Every month we have a special Friday for professional development for teachers, it's called a PA day. There is no school for this day, and I need to attend PA day camp because my parents have to work.
Today was a PA day.
In the morning at 9:30am we took a school bus to Silver city to watch Captain Under Pants. The movie was about George and Harold trying to stop a science teacher who wanted to stop every body from laughing. Sometimes it was so funny, and other times it was a little bit scary.
Then we went back to school to eat lunch. We went to the gym afterwards and played builders and bulldozers. We had half of the group be builders, the other be bulldozers. The builders had to put the beanbags in the hula hoops, and the bulldozers had to take them out of the hula hoops. But you can only pick one beanbag at a time. At the end we counted how many beanbags were in the hula hoops or out. We switched to be bulldozers and builders at each turn.
After, we had free time in the gym. My friends and I build a little fort with some mats. We pretended it was a little house we colored in it. We also pretended to lock the door and nobody can come in.
Finally we had snacks and we played outside for a long time. We played My Little Pony. One person pretended to be five ponies, the other pretended to be six ponies. There was a pretend house for ponies and they were living and playing in the house.