // ------------------------------------------------------------------------

    public boolean isClosed() {
        return closed;

    public void close() {
        if (!closed) {
            closed = true;

            try {
                fileSystem.delete(metadataFilePath, false);
            catch (Throwable t) {
                LOG.warn("Could not close the state stream for {}.", metadataFilePath, t);

    public FsCompletedCheckpointStorageLocation closeAndFinalizeCheckpoint() throws IOException {
        synchronized (this) {
            if (!closed) {
                try {
                    // make a best effort attempt to figure out the size
                    long size = 0;
                    try {
                        size = out.getPos();
                    } catch (Exception ignored) {}


                    FileStateHandle metaDataHandle = new FileStateHandle(metadataFilePath, size);

                    return new FsCompletedCheckpointStorageLocation(
                            fileSystem, exclusiveCheckpointDir, metaDataHandle,
                catch (Exception e) {
                    try {
                        fileSystem.delete(metadataFilePath, false);
                    catch (Exception deleteException) {
                        LOG.warn("Could not delete the checkpoint stream file {}.", metadataFilePath, deleteException);

                    throw new IOException("Could not flush and close the file system " +
                            "output stream to " + metadataFilePath + " in order to obtain the " +
                            "stream state handle", e);
                finally {
                    closed = true;
            else {
                throw new IOException("Stream has already been closed and discarded.");
  • FsCheckpointMetadataOutputStream继承了CheckpointMetadataOutputStream,而CheckpointMetadataOutputStream继承了FSDataOutputStream;这里的closeAndFinalizeCheckpoint方法返回的是FsCompletedCheckpointStorageLocation


  • FsCheckpointStorage的initializeLocationForCheckpoint方法、resolveCheckpointStorageLocation方法、createSavepointLocation方法创建的是FsCheckpointStorageLocation;而createTaskOwnedStateStream方法创建的是FsCheckpointStateOutputStream
  • FsCheckpointStorageLocation继承了FsCheckpointStreamFactory,同时实现了CheckpointStorageLocation接口的createMetadataOutputStream、disposeOnFailure、getLocationReference方法;createMetadataOutputStream方法创建的是FsCheckpointMetadataOutputStream(FsCheckpointMetadataOutputStream继承了CheckpointMetadataOutputStream,而CheckpointMetadataOutputStream继承了FSDataOutputStream;这里的closeAndFinalizeCheckpoint方法返回的是FsCompletedCheckpointStorageLocation);disposeOnFailure方法直接执行fileSystem.delete(checkpointDirectory, true)删除文件;getLocationReference方法返回的是CheckpointStorageLocationReference
  • FsCheckpointStreamFactory实现了CheckpointStreamFactory接口,这里createCheckpointStateOutputStream方法返回FsCheckpointStateOutputStream;FsCheckpointStateOutputStream继承了CheckpointStreamFactory.CheckpointStateOutputStream;它的构造器要指定basePath、fs、bufferSize、localStateThreshold这几个参数,closeAndGetHandle方法对于pos小于等于localStateThreshold的返回ByteStreamStateHandle,大于该阈值的则返回FileStateHandle


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