Worlds inspire me most on Jan
1. The limit of your language is the limit of your world.
It's been 3 months since I moved to Melbourne. There are times I struggle to express myself, sale ideas, try to convert others, those are the moments I felt the limit. I decided to give it as one of the high priority things in my 2018 top 5 list.
来自超级个体的8月份的分享。Don't lose yourself. 成长是一个漫长、枯燥、孤独的过程。好像没有因为换了一个新鲜的环境然后开始在朋友圈po照片,到处自拍。相反却比在北京的时候还要更宅一点。那你为什么要搬过来呢?在北京宅不就好了吗?I think it's ok if you know where you are heading for.
3.Randy Pausch Last Lecture: Achieving Your Childhood Dreams
If you hadn't watched his last lecture, you definitely should give it a go. So inspiring.
Brick walls are there for a reason: they let us prove how badly we want things.
The brick walls are there to stop people who don’t want it badly enough.
They are there to stop the other people.
4.“ Nothing replaces hard work”.
----《编程之美》小组. 编程之美:微软技术面试心得 (Kindle Locations 420-421). 电子工业出版社. Kindle Edition.
5.Everything worth doing is going to be neither easy nor fast.