Short term goal: (1)Finish the experiments : build topic Evolution roads. (2) Participate in the construction of the Danmaku datasets. Build participles vocabulary and preprocess the datasets.
1.Do the jiont NMF experiments. Add two baselines.
- Participate in the construction of the Danmaku datasets: build participles vocabulary.
1.Discuss with Prof. Fang about the detail reduction of jiont NMF.
Short term goal: (1)Finish the experiment : build topic Evolution roads. (2) Think how to do use the topic evolution method in Danmaku datasets.
1.Do the jiont NMF experiments. Fix some bugs, and it works well now.
2.Collect and analysis some results.
3.Attend the paper sharing class.
Short term goal: (1)Finish the experiment : build topic Evolution roads. (2) Think how to do use the topic evolution method in Danmaku datasets.
1.Do the jiont NMF experiment. The datasets is sparse and the convergent result always unstable. I will check the codes tomorrow.
2.In order to make a preliminary analysis disscussed with Dr.Sun, I collected some datasets from Bibibili and ask some friends help me label the danmaku comments, mainly 13 parts.