Vern Poythress问宇宙法则哲学中的“模态”(法则)到底是什么,是造物主还是被造物?看起来都不对,这时,看起来模态是某种third thing——在造物主和被造物之外。
下面是Poythress的提问(Redeeming Philosophy,264页):
Cosmonomic philosophy tried to reckon with the Creator-creature distinction. But in discussing the law, some of the writings of cosmonomic philosophy do not seem to have been as clear as they could be. Cosmonomic philosophy has as one of its fundamental categories the idea of law, a “cosmic” law for the universe (not just the moral law as promulgated on Mount Sinai). The status of this law makes a difference. Is the law divine? Is it God speaking? Or is it a third thing? And if we say (as I think we should not) that it is a third thing, does it end up separating us from God and promoting a picture where God threatens to be an unknowable God behind the law? If the cosmic law is a third thing, the law, and not God, becomes the only thing to which we have real access. This conclusion would be contrary to the deepest intentions of the founders of cosmonomic philosophy. But such a conclusion can nevertheless creep in unwittingly if we do not make clear the status of law.
换言之,模态或宇宙法则并不是什么third thing。It's not a THING, but a WAY, 借此,有神形象的人,得而以如神的方式把握乃至修建这个世界(基础部分借自然之光,上层部分需要靠特殊启示来消除罪所带来的愚拙和悖逆)。他在其自我意识中构造世界,以此作为他回应神和与人互动的基础。人处理杂多表象而在其自我意识中构造世界,这之所以可以具备普遍有效性,因为神的律法同时内嵌于人的实存(正如内嵌于受造物的实存)因此是人认知的先天条件,又在诸天诉说和圣经启示中不断向人心显明,敦促人心做出其自身主体性的回应,最终造成一种神人盟约实际——正如魏司坚所谓之改革宗三原则所呈现的。用沃格林的词汇的话,这乃是一种“唤启”。
另,刚看到老杜的当代研究者DFM Strauss有一段极为重要的术语解释,在老杜《人文主义政治理论的危机》的编者前言中: