

  <div class="dataDiscovery">

    <div class="container-wd bg-shadow">

      <third-nav :itemsData="thirdNavItemsData" :triangleShow="false"></third-nav>

      <div class="pl-30 pr-30 pb-10 pt-0 relative">

        <el-form ref="searchform" :model="searchform" class="xyj-el-form">

          <el-row :gutter="120" class="mt-20">

            <el-col :span="8">

              <el-form-item label="任务名称:" label-width="90px">

                <el-input v-model.trim="searchform.serch" placeholder="请输入任务名称" class="xyj-input h30 flex-1"


                  <i slot="suffix" class="el-input__icon el-icon-search" @click="goSearch(searchform)"></i>


                <input onkeypress="if (event.keyCode == 13) showResult();" style="display:none;"/>



            <el-col :span="8">

              <el-form-item label="任务状态:" label-width="90px">


                  v-model.number="searchform.status" clearable popper-class="xyj-dropdown" placeholder="请选择任务状态"

                  @change="goSearch()" class="xyj-select h30 flex-1">

                  <el-option v-for="item in taskStatusOptions" :key="item.value" :label="item.label" :value="item.value" />




            <el-col :span="8">

              <el-form-item label="" label-width="0px" class="text-r">

                <el-button :disabled="isReadonlyByAuth" size="small" @click="showEdit('add')"> <i class="el-icon-plus mr-5"></i>新增</el-button>

                <el-button :disabled="isReadonlyByAuth || !(this.batchpram.length>0)" class="btn-delete ml-20" size="small" @click="copyTask()"><img class="lmy-img" src="@/assets/image/icon-copy.png" alt="" />复制任务</el-button>

                <el-button :disabled="isReadonlyByAuth || !(this.batchpram.length>0)" size="small" class="btn-delete ml-20" @click="batchRemove(batchDeltask,'任务')"><i class="el-icon-delete mr-5"></i>删除</el-button>





        <el-table class="xyj-table" :data='tableData.tableList' ref="multipleTable" @selection-change="handleSelectionChange">

          <el-table-column align="center" class="xyj-table-select" type="selection" width="60">


          <el-table-column label='任务名称' min-width="100" :show-overflow-tooltip="true">

            <template slot-scope="scope">

                <el-button :disabled="isReadonlyByAuth" type="text" class="btn-text-two overflow" @click="handleDetail(scope.row.id)">

                  <span style="

                  display: inline-block;


                  width: 108px;

                  text-overflow: ellipsis;

                  overflow: hidden;

                  white-space: nowrap;">{{scope.row.taskName}}</span>

                </el-button >



          <el-table-column label=''  width="70">

            <template slot-scope="scope">

              <div class="">

            <el-popover trigger="hover" placement="right-start" popper-class="action-popover">

                  <el-button :disabled="isReadonlyByAuth || scope.row.status === 2 || scope.row.status===3" class="lmy-popover-button action-button" type="text" @click="showEdit('edit',scope.row)">

                    <i class="iconfont icon-bianji-zhengchang fs12"></i> 编辑


                  <el-button :disabled="isReadonlyByAuth || scope.row.status === 2 || scope.row.status === 6" class="lmy-popover-button action-button" type="text" @click="startOrStop(1,scope)">

                    <i class="iconfont icon-qidong-zhengchang fs12"></i> 启动


                  <el-button :disabled="isReadonlyByAuth || scope.row.status !== 2" class="lmy-popover-button action-button" type="text" @click="startOrStop(2,scope)">

                    <i class="iconfont icon-tingzhi fs12"></i> 停止


                  <el-button  v-if="scope.row.status == 2 || scope.row.status== 6" class="lmy-popover-button action-button" type="text" @click="pauseOrRecoverWay(1,scope)">

                    <i class="iconfont icon-qidong-zhengchang fs12"></i> 暂停


                  <el-button v-if="scope.row.status == 3 "  class="lmy-popover-button action-button" type="text" @click="pauseOrRecoverWay(2,scope)">

                    <i class="iconfont icon-tingzhi fs12"></i> 恢复


                  <el-button :disabled="isReadonlyByAuth || scope.row.status === 2|| scope.row.status===3" class="lmy-popover-button action-button" type="text" @click="deleteTask(scope.row.id)">

                    <i class="iconfont icon-shanchu-zhengchang fs12"></i> 删除


                  <div slot="reference" class="name-wrapper">

                    <i class="iconfont icon-sangedian-zhengchang more-action"></i>






          <el-table-column label='数据源名称' min-width='130' :show-overflow-tooltip="true">

            <template slot-scope="scope">




          <el-table-column label='任务创建时间' min-width='150' :show-overflow-tooltip="true">

            <template slot-scope="scope">

              <span>{{scope.row.createTime | getDate}}</span>



          <el-table-column label='任务开始时间' min-width='150' :show-overflow-tooltip="true">

            <template slot-scope="scope">

              <span v-if="scope.row.startTime">{{scope.row.startTime | getDate}}</span>

              <span v-if="!scope.row.startTime">--</span>



          <el-table-column label='任务运行用时' min-width='100' :show-overflow-tooltip="true">

            <template slot-scope="scope">

              <span>{{scope.row.duration | formatSeconds}}</span>



          <el-table-column label='任务状态' min-width='100' :show-overflow-tooltip="true">

            <template slot-scope="scope">

              <span v-bind:class="handleTaskStatusStyle(scope.row.status)">{{scope.row.status | getTaskState}}</span>



          <el-table-column label='用户' prop='creator' min-width='100' :show-overflow-tooltip="true"></el-table-column>

          <el-table-column label='操作' width='130' align="center">

            <template slot-scope="scope">

              <el-button :disabled="isReadonlyByAuth" v-if="scope.row.status === 5" type="text" class="btn-text" @click="handleAdjust(scope.row.id,false,'confirm')">结果确认</el-button>

              <el-button :disabled="isReadonlyByAuth" v-if="scope.row.status === 4" type="text" class="btn-text" @click="handleAdjust(scope.row.id,true,'adjust')">结果调整</el-button>

              <el-button :disabled="isReadonlyByAuth" v-if="scope.row.status === -1||scope.row.status===3" type="text" class="btn-text" @click="handleFailureReason(scope.row.id)">查看详情</el-button>

              <el-button :disabled="isReadonlyByAuth" v-if="scope.row.status === 2" type="text" class="btn-text" @click="Progress(scope)">查看进度</el-button>




        <div class="text-r pt-20 pl-20 pr-20 relative">



            class="xyj-pagination pagination-one mar-t"




            :page-sizes='[10, 20, 30, 50]'


            layout='total, sizes, prev, pager, next, jumper'






    <!-- 新增与编辑弹窗 -->











import ThirdNav from '@/views/components/ThirdNav'

import { globalTable, batchRemoveCommon, pageMenusAuth, getRealTimeData } from '@/mixin/index'

import { taskList, taskStartOrStop,pauseOrRecover,failureReason, taskCopy, batchDeltask } from '@/http/htask'

import { dataDiscoveryOpts } from '@/dict/dataDesen'

import addTask from './addTaskT.vue'

export default {

  mixins: [globalTable, batchRemoveCommon, pageMenusAuth, getRealTimeData],

  components: {




  data () {

    return {


      thirdNavItemsData: [


          'label': '数据发现任务列表',

          'value': 1



      dialogType: 'add',

      dialogTitle: '新建任务',

      id: '',

      Num: 1,

      isAddTask: false,

      searchform: {},

      sourceTypes: [{ value: 1, label: 'MySQL' }, { value: 2, label: 'Oracle' }, { value: 3, label: 'SQLServer' },

        { value: 4, label: 'PostgreSQL' }, { value: 5, label: 'DB2' }, { value: 6, label: 'Informix' },

        { value: 7, label: 'SYBase' }, { value: 8, label: 'Hive' }, { value: 9, label: 'Hbase' }, { value: 10, label: 'DM' }],

      tableData: {

        tableList: [],

        total: 1


      pageData: {

        pageNum: 1,

        pageSize: 10


      taskStatusOptions: dataDiscoveryOpts



  watch: {

    dialogType: {

      handler () {

        this.dialogTitle = this.dialogType === 'add' ? '新建任务' : '编辑任务'



    '$route': {

      handler (value) {



      immediate: true



  computed: {


  mounted () {



  methods: {

    showEditTwo (row) {

      this.dialogType = 'edit'

      let editFilterTable = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(row.filterTable)).map(item => {

        return {

          label: item,

          key: item



      this.formForEdit = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(row))

      this.formForEdit.filterTable = editFilterTable

      this.dialogInit = true


    handleSelectionChange (val) {

      if (val && val.length) {

        this.multipleSelection = val


      } else {

        this.multipleSelection = []




    deleteTask (id) {

      this.multipleSelection = []

      this.multipleSelection.push({ id: id })

      this.batchRemove(batchDeltask, '任务')


    setTimer () {


      this.timer = setTimeout(() => {


      }, 5000)


    clearTimer () {

      if (this.timer) {


        this.timer = null



    searchTask (val) {

      // 通知top5列表根据任务名称跳转到任务列表

      let name = this.$route.query.name

      if (typeof (val) === 'undefined') {

        val = {}

        if (typeof (name) !== 'undefined') {

          val.serch = name

          // type为1-精确查询

          val.type = 1

        } else {

          // type为0-模糊查询

          val.type = 0



      if (name === undefined) {

        val.type = 0


      let pr = this.getparams(val)

      taskList(pr).then((res) => {

        if (res.code === 0 && res.data) {

          if (!this.noDataJumpFirst(res.data)) {

            this.tableData.tableList = res.data.list

            this.tableData.total = res.data.total



        } else {

          this.errorTips(res.message || '网络异常,请稍后再试')




    // 根据不同任务状态显示字的不同颜色

    // '已完成','未开始','执行中','待确认','失败'5种状态

    handleTaskStatusStyle (item) {

      if (item === -1) {

        return 'failure-state'



    copyTask () {

      if (this.multipleSelection.length > 1) {


        return false


      let param = this.multipleSelection[0].id

      taskCopy(param).then(res => {

        if (res.code === 0) {



        } else {

          this.errorTips(res.message || '复制任务失败!')




    // 详情

    handleDetail (id) {

      this.$router.push({ name: 'taskdetail', query: { id: id } })


    startOrStop (flag, scope) {

      taskStartOrStop(flag, scope.row.id).then(res => {

        if (flag === 1) {

          if (res.code === 0) {



          } else {

            this.errorTips(res.message || '启动任务失败!')


        } else if (flag === 2) {

          if (res.code === 0) {



          } else {

            this.errorTips(res.message || '停止任务失败!')





    pauseOrRecoverWay (flag, scope) {

      pauseOrRecover(flag, scope.row.id).then(res => {

        if (flag === 1) {

          if (res.code === 0) {



          } else {

            this.errorTips(res.message || '暂停任务失败!')


        } else if (flag === 2) {

          if (res.code === 0) {



          } else {

            this.errorTips(res.message || '恢复任务失败!')





    Progress (scope) {

      this.$router.push({ path: '/dataDiscovery/scan', query: { id: scope.row.id } })


    // 失败-查看详情

    handleFailureReason (id) {

      failureReason(id).then(res => {

        if (res.code === 0) {


        } else {

          this.errorTips(res.message || '请求失败!')




    // 结果调整

    handleAdjust (id, val, type) {

      this.$router.push({ name: 'dataConfirm', query: { id: id, isEdit: val, type } })



  // beforeDestroy () {

  //   this.clearTimer()

  // }



<style lang="scss">




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    color: #E45E5E;



    font-family: MicrosoftYaHei;

    font-size: 13px;

    color: #6E52EE;


      color: #a997ff;




    display: inline-block;







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    img:first-child {

      display: none;


    img:last-child {

      display: inline-block;




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  .delete-action {

    display: inline-block;


  .delete-active-action {

    display: none;




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