将用博客来记录自己在react native开发过程中遇到的问题,这篇主要侧重于配置过程中用到的问题。这种问题可能只需要一个合适的答案,找寻这个答案可能需要花费半天的工作时间,甚至更久。
1. error: could not install smartsocket listener: Address already in use
解决方法:genymotion的adb设置Android sdk
2. cant find local.properties
3. Undefined symbols for architecture x86_64: “std::terminate()”
解决方法:I ran in to this issue as well, and the solution @charpeni proposed solved the issue. To be clear for others, if you are upgrading to 0.26+ then you need to make the following changes.
In ios/YourProject.xcodeproj/project.pbxproj, look for the two lines like OTHER_LDFLAGS = "-ObjC";. Replace them with the following:
4. react-native run-android时出现Could not download imagepipeline.aar
5. Application ReactExample has not been registered. This is either due to a require() error during initialization or failure to call AppRegistry.registerComponent.
解决方法: 关掉其他react-native server和node进程
6. realm对于schema的更新需要重新启动应用,如果应用已经在本地数据库中写入了数据,则需要将应用删除,重装,因为schema和已有数据会存在冲突。
7. 自己react-native init test.然后测试realm。在ios端总是提示‘Cannot read property 'debugHosts' of undefined’ 和‘Module AppRegistry is not a registered callable module’
解决方法:是rnpm的问题,对于ios项目来说,project name中不能有excample和test,需要在packaje.json中加入。但是自己测试并没有成功。测试将project name命名为其他可以。Realm团队称在下一个版本中会修复这个问题
"rnpm": {
"ios": {
"project": "ios/<project-name>.xcodeproj"
对于andorid新建的包含realm的rn项目中还会有'Missing Realm constructor-please ensure RealmReact framework is included'的问题
import io.realm.react.RealmReactPackage; // ADD THIS
protected List<ReactPackage> getPackages() {
return Arrays.<ReactPackage>asList(
new MainReactPackage(),
new RealmReactPackage() // AND THIS
如在android中出现“Project with path ':realm' could not be found in project ':app'. realm”的问题,则需要在setting.gradle中添加
include ':realm'
project(':realm').projectDir = new File(settingsDir, '../node_modules/realm/android')
8. react native realm的可视化
官方文档中只介绍了Objective-C,Java,Swift中有realm的可视化工具Realm Browser(暂时只支持mac),在react native中也可以使用。
adb pull /data/data/<packagename>/files/ . //从模拟器上或者真机(需要root)拉取realm文件
用Realm Browser打开即可,默认名字是default.realm