Let's say that the 'slide down' is a sum of consecutive numbers from the top to the bottom of the pyramid. As you can see, the longest 'slide down' is 3 + 7 + 4 + 9 = 23
Your task is to write a function longestSlideDown (in ruby: longest_slide_down) that takes a pyramid representation as argument and returns its' longest 'slide down'.
\7\ 4
2 \4\ 6
8 5 \9\ 3
def longest_slide_down(pyramid):
# TODO: write some code...
# 从0,0开始
l = []
length = len(pyramid)
def steps(x=0, y=0, step=0):
step += pyramid[x][y]
if x == length - 1:
steps(x+1, y+1, step)
steps(x+1, y, step)
return max(l)