inauguration /ˌɪˌnɔ:ɡjə'reɪʃn/
an act or ceremony of introducing into office n. 就职仪式
1 起源
inauguration这个词的来源很有意思,核心词是augurate,来源于augury (观鸟占卜的巫师)。就职与观鸟占卜的巫师有啥关系?故事还得从头说起。
这种占卜法 叫 auspice,源自拉丁语avis (bird,鸟)+ specere (look,看),看鸟占卜定吉凶,所以auspice有吉兆的意思。
而inaugurate=拉丁语 in ( into ,入职)+ augurare ( augury ,占卜)构成,字面意思就是“占卜到吉兆后就职”。
2 用法
inauguration 就职典礼
President Obama began his second term with an inauguration on the National Mall in Washington, D.C. (奥巴马在华盛顿国会举行就职典礼,开启了第二任期。)
inauguration speech 就职演说
川普在就职演说里又提到了自己的竞选口号--Make America Great Again.
Trump restated his slogan in his inauguration speech. (川普在就职演说里重申了他的竞选口号。)
inaugurate v. 举行就职典礼
Trump was inaugurated as the president.(川普正式就任总统。)
inaugurate 还表示开创,创始。这个不难理解,就职,当然要开创新局面啦。
Trump wanted to inaugurate a new plan about “One-China policy”。(川普对一中政策提出了新的计划。)
**inaugural adj. **就职的
In his inaugural address, Trump appealed for buying American and hiring American only. (川普就职演说里呼吁只买美国货,只雇美国人。)
3 就职演说内容
估计大家比较好奇川普的就职演说了说了啥? 小碗给大家划一下重点。
Giving power back to people 还权于民
Today’s ceremony, however, has very special meaning. Because today we are not merely transferring power from one administration to another, or from one party to another - but we are transferring power from Washington, D.C. and giving it back to you, the people. (今天的仪式有特别的意义。因为今天不仅仅是从一个政府到另一个政府,从一个政党到另外一个政党的权力交接,而是从政府还权给人民。)
America first 美国利益第一
We will follow two simple rules: Buy American and hire American.(我们遵循两个原则,买美国货,雇美国人。)
Make America great again 让美国再次强大
Together, we will make America strong again.
We will make America wealthy again.
We will make America proud again.
We will make America safe again.
And, yes, together, we will make America great again