本章No Longer a Slave (不再做奴隶),带来诸多思考。刚开始看到题目的时候,我以为本章会讲中国社会的物质富裕。通读本篇后,发现slave在这里有深远的含义, 过去对于人在物质和精神方面的极大束缚在渐渐松绑后,中国人的意识亦悄然发生了变化,政治上的困惑,经济上的迷茫,小人物的内心渴望,人们对于财富的理解,对于知识改变命运的期许在本章都一一有所交代。
从阶级斗争为纲到白手起家、先富后富。中国对于财富的认识经历过迷茫。文中引用孟子“有恒产者有恒心,无恒产者无恒心”(意为:让百姓拥有稳定的产业和收入,从而安居乐业,保持社会稳定)Those with a constant livelihood have a constant heart ,those lacking constant livelihood lack a constant heart . 但是依靠财产来造“恒心”对执政党而言亦是矛盾:How could the heirs of Marx and Lenin, the rulers of People’s Republic, who had risen to power denouncing bourgeois values and inequality, baldly embrace the new moneyed class? How could it retain its ideological claim to rule? 这其实就是执政党对于“资与社”的迷惑,对于有产阶级的迷惑,民有产是不是有悖于社会主义宣扬的平等平均?所以在用词时也是极为谨慎地,不提“middle class”而提出了“the new middle –income stratum”(中等收入阶层),这反映出中国在探索发展道路时cross the river by feeling for the stones. 作者提到:Chinese society was becoming more diverse, raucous and freewheeling and the Party was becoming more homogenous, buttoned-down, and conservative. 这是不是当前中国的现状?这是外国人眼中中国,值得我们深思。
文章写到了中国人对于新知识和技能的渴求“the age of ambition demanded new skills and knowledge”,尤其提到了两类人群,一类是先富起来的土豪Got Rich First parents channeled their anxieties into their children , for many of them had come from nothing and they knew that urban intellectuals considered them rubes ; 一类是狂热学英语的人群,文中大篇幅写到了疯狂英语,写到作者亲身经历和观察到中国人对于学英语的疯狂,以及小人物渴望成功那种近似狂热的执着……
1、 白手起家 bare-handed fortune / come from nothing
2、 A man getting famous is like a pig fattening up 人怕出名猪怕壮
3、 Have one night stand 一夜情
4、 An American education carried extra cachet. (cachet : quality which makes people admire them or approve of them. 威信)
5、 I was pissed off 气坏了
6、 The students filed into the arena 列队进入
7、 A cluster of modern high-rises 高楼林立
8、 take to doing something=begin to do it as a regular habit. 养成…的习惯