Today is Sunday.
Pippi thought the teacher was awfully nice so she took a lovely little gold watch and laid it on the desk. The teacher said she couldn't possibly accept such a valuable gift from Pippi but Pippi replied she had got to take it, otherwise she would go back to school the next day. Then Pippi rushed out to the schoolyard and jumped on her horse. All the children gathered around the horse to pat it and see her off. Pippi said to the children that they ought to know about the schools in Argentina. She told them that Easter vacation began three days after Christmas vacation ended, and when Easter vacation was over there were three days and then it was summer vacation; summer vacation ended on the first of November, and then they would have a tough time until Christmas vacation began on November 11, and they could stand that because there were at least no lessons; it was strictly against the law to have lessons in Argentina;once in a while it happened that some Argentine kid sneaked into a closet and sat there studying a lesson, but it was too bad for him if his mother found him; they didn't have arithmetic class at all in the schools, and if there was any kid who knew what seven and five were he had to stand in the corner all day-if he was foolish enough to let the teacher know that he knew.