1. Words and expressions
*词典为Collins与Merriam Webster
① inkling: an indirect suggestion; slight indication;hint; a vague idea or notion; suspicion
If you have an inkling of something, you have a vague idea about it.
② loom: a frame or machine for interlacing at right angles two or more sets of threads or yarns to form a cloth
③ preliminary: something that precedes or is introductory or preparatory: such asa:a preliminary scholastic examination
④ amenity: something that helps to provide comfort, convenience, or enjoyment; the quality of being pleasant or agreeable
⑤ profuse:exhibiting great abundance
⑥ bugaboo: an imaginary object of fear
⑦ fuss with: to move or handle (something) in a nervous or uncertain way:to fiddle with (something)
⑧ drudgery: dull,irksome, and fatiguing work:uninspiring ormeniallabor
⑨ far-flung: widely spread or distributed; remote
⑩ commerce: social relations and exchange, esp of opinions,attitudes, etc
sanguinary: accompanied by much bloodshed;bloodthirsty;consisting of,flowing, or stained with blood
rune 古代诗歌,神秘文字
2. Highlights
① This is the personal transaction that's at the heart of good nonfiction writing. Out of it come two of the most important qualities that this book will go in search of: humanity and warmth.
② But the secret of good writing is to strip every sentence to its cleanest components.
③ Franklin D. Roosevelt's translation section:
"Tell them," Roosevelt said, "that in buildings where they have to keep the work going to put something across the windows."
3. Remarks
书中举了罗斯福总统修改一小则政府备忘录的例子来证明“说人话”的重要性。Blackout order看上去和GRE阅读长句没有区别,也符合政府公文的规范,但是加大了读者的理解难度,从而降低阅读效率。我想作者并不只是希望借此强调“简约”有多么重要,而是“让人理解甚至共情”才是至高水准。瓦尔登湖的那段踱步漫谈就是最好的佐证,几乎没有超过三个音节的单词,没有从句套从句,但是读者不由自主跟随文字一起思考essential parts of life。