读完Elon Musk,全书有两条主线(事业、人际),三个主题(SpaceX, Tesla,Solar )。
从 高效能人士的七个习惯 的视角来分析Musk,我们会发现在Dependent和Interdependent两个层面上,Musk不同的表现。
1、Be proactive。Proactive在Musk的身上尤为突出,他始终都是一个积极主动的人。 在婚姻中,他是Alpha Man;在事业中他一定要掌握主动权,所以他一定要在SpaceX 、Tesla中占得多数股份,牢牢把握主动权;在事业发展方向上,始终主动出击,他所提出的理念,都是前所未有,正是由于“主动”,他实现了一个个“不可能”。
2、Begin with the end in mind 。 Musk 是这一理念的忠实践行者。从少年时代、大学时期到创业时期,他始终“以终为始”,每一步都是朝着儿时的梦想不断迈进,矢志不渝。
少年时:Musk had blended fatansy and reality to the point that there were hard to separate in his mind .Musk came to see man's fate in the universe as a personal obligation .
青年时:He viewed the Internet , renewable energy and space as the three areas that would undergo siginificant change in the years to come and as the markets he could make a big impact .
创业时:Each one of his businesses is interconnected in the short term and long term .
3、Put first things first 。 Musk 始终知道什么是first things ,迈出的每一步都是为了实现最终的目标。其中印象最深刻的就是Musk对于上市的认识,当众多企业被资本市场撩拨得蠢蠢欲动时,Musk却表现出深深担忧,This causes people to be distracted by the manic-depressive nature of the stock instead of creating great products . 由此我们看出,Musk始终知道什么是first things--就是踏踏实实做实业,实现自己的梦想。
而在Interdependent 的层面,Musk差强人意。
对我印象最深刻的就是Brown被解雇。Brown是追随Musk多年,陪伴他经历风雨、任劳任怨的忠臣。但是未曾想到提出加薪的要求后,就直接开掉了,以一种悲壮的方式—I don't need you any more 。这就是陪伴Musk多年的忠臣的下场。连作者都看不下去了,忍不住说,whatever the case ,the optics of the situation were terrible. .....in such an unceremonious fashion .....这就是冷酷无情的Musk,不念旧情。
Elon‘s worst trait by far is a complete lack of loyalty or human connection ....Many of us worked tirelessly for him for years and were tossed to the curb like a piece of litter without a second thought .....
The employees want to be close to Musk ,but they also fear that he 'll suddenly change his mind about something and that every interaction with hims is an opportunity to be fired .
如果没有Stuart作为middle man 协调上下关系,如果没有Shotwell 在外围帮他处理烂摊子,他的人际状况一定是一团糟。
最后,如果要找几个词来概况Musk的话,我想会是远见(put end in mind), 实干(put first things first and work hard ), 冷酷(lack of loyalty and human connection )