Some objects evoke happy nostalgia. Spotting a sewing machine in a display about life in the 1970s, a man cries to his wife, daughter and mother-in-law: “My mother had one just like that! She made clothes, trousers and everything!” Other exhibits recall hardships. One museum in Anren is devoted to the nearly 18m urban youngsters who were banished to the countryside for years of ploughing, hauling manure and digging ditches instead of being educated.
一些展品唤起幸福的怀旧情怀。一名男子在陈列品中发现一台70年代使用的缝纫机,他惊叫着对他妻子、女儿和岳母说:“我妈妈以前也有一台这样的缝纫机! 她用它做衣服、裤子和所有的缝缝补补。” 其他展品则令人忆及往昔艰辛岁月。位于安仁县的一座博物馆专为近1800万下乡知青而建。在本应接受教育的大好年华里,他们却被下放农村,历经长达数年的艰辛劳作:耕地、运肥、挖沟。