Green Barriers were developed in the later period of 20th Century. More and more products are involved in the content of green barriers. No country escapes the impact of green barri-ers. Similarly, green barriers will bring opportunities and challenges.
Green barriers are the abbreviation of Green Barriers to trade. Sometimes people called it Environmental trade Barriers and Environment trade.
Generally, in order to protecting safety, government and international community publish regulations, policies and laws.
The essence of the green barriers are aim at developed countries relies on advanced technology and establishing strict criteria to control the quantity of importing foreign goods. From some information and theories, in recent decades, different scholars have different views on the definition of green barriers, the main difference is the discussion about the purpose of the green barriers which is to protect the environment and human health or import restrictions.
3.2 Background and Reasons of Green Barriers
Since the 1990s, due to the establishment of the WTO, the international trade competition becomes more intense.
Developed countries through legislation or enacting strict technical standards, making foreign products cannot be imported or set up certain limitations.
1. Global environmental problem
Environmental protection is increasingly noticed in international community. Because of economic development and progress of human society, more and more serious environmental pollution are appeared in our society. Human are gradually aware of fact that the deterioration of the environment will eventually affect the survival environment and
development of human beings. In recent years, due to over-exploitation of resources and the destruction of the ecological environment, natural disasters appeared as usual.
Hence, sustainable economic development has become a common goal of mankind.Furthermore, with the development of modern medicine, the health and safety community made requirements of GM products. HenceˈAn endless stream of the international community is publishing more stringent health and safety standards.
2. The product of trade protection policy
In some circumstance, it can be considered the green barriers as a product of trade protection policy. Controlling the quantity of importing of agricultural products from other countries in the international trade of agricultural products is a way to protect the domestic agricultural market and those countries are especially developed countries which have consistently adhered to the policy for all countries. Countries which are in WTO are required to cut off tariff. Green barriers, due to the effect in external and internal operability become the framework of agricultural trade protection.
3. The transform of consumption style
People are increasingly concerned about food safety issues, and consumer attitudes for food is shift to subsistence - Nutrition - Health environmentally friendly, thus, a vital fact should be pointed here is that different countries have experienced strict standards and fight for market share with green food, it can be seen as an obstacle of the agricultural export which can’t meet the standard. Objectively it is green barriers. (Xia 2012, 55-70)
4. Relevant law and international regulation
The relevant provisions of the GATT and the WTO are provided for the implementation of the green barriers, sometimes it lacks of clear rules especially cannot find the definite solution about green barriers .WTO published the agreement and emphasized the environmental exceptions, On the other word, under the WTO, the green rules are faultiness provided an possibility for generation of green barriers in somehow.
3.3 Features of Green Barriers
1、Hypocrisy: The Green barriers are aim at protecting the Earth's ecological environment and human health. In fact it is not an act of trade protection, but restricting import. Green Barriers have nominally reasonable, in other word, green barriers are protecting the human resources and environment, but actually do the trade restrictions and sanctions in fact.
2、Unbalance: developed and developing countries have shown a sign of a great unbalance. Western developed countries ignore the realities of developing countries,raised too high standard of importing, it will cause unbalance.
3、Elusive: Various green barriers concealed in specific trade regulations and the implementation of the international convention, the importing countries rejected those barriers as a nuclear weapon. Compared with traditional measures, non-tariff barriers, such as publishing the limitation about the number of import. Green barriers are more concealed, First of all, it is not like the quota and license management measures, it has obviously unreasonable and discriminatory distribution zone. Secondly, the establishment of various inspection standards in the foundation of modern science and technology is not only extremely strict but also complex, and it would be difficult to adapt for the exporting countries. For example, in April 1995,the International Organization for Standardization carried out the implementation of international environmental monitoring standard system, many countries limited the use of this standard and refuses products imported.
4、Ruggedness: Green barriers seize the psychological attention, according to the sit-
uation of the domestic market, consumers making ultra-high standards, creating obstacles to consumption of imported goods, it is a sturdy fortress among importing process.
5、Strong technicality: The identification of the production, usage, consumption, and the process includes the technical component.
6、The breadth of protection : Green barriers include a wide range of content, it is not only related to the regulations and restrictions which connect about environmental protection, But also for those who need to reach a certain standard of safety, health, anti-fouling. In the meanwhile, due to the green trade barriers are uncertainty and plasticity, hence, in the process of specific implementation and operation, sometimes it is very easy to be used by some developed countries.
7、Forms of legitimacy: Green trade barriers belong to the category of non-tariff barriers, but it is different from non-tariff barriers, it is not through public legislation and implementation but based on a series of international and domestic public legislation and foundation, Since the 1970s, some international community through the relevant international organizations and international conferences formulated a number of multilateral international environmental accord rules.