1.this application's application-identifier entitlement does not match that of th installed application these values must match for an upgrade to be allowed
1. Open Xcode - > Window -> Devices
2. Click on your device and remove the app you are trying to install from the installed apps list.
3. Try running now.
2. 错误2
"${SRCROOT}/Pods/Target Support Files/Pods-HKVideo/Pods-HKVideo-frameworks.sh"
line 2: /HKVideo2/Pods/Target Support Files/Pods-HKVideo/Pods-HKVideo-frameworks.sh: No such file or directory
1.Target-->Build Phases --> Embed Pods Frameworks
2.选中 Run script only when instilling(此步骤只能编译时,使用,当Archive时还是会报错)
"${SRCROOT}/Pods/Target Support Files/Pods/Pods-frameworks.sh"
Question:'My problem is that " blablabla Pods-XXXX-frameworks.sh: No such file or directory" '
Firstly, I fix it by using command line "pod install"
, it has nothing affection.
The finally solution :
Touch "Build Phases" -> "Embed Pods Frameworks" ;
you can see the path :XXXXX.sh" ;
Be sure that the XXX.sh is the same as your project's.
if not, change the path.
Then clean and build. It's done.