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Introduction 引言
Due to its performance in non-euclidean spatial data, GNN methods are gradually appealing to the attention of researchers. Traditional deep neural networks take Euclidean-structured data as input, which is one of the reasons for its excellent performance in computer vision and other fields. However, in real life, there are many non-euclidean data, such as social network, retail network and biological network. In the field of brain neuroinformatics where the author focuses, one of the most commonly used methods of brain image analysis is voxel-based morphology, but different areas of the human brain are usually correlated and interacting, the brain network constructed based on which can reveal the higher-level brain activity mechanism. Similar to other topological network data, brain network is usually represented in the form of connection matrices, which cannot be directly vectorized and fed into machine learning models. However, the emergence of graph network analysis method breaks the deadlock.
Theory 基础理论
What is GRAPH? 什么是图?
Graphs are a kind of common data structure used to represent objects and the interactions among them. Objects are expressed by nodes or vertices, and their interactions or connections are described by edges. A graph is mathematically expressed by
, where
is the set of nodes,
is the set of edges,
is a matrix with size of
used to describe the relationships between nodes. If
, then
. Moreover,
is the feature matrix with size of
, where
means the attributes or features of the
th node, and
is the dimension of the attributes.
Reference: 从数据结构到算法:图网络方法初探
Simply put, a graph is an abstract and irregular data structure that can be used to describe and model complex systems. Different from Euclidean spatial data, graphs in real world usually have complex topological structure and huge data size. Using traditional graph analysis methods would be difficult to achieve the same level of performance as applications of machine learning like computer vision, while existing machine learning algorithms cannot be applied to graph data straightforward. In view of this, how to combine machine learning with graph data analysis method, capture the interactions between data nodes in graphs and mine the information therein, has become a hot trend in the field of machine learning.
Notations of GNN 图网络中的符号表示
Theory of GCN 图卷积网络原理
Generally, before data is fed into machine learning algorithm models, it needs to be processed to extract valuable features, which can not only improve the quality of input data, but also greatly improve the reliability and performance of the model. This process is called feature engineering. Since the quality of feature engineering methods directly determines the performance of models, the research of data mining focuses on the handcrafted design and extraction of valuable features for specific data. For example, neuroimaging data often contains a lot of noise and has very high resolution, which is not suitable for direct input to machine learning models. Therefore, we preprocess the data and calculate the corresponding feature vectors, which are fed into the analysis model.
Deep learning is essentially a kind of "feature engineering", or mostly called "feature learning". This is because the general idea of deep learning is to transform the original data into higher-level features through the nonlinear transformation model of neural network, and these features are usually a vector that can be used as the input of classifiers. The graph convolutional neural network mentioned in this section is a method that can represent the nodes and edges in the graph using feature vectors to serve as the input of high-performance machine learning algorithm model. This method of embedding graph nodes into low-dimensional Euclidean space is also called graph embedding method.
Step 1 SEND
Reference: 浅析图卷积神经网络
Applications and Open-Source Implementations 应用和开源实现
According to problems in the field of neuro-informatics, the application of graph neural network in which is mainly graph classification, namely after the construction of brain function network and features are added in the corresponding nodes, using GCN to learn the high-level features of brain networks, using full connection layer to extract vectorized features or directly using global average pooling (GAP) to output the class confidence, which can be gender (e.g. Graph Saliency Maps through Spectral Convolutional Networks: Application to Sex Classification with Brain Connectivity) or disease group. Currently open source deep learning frameworks based on graph mostly focus link classification and node classification, support for Graph Classification is relatively lacked, and pytorch_geometric is a Deep Learning framework supporting multiple GNN applications, including the support of this article, An End - to - End Deep Learning Architecture for Graph Classification, which makes it qualified to perform graph convolution operations and output feature vectors ready for learning and classification.
根据笔者所处研究领域的痛点,目前图神经网络在其中的应用主要为图分类,即在构建脑功能网络并在相应节点添加特征后,使用GCN对脑网络进行高层特征学习,使用全连接层提取向量化的特征或直接使用全局平均池化(GAP)输出类别置信度,这一类别可为性别(如: Graph Saliency Maps through Spectral Convolutional Networks: Application to Sex Classification with Brain Connectivity),亦可为疾病。目前基于图的深度学习开源框架大多注重边分类和节点分类,对图分类的支持相对较少,而pytorch_geometric是一个支持多种图深度学习应用的框架,其中对An End-to-End Deep Learning Architecture for Graph Classification这篇文章的支持使其能够胜任图卷积操作并输出特征向量这一工作,以便之后对该特征进行学习和分类。
- Graph Saliency Maps provides the implementation of an activation-based visual attribution method for irregular graphs, which works integrated with graph convolutional neural networks (GCNs). The method has been validated via a sex classification task using functional brain connectivity networks (paper);
- SGCN is a Siamese Graph Convolution Network for learning multi-view brain network embedding;
- pytorch_geometric is a geometric deep learning extension library for PyTorch. It consists of various methods for deep learning on graphs and other irregular structures, also known as geometric deep learning, from a variety of published papers. In addition, it consists of an easy-to-use mini-batch loader for many small and single giant graphs, multi gpu-support, a large number of common benchmark datasets (based on simple interfaces to create your own), and helpful transforms, both for learning on arbitrary graphs as well as on 3D meshes or point clouds;
References 参考文献
- [1] 从数据结构到算法:图网络方法初探
- [2] 深度学习时代的图模型,清华发文综述图网络
- [3] 图神经网络概述第三弹:来自IEEE Fellow的GNN综述 (原文: A Comprehensive Survey on Graph Neural Networks)
- [4] 浅析图卷积神经网络
- [5] An End-to-End Deep Learning Architecture for Graph Classification (AAAI 2018)
- [6] Graph Saliency Maps through Spectral Convolutional Networks: Application to Sex Classification with Brain Connectivity (MICCAI 2018)
- [7] Global average pooling (GAP)
- [8] CAM(Class Activation Mapping)通俗篇