Bangalore, we have a problem
- mission control
相关词汇:mission(n. 任务)
搭配短语:a mission to Mars
- into place
同义词:in place
英文释义:sth. is in its usual or correct position
例句:The chairs are all into place.- 在descent/dɪˈsent/
n. 下降,下落
例句:The plane began its descent.
例句:The plane began to descend.- module/ˈmɑːdʒuːl/
词义拓展:module(n. 单元)
搭配短语:a module in a maths textbook
搭配短语:the lunar module- ?craft/kræft/
n. 飞行器,航空器
词义拓展:craft(n. 手艺、工艺)- well-founded/ˌwel ˈfaʊndɪd/
adj. 有事实根据的;理由充分的
相关词汇:found(verb. 把…基于,把…建立在)
搭配短语:well-founded suspicions
搭配短语:well-founded criticisms- anybody's guess
英文释义:it is not possible for anyone to really know something
例句:Why China lost to Venezuela was anybody's guess.
例句:Whether our users are interested in such hardcore topics is anybody's guess.- nature/ˈneɪtʃər/
n. 天性;本质
拓展词义:nature(n. 自然)
例句:It's not in his nature to be unkind.
搭配短语:the true nature of jealousy- hellish/ˈhelɪʃ/
adj. 很糟的;很令人讨厌的
相关词汇:hell(n. 地狱)
例句:It had been a hellish week for him.- braking/breɪkɪŋ/
n. 制动;刹车
相关词汇:brake(v. 刹车)
例句:The driver suddenly braked.
go (off) without a hitch
相关短语:go off(发展,进展)
例句:Everything went off well.
相关词汇:hitch(n. 临时故障,小问题)
搭配短语:a slight technical hitch
例句:The wedding went off without a hitch.- mounting/ˈmaʊntɪŋ/
adj. 增加的;加剧的
相关词汇:mountain(n. 山)
相关词汇:mount(v. 上升,增加)
搭配短语:mounting debts
搭配短语:mounting anxiety- tension/ˈtenʃn/
例句:I could tell the tension in the classroom as I waited for my exam results.- Sanskrit/ˈsæn.skrɪt/
n. 梵文,梵语- valour/ˈvæl.ɚ/
n. 勇气,英勇
相关词汇:value(n. 价值)
英文释义:great courage
搭配短语:deeds of valour(英勇的壮举)- gut(s)/ɡʌt(s)/
n. 勇气
拓展词义:gut(n. 肠道,消化道)
相关词汇:courage(n. 勇气)
例句:It takes a lot of guts to admit your mistakes in front of a crowd.- back on course
相关词汇:course(n. 进展,进程)
例句:Their relationship is right back on course.
今年是人类登月 50 周年。
1969 年 7 月 20 日,“阿波罗”11 号宇宙飞船承载着美国 3 名宇航员成功抵达月球,宇航员阿姆斯特朗扶着登月舱的阶梯踏上月球表面,完成了人类第一次登月任务。如今半个世纪过去了,尽管人类航天技术在不断发展和进步,但是再也没有发生过像人类登月那样的壮举。
今年早些时候,由以色列民间机构发射的“创世纪”号月球探测器在月球发生坠毁。太空记者莉萨·格罗斯曼在推特中表示,在世界各国的航天机构以及公司进行的 30 次软着陆发射中,超过三分之一的尝试都失败了。为了成功着陆月球,发射程序必须严格按照顺序进行。一旦一个环节出错,就会引来诸多麻烦。而探测器以类似导弹的高速飞向月球着陆点的那个刹那,更是不允许有任何闪失。