- 1.1、变量的类型:基本类型(java中的int,float,double,byte,char,long,short)和对象类型(String等) (Groovy中最终都是对象类型)
int x = 100
println x.class //结果为:class java.lang.Integer
double y = 3.28
println y.class //结果为:class java.lang.Double
- 1.2、变量的定义:强类型定义方式和弱类型def定义方式
def x1 = 10
def y1 = 3.14
def str = 'ni hao'
println x1.class //class java.lang.Integer
println y1.class //class java.math.BigDecimal
println str.class //class java.lang.String
- 强类型定义方式和弱类型def定义方式的选择:
def x1 = 10
println x1.class //class java.lang.Integer
x1 = "dynamic type conversion"
println x1.class // class java.lang.String
- 2.1、String:和java中的String一样
- 2.2、GString
- 2.2.1 常用的三种定义方式
- 单引号定义:
def str = 'a single string'
println str.class //class java.lang.String
def str1 = 'a single \'special\' string'
- 三个单引号定义:
def trebleStr = '''line one
line two
line three '''
def trebleStr2 = '''
line one
line two
line three '''
def trebleStr3 = '''\
line one
line two
line three '''
println trebleStr
println trebleStr2
println trebleStr3
println trebleStr.class //class java.lang.String
/* trebleStr2比trebleStr多了一行空格,trebleStr3与trebleStr结果相同
line one
line two
line three
line one
line two
line three
line one
line two
line three
- 双引号定义(最常用的方式):可扩展的字符串
def name = "Groovy"
println name.class //class java.lang.String
def sayHello = "Hello $name"
println sayHello //输出:Hello Groovy
println sayHello.class //class org.codehaus.groovy.runtime.GStringImpl
def sum = "the sum of 2 and 3 equals ${2 + 3}"
println sum //输出:the sum of 2 and 3 equals 5
//String 和 GString之间可以相互调用和传递,不需要考虑它们之间的转换问题
- 2.3、普通类型
- 字符串比较
def str = "groovy"
def str2 = "Groovy"
println str.compareTo(str2) //32 结果大于0,str大于Str2
println str.compareToIgnoreCase(str2) //0 结果等于0,str等于忽略大小写的Str
println str2.compareTo(str) //-32 结果小于0,str2小于str
println str > str2 //true 可用操作符直接进行比较
println str == str2.toLowerCase() //true
- 获取字符串中的字符
def str = "groovy"
println str.getAt(0) //g
println str.getAt(0..1) //gr
println str[0] //g
println str[0..1] //gr
- 字符串中的减法(取差集)
def str = "groovy"
def str2 = "hello"
def str3 = "hello groovy"
def str4 = "groovy hello "
println str.minus(str2) //groovy, str中没有包含str2
println str.minus(str3) //groovy, str中没有包含str3
println str3.minus(str2) // groovy, str3中包含了str2 (注意结果包含了空格)
println str3.minus(str4) //hello groovy str3z中没有包含str4
println str3 - str //hello ,str3z中包含了str(注意结果包含了空格)
- 其它还有很多方法用到时看看即可
def str = "hello groovy"
println str.reverse() //yvoorg olleh,字符串反转
println str.capitalize()//Hello groovy,首字母大写
println str.isNumber() //false,是否全是数字
def str2 = "1234"
println str2.toInteger() //1234
println str2.toBigDecimal() // 1234
println str2.toDouble() //1234.0
- 3.1、顺序逻辑
def name = "groovy"
println "hello $name"
- 3.2、条件逻辑
1 . if/else
def name = "hello groovy"
String subHello(String str) {
if (str.contains("hello")) {
return str - "hello"
} else {
return str
println subHello(name) // groovy(注意结果包含空格)
String judgeType(Object x) {
def result
switch (x) {
case "string":
result = "x is string"
case [4, 5, 6, 7,'inList']: //列表(数据结构中讲解)
result = "x is in list [4, 5, 6, 7,'inList']"
case 10..15: //范围range(数据结构中讲解)
result = "x is in range 10..15"
case Integer:
result = "x is Integer"
case BigDecimal:
result = "x is BigDecimal"
case List:
result = "x is List"
result = "no match"
return result
def x = "string"
def x1 = 5
def x2 = 10
def x3 = 3
def x4 = 3.14
def x5 =[4,6]
def x6 ="hi groovy"
def x7 = "inList"
println judgeType(x) //x is string
println judgeType(x1) // x is in list [4, 5, 6, 7,'inList']
println judgeType(x2) // x is in range 10..15
println judgeType(x3) // x is Integer
println judgeType(x4) // x is BigDecimal
println judgeType(x5) // x is List
println judgeType(x6) // no match
println judgeType(x7) // x is in list [4, 5, 6, 7,'inList']
- 3、循环逻辑
- while循环
def sum = 0
println sum++
2.for 循环
def sum = 0
for (i in 0..9) {
sum += i
println sum //45
sum = 0
for (i in [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9]) {
sum += i
println sum //45
for (i in ['java': 1, ' groovy': 2, 'python': 3]) {
println "key:${i.key} value:${i.value}"
//key:java value:1
//key: groovy value:2
//key:python value:3