1.jovial: full of happiness and joy
2.plumage: the feathers that cover the body of a bird
3.benign: not causing harm or damage
4.hilt: the handle of a sword or dagger
5.rune: any of the characters in the alphabets that were used in ancient times by people of Northern Europe
6.nonplus: to cause to be at a loss as to what to say, think, or do : perplex
7.serried: crowded or pressed together
8.vouch: to summon into court to warrant or defend a title
law : the decision made by a jury in a trial
10.indulgent: willing to allow someone to have or enjoy something even though it may not be proper, healthy, appropriate, etc.
11.titter: to laugh in a quiet and nervous way
12.despicable: very bad or unpleasant : deserving to be despised
13.frail: having less than a normal amount of strength or force : very weak
14.gaunt: very thin usually because of illness or suffering
15.flank: to be located on both sides of (something or someone)
16.heinous: very bad or evil : deserving of hate or contempt
17.siphon: a bent tube used to move a liquid from one container into another container by means of air pressure
18.scowl: to look at someone or something in a way that shows anger or disapproval
19.reprimand: a severe or formal reproof
20.seethe: : to be in a state of constant activity