1. 背景
mdn: Map是ES6中的内置全局对象,其中保存了多个键值对映射关系。
它的key 和value 都可以是js中的任意对象。例如,
const m = new Map;
const objectKey1 = {};
const objectKey2 = {};
const stringKey3 = '';
const numberKey4 = Infinity;
m.set(objectKey1, 1);
m.set(objectKey2, 2);
m.set(stringKey3, 3);
m.set(numberKey4, 4);
const iter = m.keys();
console.assert(iter.next().value === objectKey1);
console.assert(iter.next().value === objectKey2);
console.assert(iter.next().value === stringKey3);
console.assert(iter.next().value === numberKey4);
Returns a new Iterator object that contains the keys for each element in the Map object in insertion order.
2. Map
Map object must be implemented using either hash tables or other mechanisms that, on average, provide access times that are sublinear on the number of elements in the collection.
2.1 Map.prototype.keys
- Let M be the this value.
- Return ? CreateMapIterator(M, "key").
- If Type(map) is not Object, throw a TypeError exception.
- If map does not have a [[MapData]] internal slot, throw a TypeError exception.
- Let iterator be ObjectCreate(%MapIteratorPrototype%, « [[Map]], [[MapNextIndex]], [[MapIterationKind]] »).
- Set iterator.[[Map]] to map.
- Set iterator.[[MapNextIndex]] to 0.
- Set iterator.[[MapIterationKind]] to kind.
- Return iterator.
2.2 %MapIteratorPrototype%
- Let O be the this value.
- If Type(O) is not Object, throw a TypeError exception.
- If O does not have all of the internal slots of a Map Iterator Instance (, throw a TypeError exception.
- Let m be O.[[Map]].
- Let index be O.[[MapNextIndex]].
- Let itemKind be O.[[MapIterationKind]].
- If m is undefined, return CreateIterResultObject(undefined, true).
- Assert: m has a [[MapData]] internal slot.
- Let entries be the List that is m.[[MapData]].
- Let numEntries be the number of elements of entries.
- NOTE: numEntries must be redetermined each time this method is evaluated.
- Repeat, while index is less than numEntries,
其中List是一个规范内置类型(Specification Types)。
The List type is used to explain the evaluation of argument lists in new expressions, in function calls, and in other algorithms where a simple ordered list of values is needed. Values of the List type are simply ordered sequences of list elements containing the individual values.
2.3 [[MapData]]
- If NewTarget is undefined, throw a TypeError exception.
- Let map be ? OrdinaryCreateFromConstructor(NewTarget, "%MapPrototype%", « [[MapData]] »).
- Set map.[[MapData]] to a new empty List.
- If iterable is not present, or is either undefined or null, return map.
- Let adder be ? Get(map, "set").
- Return ? AddEntriesFromIterable(map, iterable, adder).
2.4 Map.prototype.set
- Let M be the this value.
- If Type(M) is not Object, throw a TypeError exception.
- If M does not have a [[MapData]] internal slot, throw a TypeError exception.
- Let entries be the List that is M.[[MapData]].
- For each Record { [[Key]], [[Value]] } p that is an element of entries, do
5.1 If p.[[Key]] is not empty and SameValueZero(p.[[Key]], key) is true, then
a. Set p.[[Value]] to value.
b. Return M.- If key is -0, set key to +0.
- Let p be the Record { [[Key]]: key, [[Value]]: value }.
- Append p as the last element of entries.
- Return M.