The Political Problem-2
Trade and finance develop, and bring new class-divisions.
"Any ordinary city is in fact two cities, one the city of the poor, the other of the rich, each at war with the other; and in either division there are smaller ones-you would make a great mistake if you treated them as single states".
A mercantile bourgeoisie arises, whose members seek social position through wealth and conspicuous consumption: "they will spend large sums of money on their wives".
conspicuous consumption,炫富
These changes in the distribution of wealth produce political changes: as the wealth of the merchant overreaches that of the land-owner, aristocracy gives way to a plutocratic oligarchy-wealthy traders and bankers rule the state.
overreach,超过;don't overreach your capacity
Then statesmanship, which is the coordination of social forces and the adjustment of policy to growth, is replaced by politics, which is the strategy of party and the lust for the spoils of office.
[ 00’24” ] class-division (阶级分化)
[ 02’20” ] mercantile (商业的;商人的)
[ 02’24” ] bourgeoisie (资产阶级;中产阶级)
[ 03’00” ] conspicuous consumption (炫耀性消费)
[ 06’36” ] overreach (超过)
[ 06’40” ] Don't overreach your capacity. (不要逞能)
[ 06’54” ] land-owner (地主)
[ 07’27” ] plutocratic oligarchy (富豪寡头制,有借古讽今的意味。)
[ 08’14” ] Rockefeller Family (洛克菲勒家族,美国首屈一指的财富家族。已经绵延六代的“世界财富标记”与美国乃至国际政经都有着千丝万缕的联系。)
[ 09’27” ] statesman (政治家)
[ 09’29” ] politician (政客)
[ 09’36” ] statesmanship (政治家精神)
[ 10’24” ] the spoils of office (滥用权力)
[ 11’01” ] couplet (对联;对句)
[ 12’16” ] sustainable (足可支撑的;养得起的)