逻辑性:语言是一种有结构、有规则的指令系统。语言的逻辑受语言的指向描述而变化。如:我是一个中国人/我像一个中国人,1+1=2/1*1=1,this is an apple/this is a car等。
Language is the expression of humancommunication. According to the Handbook of Linguistics and Tools of LanguageCommunication published in Germany, there are 5,651 languages identified in theworld. Generally speaking, each nation has its own language, and language isone of the important characteristics of a nation. Chinese, English, Spanish,Russian, Arabic and French are the world's major languages and the main workinglanguages of the United Nations. Chinese is the world's largest native speaker,and English is the world's most widely spoken language. Language and writingare two concepts, which are usually preceded by language and followed bywriting.
The three elements of language arephonology, grammar and vocabulary, which is a phonetic signification systemcomposed of vocabulary according to certain grammar. According to thecharacteristics of language elements and origin relationship, the world'slanguages are divided into different language families, each language familyincludes a number of languages, these languages and languages have a certaingeographical distribution, different languages in the process of developmentare constantly learning and integrating.
By definition, a language is A set OF sound(image) instructions with uniform CODING and decoding standards FOR THEcommunication needs of the same biological species. Language is an instructionsystem which is composed of words and grammar and can express human thoughts,with sound/symbol as material shell, meaning as connotation. Speech, gestureand expression are the embodiment of language in human body, and writtensymbols are the image symbols of language.
Language, in its broad sense, is a set ofcommunication instructions expressed by a common set of processing rules, whichcan be delivered visually, soundly or haptically. Strictly speaking, languagerefers to the instructions humans use to communicate - natural language. Allpeople acquire language skills through study. The purpose of language is toexchange ideas, opinions, thoughts, etc. Linguistics is developed from thehuman study of language classification and rules. Experts who study languageare called linguists. The concept of animal language was born when humansdiscovered that certain animals could communicate in certain ways. Whencomputers came into being, humans needed to give them instructions. This"one-way communication" becomes computer language.
The way of expression of language refers tothe way people use language. There are two main ways people use language, humanbody behavior and writing.
Human body behavior is the main form oflanguage use, oral voice, gesture and expression are the embodiment of humanbody behavior. Spoken language is the most important way for human beings tocommunicate through behavior.
The application of symbols is mainlyexpressed in writing, which is the largest application class of modern humanlanguage. Characters record language by recording pronunciation (Pinyincharacters) or phonetic information (ideographic characters). (Referencedefinition: Language is a bridge and tool between human beings and theobjective world. The BROAD LANGUAGE also INCLUDES MUSICAL notes, pictures,mathematical symbols, ETC. The SIMPLEST AND MOST BASIC LANGUAGE in the universeIS BINARY.
Language is a way of communication betweenpeople, people can not communicate with each other without language. Althoughpeople's thoughts can be conveyed through pictures, movements, expressions,etc., language is the most important and convenient medium. However, people indifferent parts of the world speak different languages. It is difficult, evenimpossible, to talk to each other directly. Even in the same language, thereare different dialects, with different degrees of difference. Some dialects arebasically mutually intelligible, while others are so different that they seemto be another language. Cantonese is a good example of this.
Not only in different regions, there aredifferent languages and dialects, it is in the same region, different socialclasses, people of different ages will have special words to express theirunique feelings, so that people of another class or different ages aredifficult to understand.
After mastering a certain language in alanguage environment, although you can also learn another or several otherlanguages or dialects, the accent of the original language or dialect isdifficult to change completely, and there will always be a certain degree ofaccent of the original language. People familiar with the language can oftendistinguish between these subtle differences in the speaker's hometown, identityand occupation characteristics.
Language is an important part of culture.It can even be said that there is no culture without language. Only throughlanguage can culture be passed down from generation to generation. Language isan important means of maintaining a way of life, and almost every culturalgroup has its own unique language.
Language is produced in a specificenvironment for the needs of life, so the specific environment will inevitablymark the language with a specific brand. In addition, language is the mediumthrough which people exchange ideas, so it is bound to have an impact onpolitics, economy and society, science and technology, and even culture itself.The cultural phenomenon of language is constantly developing, and its currentspatial distribution is also the result of the diffusion, change anddevelopment of the past. Therefore, only in the space-time environment can wecomprehensively and deeply understand its relationship with the naturalenvironment and