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今天给大家带来的知识分享为 CNN 新闻有关对于熬夜人群健康调查研究。此外还有有趣的单词解析以及英语双关语的学习。本文章意在与读者分享英语短文的个人翻译,希望能够给广大的英语学习与爱好者能够提供帮助。

1. 英语短文翻译分享

标题:Night owls have 10% higher mortality risk, study says


短文来源: CNN news, by Mark Lieber, April 13th


If the early bird catches the worm, what is the night owl more likely to catch? According to a new study, it's diabetes, psychological problems and an increased risk of dying.


The study, published Thursday in the journal Chronobiology International, tracked almost half a million adults in the United Kingdom over an average of 6½ years. The researchers found that those people who identified as "definite evening types" at the beginning of the study had a 10% increased risk of all-cause mortality compared with "definite morning types."

这一份在 Chronobiology International (国际生物钟研究) 期刊发表的研究对大约50万的英国成年人进行大约长达6.5年的追踪调查。研究学者发现,在实验一开始所定义的 “绝对晚睡人群” 的死亡率比 “早睡人群”要高出10%。

Night owls were also more likely to have diabetes, neurological disorders, psychological disorders, gastrointestinal disorders and respiratory disorders, according to Kristen Knutson, associate professor of neurology at Northwestern's Feinberg School of Medicine and a leading author of the study.

Kristen Knutson 是 Northwestern's Feinberg 医学院的副教授,同时也是这份研究的领头人。他说经常晚睡的人更加容易患有糖尿病,神经紊乱,心理问题,肠胃紊乱,以及呼吸道相关疾病等等。

"What we think might be happening is, there's a problem for the night owl who's trying to live in the morning lark world," Knutson said. "This mismatch between their internal clock and their external world could lead to problems for their health over the long run, especially if their schedule is irregular.

“我们(研究团队)认为,对于经常晚睡的人来说,白天的工作和生活将会对他们的身体造成一系列的问题,” Knutson 教授说道,“白天的生活违反他们(晚睡的人)体内生物钟,长期持续这样的状况将会造成(严重的)健康问题,尤其是生活作息特别不规律的人群”。

"Previous work has shown that people who are evening types -- are night owls -- tend to have worse health profiles, including things like diabetes and heart disease," Knutson added. "But this is really the first study to look at mortality."

“之前的研究已经表明晚睡人群--经常熬夜的人--将会伴随更糟糕的身体状况,包括糖尿病以及心脏疾病,” Knutson 教授接着说,“但是我们发表的文章是第一份关注于晚睡人群死亡率的研究”。


The researchers relied on data from the UK Biobank -- a large prospective cohort study conducted between 2006 and 2010 that investigated risk factors for major diseases in men and women 37 to 73 years of age. In order to evaluate natural circadian rhythm, otherwise known as their chronotype, participants were asked to identify as "definitely a morning person," "more a morning person than evening person," "more an evening than a morning person" or "definitely an evening person."

这些研究学者(完成该文章)主要依赖来自英国 Biobank 之前的相关数据,Biobank 是在2006年到2010年一份大型前瞻性的群体研究报告,主要集中调查37岁至73岁人群中造成重大疾病的(潜在)危险因子。为了调查人群的自然昼夜生理规律,又称为生物钟类型,研究参与者将会被分类成四种类型:“早起人群”,“偏早起人群”,“偏晚睡人群”,“晚睡人群”。

Of the 433,268 participants, approximately 10,000 died during the study's 6½-year followup period. After controlling for factors such as age, sex, ethnicity, body mass index, smoking status and sleep duration, the researchers found that those who identified as "definite evening types" had a 10% increased risk of dying during the followup period compared with those who identified as "definite morning types."

在4332468名研究参与者中,大约有10000人在6.5年的跟踪调查期间死亡。在研究人员考虑并且去除掉其他的例如性别,年龄,种族,体重指数,吸烟历史,睡觉时长等影响因素之后,研究发现 “晚睡人群” 的死亡率要比 “早起人群” 大约高出10%。

The risk of death was not increased for those who identified as "more a morning person" or "more an evening person" compared with the morning larks, according to the report.

"This is just one piece of the puzzle," said Jamie Zeitzer, associate professor of psychiatry and behavioral sciences (sleep medicine) at the Stanford School of Medicine, who was not involved in the research.

根据研究结果,与 “早起人群” 相比,“偏早起人群” 与 “偏晚睡人群” 的死亡危险性并没有(明显的)增加。

“这(揭露的事实)仅仅只是未知的冰山一角”,来自斯坦福医学院精神病与行为科学(睡眠医学)的 Jamie Zeizer 副教授这样说道,他并没有参与到这次的科学研究项目中来。

"The findings for the mortality actually weren't as robust as I would have hoped. ... I think they would have had stronger results if, instead of just looking at chronotype, they had looked at chronotype alignment: So, are people going to bed at their correct time?" Zeitzer added.

“这些有关死亡率的结果事实上并不是像我想象中那么具有说服力。我(个人)认为他们(该调查的研究团队)如果关注点放在生物种类型关联性而不仅仅是生物种类型上,结果可能会更加强而有力:比如,人们是不是在(符合他们自身生活规律的)正常时间上床睡觉?” Zeitzer 教授接着说。

In addition to overall mortality, being a night owl was associated with a number of health problems such as psychological, neurological, gastrointestinal and respiratory disorders.

The association was strongest for psychological disorders: Those who identified as "definite evening types" were nearly twice as likely to report having a psychological illness than those who were "definite morning types," the study found.


(熬夜者的)心里紊乱尤其明显:该研究还表明 “晚睡人群” 中患有心理疾病的人数要比 “早起人群” 中的人数高出大约一倍。

"It's interesting," Zeitzer said. "And it would definitely take some follow-up to see what that means. Is that depression? Is that anxiety? Are there specific psychological phenomena that are more or less related to chronotype, especially the disparity between your chronotype preferred timing and the actual timing of sleep?"

“这样的研究结果非常有趣”,Zeitzer 教授称。“接下来可能需要做一些跟随研究去调查这样的结果到底意味这什么。这些心理疾病究竟是抑郁症?又或是焦虑症?是否一些特定的精神疾病与生物钟类型或多或少存在关联性?尤其需要考虑(研究参与者)所宣称的睡眠时间与真实睡眠时间存在偏差(这一影响因素)”。

Although the study did not look at the specific causes of death, research has suggested that night owls are more likely to develop cardiovascular disease and certain types of cancer such as prostate and breast cancer.

A 2014 study also showed that those who stay up late had less white matter in certain areas of the brain associated with depression. White matter consists of nerve projections that relay and coordinate communication between different areas of the nervous system.



According to Knutson, a person's chronotype is probably a mixture of inherited and environmental factors.

"Whether or not you're a night owl is partly determined by your genes, which obviously you can't change, but it's not entirely a given," Knutson said.

根据 Knutson 的说法,一个人的生物种类型可能是由遗传以及环境因素共同决定的混合产物。

“你是否属于晚睡人群一部分是由你的基因信息所决定的,很显然这部分是你自身所不能控制的,然而,这并不是造成你熬夜的全部理由,” knutson 教授说道。

Some strategies known to help people trying to switch to an earlier schedule include gradually advancing your bedtime and avoiding the use of technology at night, according to Knutson.

"I want to emphasize the gradual aspect. You can't suddenly tonight just go to bed three hours earlier. It's not going to work," Knutson said.

Knutson 教授称一些好的策略能够帮助人们慢慢改善其晚睡的不良生活作息,例如提早自己的上床时间,又或者是拒绝在睡前(长时间)使用电子产品。

“我想强调的是这(改善晚睡习惯)是一个循序渐进的过程。你不能今晚立马就比往日提早三小时睡觉,这样的方式并不能奏效”,Knutson 教授说道。


"You also need to really avoid light at night, including your smartphone and your tablets," she added. "That not only makes it hard to fall asleep; it's also a signal to your clock to start being later again."

“你还需要在睡前避免强光直射(眼睛),其中就包括使用智能手机和平板电脑,” 她接着说道。“这样的生活习惯不仅仅让你更难入睡;同时这也是一种让你体内生物钟(在第二天早晨)难以启动的生理信号。”

For those who still struggle with mornings, finding a job that has flexible hours or hours more consistent with your biological clock could be a solution.

"You can find a job that starts later, but that's not a particularly useful piece of advice for a lot of people," Zeitzer said.

Knutson added, "employers should recognize that some of their employees are going to be morning types and some are going to be evening types.


“你可以去寻找一个不需要早起的工作,但是这对于大多数的人来说都不是一个有用的建议,” Zeitzer 教授称。

Knutson 补充道,“雇主应该意识到有些雇员是属于早起人群,而有些人属于晚睡人群。”

"And if their work hours were flexible to reflect their biological clock preference and allow the night owls to have a later work schedule, that would be preferable for them and potentially better for their health and their productivity if they're working at the time that's best for them."


Although the researchers controlled for ethnicity, nearly 94% of the participants identified as Caucasian, meaning the results may not be generalizable to other demographics, according to Zeitzer.

"It's limited because of that," he said. "It's strong in that it's a big sample of nearly half a million people, but it is mainly Caucasians of Irish or English descent."

尽管研究学者已经(尽可能的)控制了种族影响因素,但是94%的人属于白人群体。Zeitzer 说这样意味着研究结果并不能用来概括来自其他地区的人群种族。

“这份研究报告因此存在局限性,” 他说道。“大约有50万人的参与者使得这份研究非常具有说服力,但是其中大部分的参与者都是爱尔兰或者是英格兰的白人人群。”

"It's not intrinsically chronotype that's bad; it's chronotype plus our society ... and not all societies are the same," Zeitzer added. "If you looked in Spain, where people are much later in terms of when they go to work, my guess is that the health consequences are probably less than in the UK."

“本质上来说并不是生物钟类型的过错;原因归结于生物种类型加上社会系统,不是所有的社会系统都是一样的,” Zeitzer 教授补充道。“如果你关注西班牙,那里的民众普遍工作时间相对英国要晚一点,我猜测西班牙人的健康程度要比英国民众差一些。”

Chronotype was also measured based on self-reports rather than objective measures, one of the study's main limitations, according to Knutson.

But the study should still be a wake-up call for night owls, who may want to take extra efforts to maintain a healthy lifestyle, she said.

Knutson 教授说研究中提到的生物钟类型是一个个人主观产物而非客观,这是该研究报告的一个巨大缺陷。


"An important message here is for night owls to realize that they have these potential health problems and therefore need to be more vigilant about maintaining a healthy lifestyle," Knutson added.

"Eating right, exercising, getting enough sleep -- all of these things are important, and maybe particularly so for night owls."

“对于经常熬夜的人来说,这(该研究结果)对他们来说是一份很重要的讯号,提醒他们身体内部具有潜在的健康那个状况,这样能够警示他们去维持一个健康的生活作息。” Knutson 教授称。



2. 英语单词解析


韦氏词典(Dictionary by Merriam-Webster)英语学习者版(English-language learns)中的解释:

a. a state of feeling sad

b. a period of time in which there is little economic activity and many people do not have jobs

Depression 在韦氏词典中有两种解释,第一种形容 “心情低落,伤心的状态”,即为大家所熟知的 “沮丧,抑郁,抑郁症”。第二种解释 “形容经济状况不好的情景”,即为 ”经济萧条“:

Depression 抑郁症,一种常见的心理疾病   

3. Share of Pun (双关语)



right 有两种解释,第一种为大家所熟知的颜色 “蓝色”;第二种不常见的意思形容心情 “忧郁的,不开心的”:


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