提到篮球很多人的第一反应是NBA。劲爆的扣篮、华丽的运球和频频上演的大场面时刻无一不令人血脉贲张。巨星们的一举一动都会被人们所关注,场上场下皆然。而相比之下的NCAA,虽然在疯狂三月的关注度在美国一时无两,在国内关注度就少了很多,可能只有一些拥有NBA级别潜力的球员才会被人们所熟知。美国和中国的高中篮球就更不被人们所了解。的确,高中和NCAA的大部分球员都无法登上星光闪耀的职业舞台,他们大多数人的生涯都是充满着坎坷和一次次的跌倒。的确,他们中的大多数人的篮球生涯相比之下会短暂。但是在这短短的生涯中,他们会把自己奉献给球队,会珍惜一切机会使自己的生涯没有遗憾,会像我们一样争扎着,一步步地证明自己,哪怕面对的是未来的 NBA巨星。
清晨,他们早早地就爬出䁔和的被窝,忙碌的一天从早上的健身开始。白天和我们一样上课。UNC的Luke Maye完成绝杀之后第二天照样上课。下午放学以后一直会训练到很晚,如果有比赛的话早早就坐大巴车去客场,回来的时候已夜深人静。他们日复一日地重复着,把自己的精力和身体投入到这项他们深爱着的事业中。对他们来说,篮球不仅仅是项运动。NBA的球星们大多都很励志,一个个逆袭的故事无不令人惊叹。可谁又知道无数个默默无闻的球员才可能有那么一两个幸运儿能够走到最后,大部分球员都会脱下曾经的战袍,或依依不舍地,或满含遗憾地和自己挥洒汗水和热血的球场告别,然后和千千万万个我们一样走向人生中的下一站。虽然结果不一定是完美的,但至少不负青春。他们不是遥不可及的巨星,而是和我们一样在这个天赋和出身至上的世界里拼搏的追梦者。这条路也许不会有终点,亦不会一帆风顺,但却同样精彩。
NBA is what comes to our mind when we think of basketball. People get hyped by the crazy posters, shifty handles, and all the clutch moments. The star players are always under the spotlight, on or off the court. The NCAA, on the other hand, is a different scenario. Admittedly, the March Madness would attract a lot of attention, yet, in China, people would rarely tune in for college hoops, not to mention high school basketball. Only a few players with NBA prospects would get the attention. Indeed, most of the college players would not make it to pro--their careers are marked with countless failures. Their careers are shortened compared to those who are blessed enough to play in the NBA. But, still, during their shortened basketball career, they would make sacrifices for their teams and grasp every possible opportunity so that they will have no regret in the future. They would struggle and play with a chip on their shoulder like all of us, even when they are facing future NBA stars.
They have to routinely get out of their bed early in the morning for workouts. They have to go to classes just like us--UNC's big man Luke Maye had to go to his class just like us the day after he hit a clutch shot. They have practices every day after class. They have to take buses to away games only to come back with a sore body when everyone else has already gone to bed. They really did pour their heart and soul into this game they love so deeply that they are willing to repeat the same drill day after day and overcome the same obstacles over and over again. Basketball is more than just a game to them. Most of the NBA players are inspiring--some of them were the "underdogs'' in their own story. But oftentimes we forget about the cruelty of this game--only a counted few would make it to the biggest stage. Most of them would hang their jerseys in their own room and part with the game, choosing a different route and entering a new chapter. The result might not be ideal, but they at least did not let themselves down. They are not superstars that we could not reach and resonate with; they are just like us, trying to make the most out of what they are given and chasing their dreams in a world where talents and births dictate the narrative. We never know where our future will lead us, and yes, we'll have to overcome myriad obstacles ahead of us, but the future is also filled with opportunities that are worthy of our endeavors and hopes. So always stay passionate and true to yourself, on and off the court.