1.1从表中检索所有行和列 select * from emp; 1.2从表中检索部分行 select empno,ename,job,sal,mgr,hiredate,comm,deptno from emp; 1.3查找满足多个条件的行 select * from emp where deptno=10 select * from emp where deptno=10 or comm is not null or sal<= 2000 and deptno = 20 select * from emp where (deptno=10 or comm is not null or sal<= 2000) and deptno = 20 1.4从表中检索部分列 select ename,deptno,salfrom emp 1.5为列取有意义的名称 select sal as salary,comm as commission from emp 1.6在WHERE子句中引用取别名的列 将查询作为内联视图就可以引用其中区别的列了: select * from (select sal as salary,comm as commission from emp) x where salary < 5000 1.7连接列值 DB2 Oracle PostgreSQL:这些数据库使用双竖线作为连接运算符 select ename || ' WORKS AS A ' || job as msg from emp where deptno = 10 mysql:这个库支持CONCAT函数 select concat(ename,' WORKS AS A ',job) as msg from emp where deptno = 10 SQLServer:使用 "+"运算符进行连接操作 select ename + 'WORKS AS A ' + job as msg from emp where deptno = 10 1.8在SELECT语句中使用条件逻辑 使用CASE表达式直接在SELECT语句中执行条件逻辑 select ename,sal, case when sal <= 2000 then 'UNDERPAID' when sal >= 4000 then 'OVERPAID' else 'OK' end as status from emp 1.9限制返回的行数--分页查询 使用数据库提供的内置函数来控制返回的行数 DB2 select * from emp fetch first 5 rows only MySQL和PostgreSQL select * from limit 5 Oracle select * from emp where rownum <=5 SQLServer select top 5 * from emp 1.10 从表中随机返回n条记录 使用DBMS支持的内置函数来生成随机数值。在ORDER BY 子句中使用该函数,对行进行随机排序,然后使用前面问题 介绍的技巧,来限制所返回的行(顺序随机)的数目 DB2 select ename,job from emp order by rahnd() fetch first 5 rows only MySQL select ename,job from emp order by rand() limit 5PostgreSQL select ename,job order by random() limit 5Oracle select * from( select ename,job from emp order by dbms_random.value() ) where rownum <= 5 SQLServer select top ename,job from emp order by newid() 1.11查找空值 要确定值是否为空,必须使用 IS NULL select * from emp where comm is null 1.12将空值转换为实际值 select coalesce(comm,0) from emp 1.13按模式搜索 使用LIKE运算符和SQL通配符"%" select ename,job from emp where deptno in(10,20) and (ename like '%I%' or job like '%ER')