通过annotation可以实现源代码的inspect, modify or generate。可以帮助Developer做一些检查,修改源码(虽然一般说annotation仅限于访问和检查已经存在的源文件,生成新文件,而不能修改既有java文件,但是依然可以通过java内部非公开的compiler API在编译阶段修改AST树(AST-Transforming)来达到修改java原文件的效果-lombok就是这样实现的),生成文件(比如通过JavaPoet和Filer结合)等工作,减少Programmer在开发流程里大量重复然而与业务逻辑无关的代码工作(比如Builder,Getter&Setter)。
1. Annotation分类
a. annotation
@Override,@SuppressWarnings,@Deprecated等常用注解。(本文着重讲关于annotation processor的部分,所以此处常用annotation不熟悉请自行查阅)
b. meta-annotation - 用来修饰annotation的annotation。
@Retention指定annotation的作用范围,RetentionPolicy.SOURCE是保留和作用在compiler之前;RetentionPolicy.CLASS保留作用在compiler期间&load进入JVM之前;RetentionPolicy. RUNTIME一直保留到JVM加载类&执行代码。
@Inherited为标识注解(标识注解,mark annotation,是指接口声明里面没有field存在的@interface),声明此元注解的annotation可以在被应用的class上被子类继承。
2. @interface
public @interface Builder {...}
可以有0+个field。如果没有field,则称为标识annotation;如果有一个,一般命名为{TYPE} value() default {DefaultValue};此时当使用赋值时不用显式指明是哪个field; 如果有多个,按照field意思命名。{TYPE}可以是基础类型,Sting,Class,Annotation,Enum和上述的Array;methods和constructor不可以在annotation里声明。annotation不可以被继承扩展。
3. Annotation Processing
Java编译器(一般为javac,也有其他compiler比如ant提供的)支持一个叫“注解处理器(annotation processor)”的插件(用-processor命令行参数),这个插件可以在编译阶段处理这些注解。注解处理器可以对注解做静态代码分析,创建额外的java源文件或者其他文件,或者修改被注解的代码(通过修改代码的AST),然后再交给编译器编译生成字节码(.class文件)。当有新java文件生成的时候,回到parser的阶段处理新生成的java文件。当没有新java文件产生的时候,执行processor的下一步,分析和编译(也是编译器的核心部分)最终生成.class文件。
The interface for an annotation processor. Annotation processing happens in a sequence of rounds. On each round, a processor may be asked to process a subset of the annotations found on the source and class files produced by a prior round. The inputs to the first round of processing are the initial inputs to a run of the tool; these initial inputs can be regarded as the output of a virtual zeroth round of processing. If a processor was asked to process on a given round, it will be asked to process on subsequent rounds, including the last round, even if there are no annotations for it to process. The tool infrastructure may also ask a processor to process files generated implicitly by the tool's operation.
1. Each implementation of a Processor must provide a public no-argument constructor to be used by tools to instantiate the processor. The tool infrastructure will interact with classes implementing this interface as follows:
2. If an existing Processor object is not being used, to create an instance of a processor the tool calls the no-arg constructor of the processor class.
3. Next, the tool calls the init method with an appropriate ProcessingEnvironment.
4. Afterwards, the tool calls getSupportedAnnotationTypes, getSupportedOptions, and getSupportedSourceVersion. These methods are only called once per run, not on each round.
5. As appropriate, the tool calls the process method on the Processor object; a new Processor object is not created for each round.
If a processor object is created and used without the above protocol being followed, then the processor's behavior is not defined by this interface specification.
The tool uses a discovery process to find annotation processors and decide whether or not they should be run. By configuring the tool, the set of potential processors can be controlled. For example, for a Java Compiler the list of candidate processors to run can be set directly or controlled by a search path used for a service-style lookup. Other tool implementations may have different configuration mechanisms, such as command line options; for details, refer to the particular tool's documentation. Which processors the tool asks to run is a function of what annotations are present on the root elements, what annotation types a processor processes, and whether or not a processor claims the annotations it processes. A processor will be asked to process a subset of the annotation types it supports, possibly an empty set. For a given round, the tool computes the set of annotation types on the root elements. If there is at least one annotation type present, as processors claim annotation types, they are removed from the set of unmatched annotations. When the set is empty or no more processors are available, the round has run to completion. If there are no annotation types present, annotation processing still occurs but only universal processors which support processing "*" can claim the (empty) set of annotation types.
Note that if a processor supports "*" and returns true, all annotations are claimed. Therefore, a universal processor being used to, for example, implement additional validity checks should return false so as to not prevent other such checkers from being able to run.
自定义的Annotation Processor需要实现javax.annotation.processing.Processor接口,or继承实现了此接口&提供了部分逻辑的AbstractProcessor抽象类(perfer)。
@SupportedAnnotationTypes("com.baeldung.annotation.processor.Builder")//指明此processor要处理哪些annotation,可为" * "。
@SupportedSourceVersion(SourceVersion.RELEASE_8) //注意processor是与特定Java version紧密相关的
public builderProcessor extends AbstractProcessor {
//roundEnvironment包含了每一次processing round的环境信息,相当于上下文
public boolean process(Set<? extends TypeElement> annotations, RoundEnvironment roundEnv) {...}
return false; //表示此annotation依然需要在其他round被其他processor去处理。
//return true; //表示此annotation已经被处理,不再需要其他processor去处理了。
4. Compile & Plugin
Java编译器通过提供-processor命令行参数,来把外部定义的annotation processors插入到编译阶段(注意,annotation processor的逻辑代码需要提前编译好):
javac -cp processors/target/****.processors.jar (path to find processor)
-processor com.***.**Processor (processor's whole name - with packageName)
-d directory/to/put/classfile
examples/src/main/java/com/***/ (java file to compile)
不过代码社区已经开发了好多很棒的build tools:Maven,Gradle,sbt,Ant等,都可以触发Java Compiler去做很多事情。
<annotationProcessors> <proc>com.****.**Processor</proc> </annotationProcessors>
5. Example
综上所述,想要自定制annotation,必须实现两部分:@interface的annotation声明,和annotation processor。然后通过javac -processor编译代码或者通过第三方插件&IDE自动编译代码。提供了三个很棒的示例,分别是代码检查,源码修改和文件生成。建议读者自己运行一下各个示例,以加深理解。
修改源码也可以分为两部分:修改已经存在的方法和属性;添加新的方法或者属性。前者很容易,通过对ast节点的访问,找到被标注的node,修改该node的修饰符等等就可以;后者就必须采用java内部ast transformation相关的api来解决,因为public api并没有提供添加删除节点相关的api。
6. Reference