3 Justice and just slips 公平与失言
5 The battle against racist language is too important to trivialise. 反对种族主义用语十分重要,不容轻视
trivialise v. ~ sth 使显得琐碎(或不重要、不难等);轻视to make sth seem less important, serious, difficult, etc. than it really is
17 Then came the whirlwind.巴顿的课掀起了轩然大波。
whirlwind n.
1.旋风;旋流a very strong wind that moves very fast in a spinning movement and causes a lot of damage
2.一片忙乱a situation or series of events where a lot of things happen very quickly
adj.[obn] 快速的;匆匆忙忙的;旋风似的happening very fast
excoriate v.
1.~ sth 擦破,擦伤,剥落(皮肤)to irritate a person's skin so that it starts to come off
2.~ sb/sth 严厉指责;痛斥to criticize sb/sth severely
a leaked letter 外泄的信
21 "It is simply unacceptable for faculty to use words in class that can marginalise, hurt and harm the psychological safety of our students." “我们完全无法接受教师在课堂上使用一些边缘化的词语来有损并伤害我们学生 的心理安全。”
22 Veterans of these brouhahas will recall a case from 1999 in which a Washington official was disciplined for using "niggardly" in a meeting. (The word probably comes from medieval Scandinavia and is unrelated to the racial slur. ) 经历过这些闹剧的老手会想到1999年的 一个案例,当时一名华盛顿官员因为在会议中使用 了“吝啬的”一词而受到纪律处分。 (这个词可能源于中世纪的斯堪的纳维亚半岛,且与种族歧视无关)。
brouhaha n. 喧闹;喧哗;起哄noisy excitement or complaints about sth
27 The students are black (as, secretly, is he), and the fracas ends his career.因为他的学生们都是黑人(他自己也有着黑人血统,但没有公之于众),这次纠纷给他的职业生涯画上了句号。
fracas n.(通常有好几个人的)高声争吵,打斗a noisy argument or fight, usually involving several people
28 Philip Roth turned a true story from 1985 into the crux of his book "The Human Stain"(2000).菲利普·罗斯则将1985年发生的真实事件作为关键改编成了《人性污点》一书,于2000年出版。
crux n.[sing] the ~ (of sth) (难题或问题的)关键,最难点,症结the most important or difficult part of a problem or an issue
30 America and other countries are wrestling with a history of racism, and language is part of those reckonings.美国和其他国家正在全力解决种族歧视这一历史遗留问题,而语言也是那些进行清算的问题之一。
wrestle with 与...搏斗
31 Some renamings and reframings are justifiable, even overdue.有些表达的重新命名和重新架构合乎情 理,甚至早就该进行。
1 The problem runs deep. 这个问题根深蒂固。
4 Nonetheless the constant equation of "black" with danger or evil can weary black human beings: consider black magic, blackguard black-hearted, black economy and so forth. 尽管如此,“黑色”与危险或邪恶的永恒等式让黑人们不厌其烦:比如黑魔法、恶棍、黑心、黑色经济等等。
weary adj.
1.(尤指长时间努力工作后)疲劳的,疲倦的,疲惫的very tired, especially after you have been working hard or doing sth for a long time
2.使人疲劳的;使人厌烦的making you feel tired or bored
3.~ of sth/of doing sth (对…)不再感兴趣,不再热心,感到不耐烦no longer interested in or enthusiastic about sth
v. 1.[t]~ sb使疲劳;使疲倦to make sb feel tired
2.[i]~ of sth/of doing sth(对…)失去兴趣,失去热情to lose your interest in or enthusiasm for sth
6 Itamar Francez of the University of Chicago spoke on a panel about diversity in the discipline.芝加哥大学的伊塔玛.弗朗兹在小组讨论中进行发言,对语言学的学科多样性进行探讨。
panel n.
1.[c](门、墙等上面的)嵌板,镶板,方格板块 2.[c](车身的)金属板,钣金
4.[cspv]专家咨询组;(广播、电视上的)讨论小组a group of specialists who give their advice or opinion about sth; a group of people who discuss topics of interest on television or radio
v.1.[usupass]~ sth 镶板(用木或玻璃板等镶嵌或装饰)
discipline n.
1.[u]训练;训导;纪律;风纪the practice of training people to obey rules and orders and punishing them if they do not; the controlled behaviour or situation that results from this training
2.[c]训练方法;行为准则;符合准则的行为a method of training your mind or body or of controlling your behaviour; an area of activity where this is necessary
3.[u]自制力;遵守纪律the ability to control your behaviour or the way you live, work, etc.
4.[c]知识领域;(尤指大学的)学科,科目an area of knowledge; a subject that people study or are taught, especially in a university
1.~ sb (for sth)惩罚;处罚to punish sb for sth they have done
2.~ sb训练;训导;管教to train sb, especially a child, to obey particular rules and control the way they behave
3.自我控制;严格要求(自己)to control the way you behave and make yourself do things that you believe you should do
21 Many in the audience liked his coinage, but Mr Francez soon found himself retracting it: a listener had complained that it "creates a hostile environment in linguistics for Spanish speakers". 许多观众喜欢弗朗兹这一新创造的词汇, 但他自己很快就觉得这个词不能使用,因为一名听众抱怨称,“在语言学上,这个词会对讲西班牙语的人造成不良影响”。
coinage n.
1.[u](统称某地或某时期的)金属货币;(某种)硬币the coins used in a particular place or at a particular time; coins of a particular type
2.[u](国家的)货币制度the system of money used in a particular country
3.[c][u]新创的词语;新词语的创造a word or phrase that has been invented recently; the process of inventing a word or phrase
retract v.
1.[t]~ sth 撤销,收回(说过的话)to say that sth you have said earlier is not true or correct or that you did not mean it
2.[t]~ sth 撤回,收回(协议、承诺等)to refuse to keep an agreement, a promise, etc.
3.[i][t] 缩回;拉回to move back into the main part of sth; to pull sth back into the main part of sth
24 that becomes harder still when even those trying to confront racism are vulnerable to a "call-out" over a triviality.甚至那些反对种族歧视的人都很容易因 为微不足道的小事而受到谴责,讨论由此变得越发艰难。
vulnerable adj.~ (to sb/sth) (身体上或感情上)脆弱的,易受…伤害的weak and easily hurt physically or emotionally
call-out n. 应召出勤;上门服务an occasion when sb is called to do repairs, rescue sb, etc.
25 The losers could be those who need frank discussion most: minority students who should be able to decry the real harms they face, in forms large and small.那些最需要进行开诚布公讨论的人可能最深受其害,也就是那些少数族裔的学生,他们应该强烈谴责自己遭受的真正伤害,不论受伤害程度的深浅。
decry v. ~ sb/sth (as sth) (公开)谴责;(强烈)批评to strongly criticize sb/sth, especially publicly
in forms