转录组分析:RNA-seq pipeline through kallisto or salmon

RNA-seq pipeline through kallisto or salmon

kallisto 和salmon相比含有hisat2和STAR等软的RNA-seq流程而言,速度更快,这是因为该软件基于转录组序列reference(也即是cDNA序列)并且基于k mer比对原理。通常如果想研究RNA-seq过程基因发生了何种变化且不需知道新转录本,可以直接使用kallisto或salmon获取转录本的丰度信息。

install software

conda install -c bioconda kallisto salmon -y

过滤原始 fastq files

任何RNA-seq流程都需要对原始fastq reads文件进行质控,质控包括去除接头、barcode等额外引入的序列,当然也包括舍弃低质量的reads。这类软件有,cutadapt、flexbar和trimmomatic等。

download reference


wget ftp://ftp.ensembl.org/pub/release-100/fasta/mus_musculus/cdna/Mus_musculus.GRCm38.cdna.all.fa

build index

kallisto index -i kallisto_index/Mus_musculus.GRCm38 Mus_musculus.GRCm38.cdna.all.fa
salmon index -i salmon_index/Mus_musculus.GRCm38 -t Mus_musculus.GRCm38.cdna.all.fa -p 20



SampleID LaneID Path
HF_NC01 HF_NC01_RNA_b2.r2 /01.rename/HF_NC01_RNA_b2.r2.fq.gz
HF_NC01 HF_NC01_RNA_b2.r1 /01.rename/HF_NC01_RNA_b2.r1.fq.gz
HF_NC02 HF_NC02_RNA_b2.r1 /01.rename/HF_NC02_RNA_b2.r1.fq.gz
HF_NC02 HF_NC02_RNA_b2.r2 /01.rename/HF_NC02_RNA_b2.r2.fq.gz
HF_NC03 HF_NC03_RNA_novo.r2 /01.rename/HF_NC03_RNA_novo.r2.fq.gz
HF_NC03 HF_NC03_RNA_novo.r1 /01.rename/HF_NC03_RNA_novo.r1.fq.gz

过滤文件目录:02.trim (高质量的reads文件)


# key command
kallisto quant 
    -i kallisto_index/Mus_musculus.GRCm38 
    -g gtf_file 
    -o kallisto_quant/HF07 
    -b 30 
    -t 10 02.trim/HF07_1.fastq.gz 02.trim/HF07_2.fastq.gz
salmon quant 
    -i salmon_index/Mus_musculus.GRCm38/ 
    -l IU -p 10 
    -1 02.trim/HF07_1.fastq.gz 
    -2 02.trim/HF07_2.fastq.gz 
    -o salmon_quant/HF07 
    --numBootstraps 30

import os
import re
import sys
import argparse as ap
from collections import defaultdict

current_abosulte_path = os.getcwd()

def parse_arguments(args):
    parser = ap.ArgumentParser(description= "the initial script of pipeline")
    parser.add_argument('-t','--trim',metavar='<string>', type=str, help='trimmed data dir')
    parser.add_argument('-s','--sample',metavar='<string>', type=str, help='SampleID|LaneID|Path')
    parser.add_argument('-o','--output',metavar='<string>', type=str, help='the output directory')
    parser.add_argument('-g','--gtf',metavar='<string>', type=str, help='the genome annotation file')
    parser.add_argument('-i','--index',metavar='<string>', type=str, help='the index of genome')
    parser.add_argument('-p','--prefix',metavar='<string>', type=str, help='the prefix of output file')
    return parser.parse_args()

def create_folder(folder):
    create folder for the result
    folder_path = os.path.join(current_abosulte_path, folder)
    if not os.path.exists(folder_path):
    return folder_path

def get_path_file(sample):
    the connections among sampleid, laneid and path
    dict_lane   = defaultdict(list)
    with open(sample, 'r') as f:
        for line in f:
            line = line.strip()
            if not line.startswith("SampleID"):
                group = re.split(r'\s+', line)

    return dict_lane

def generate_shell(trim_folder, sample_file, outdir, gtf_file, genome_index, file_name):
    trim_file_folder = os.path.join(current_abosulte_path, trim_folder)
    output_path = create_folder(outdir)
    output_name = os.path.join(current_abosulte_path, file_name)
    sample_name = get_path_file(sample_file)

    output_f = open(output_name, 'w')
    for key in sample_name:
        out_sample_prefix = os.path.join(output_path, key)
        #target1 = [x for x in sample_name[key] if re.findall(r'r1', x)]
        #fq1 = os.path.join(trim_file_folder, ("_".join([target1[0], "val_1.fq.gz"])))
        #target2 = [x for x in sample_name[key] if re.findall(r'r2', x)]
        #fq2 = os.path.join(trim_file_folder, ("_".join([target2[0], "val_2.fq.gz"])))
        fq1 = os.path.join(trim_file_folder, ("_".join([key, "1.fastq.gz"])))
        fq2 = os.path.join(trim_file_folder, ("_".join([key, "2.fastq.gz"])))
        if os.path.isfile(fq1) and os.path.isfile(fq2):
            fq = " ".join([fq1, fq2])

            if re.findall(r'kallisto', genome_index):
                shell = " ".join(["kallisto quant -i", genome_index, "-g", \
                                "gtf_file", "-o", out_sample_prefix, "-b 30 -t 10", fq])
            elif re.findall(r'salmon', genome_index):
                shell = " ".join(["salmon quant -i",  genome_index, \
                                "-l IU -p 10", \
                                "-1", fq1, "-2", fq2, \
                                "-o", out_sample_prefix,\
                                "--numBootstraps 30"])
            output_f.write(shell + "\n")


def main():
    args = parse_arguments(sys.argv)
    generate_shell(args.trim, args.sample, args.output, args.gtf, args.index, args.prefix)

if __name__ == '__main__':

运行脚本: 生成RUN文件

# kallisto 
python quant_feature.py -t 02.trim/ -s 46RNA.samples.path.tsv -o kallisto_quant -g /disk/share/database/Mus_musculus.GRCm38_release100/Mus_musculus.GRCm38.cdna.all.fa -i /disk/share/database/Mus_musculus.GRCm38_release100/kallisto_index/Mus_musculus.GRCm38 -p RUN.kallisto_quant.sh
# salmon
python quant_feature.py -t 02.trim/ -s 46RNA.samples.path.tsv -o salmon_quant -g /disk/share/database/Mus_musculus.GRCm38_release100/Mus_musculus.GRCm38.cdna.all.fa -i /disk/share/database/Mus_musculus.GRCm38_release100/salmon_index/Mus_musculus.GRCm38/ -p RUN.salmon_quant.sh

获取expression matrix:



# parameter input
parser <- arg_parser("merge transcript abundance files") %>%
    add_argument("-s", "--sample",
        help = "the sampleID files") %>%
    add_argument("-d", "--dir",
        help = "the dir of output") %>%
    add_argument("-g", "--gene",
        help = "transcriptID into geneID") %>%
    add_argument("-t", "--type",
        help = "the type of software") %>%
    add_argument("-c", "--count",
        help = "the method of scale for featurecounts") %>%
    add_argument("-n", "--name",
        help = "the name of transcript file") %>%
    add_argument("-o", "--out",
        help = "the merged files's dir and name")

args <- parse_args(parser)

# prepare for function
sample <- args$s
dir    <- args$d
tx2gen <- args$g
type   <- args$t
scount <- args$c
name   <- args$n
prefix <- args$o

tx2gene_table <- read.csv(tx2gen, header=T)
tx2gene <- tx2gene_table %>%
            dplyr::select(tx_id, gene_id, gene_name)
phen <- read.table(sample, header=T, sep="\t")
sample_name <- unique(as.character(phen$SampleID))
files <- file.path(dir, sample_name, name)
names(files) <- sample_name
result <- tximport(files,
                   type = type,
                   countsFromAbundance = scount,
                   tx2gene = tx2gene,
                   ignoreTxVersion = T)
save(result, file = prefix)
Rscript get_merged_table.R \
    -s samples.path.tsv \
    -d kallisto_quant/ \
    -g EnsDb.Mmusculus.v79_transcriptID2geneID.csv \
    -t kallisto \
    -c no \
    -n abundance.tsv \
    -o kallisto_quant.RData

Rscript get_merged_table.R \
    -s samples.path.tsv \
    -d salmon_quant/ \
    -g EnsDb.Mmusculus.v79_transcriptID2geneID.csv \
    -t salmon \
    -c no \
    -n quant.sf \
    -o salmon_quant.RData


phen <- read.csv("phenotype.csv")
kallisto_count <- round(result$counts) %>% data.frame()
kallisto_length <- apply(result$length, 1, mean) %>% data.frame() %>%

get_profile <- function(matrix, exon_length,
  # matrix=count_format
  # exon_length=count_length 
  # occurrence=0.2
  # ncount=10
  # filter with occurrence and ncount
  prf <- matrix %>% rownames_to_column("Type") %>% 
    filter(apply(dplyr::select(., -one_of("Type")), 1, 
                 function(x){sum(x > 0)/length(x)}) > occurrence) %>%
            data.frame(.) %>% 
  prf <- prf[rowSums(prf) > ncount, ]
  # change sampleID 
  sid <- intersect(colnames(prf), y$SampleID)
  phen.cln <- y %>% filter(SampleID%in%sid) %>%
  prf.cln <- prf %>% dplyr::select(as.character(phen.cln$SampleID))
  # determine the right order between profile and phenotype 
  for(i in 1:ncol(prf.cln)){ 
    if (!(colnames(prf.cln)[i] == phen.cln$SampleID[i])) {
      stop(paste0(i, " Wrong"))
  colnames(prf.cln) <- phen.cln$SampleID_v2  
  # normalizate the profile using FPKM and TPM
  exon_length.cln <- exon_length[as.character(rownames(prf.cln)), , F]
  for(i in 1:nrow(exon_length.cln)){ 
    if (!(rownames(exon_length.cln)[i] == rownames(prf.cln)[i])) {
      stop(paste0(i, " Wrong"))
  dat <- prf.cln/exon_length.cln$Length
  dat_FPKM <- t(t(dat)/colSums(prf.cln)) * 10^9
  dat_TPM <- t(t(dat)/colSums(dat)) * 10^6
  dat_count <- prf.cln[order(rownames(prf.cln)), ]
  dat_fpkm <- dat_FPKM[order(rownames(dat_FPKM)), ]
  dat_tpm <- dat_TPM[order(rownames(dat_TPM)), ]
  res <- list(count=dat_count, fpkm=dat_fpkm, tpm=dat_tpm)
prf_out <- function(result, type="STAR"){
  dir <- "../../Result/Profile/"
  count_name <- paste0(dir, type, "_filtered_counts.tsv")
  FPKM_name <- paste0(dir, type, "_filtered_FPKM.tsv")
  TPM_name <- paste0(dir, type, "_filtered_TPM.tsv")  
  write.table(x = result$count, 
              file = count_name, 
              sep = '\t', 
              quote = F,
              col.names = NA)
  write.table(x = result$fpkm, 
              file = FPKM_name, 
              sep = '\t', 
              quote = F,
              col.names = NA)
  write.table(x = result$tpm, 
              file = TPM_name, 
              sep = '\t', 
              quote = F,
              col.names = NA)

kallisto_prf <- get_profile(kallisto_count, kallisto_length)
# output
prf_out(kallisto_prf, type = "kallisto")


  1. kallisto manual

  2. salmon github

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