
apollo configService用于提供给client获取配置信息,以及配置更新后实时通知client的服务;configservice仅为client提供服务,且每个环境对应相应的configsevice集群。





 * 配置获取控制层,供client根据命名空间获取Config数据信息
 * @author Jason Song(song_s@ctrip.com)
public class ConfigController {
   * 配置操作服务
  private ConfigService configService;
  private AppNamespaceServiceWithCache appNamespaceService;

   * 命名空间工具类
  private NamespaceUtil namespaceUtil;
  private InstanceConfigAuditUtil instanceConfigAuditUtil;

   * json解析器
  private Gson gson;

  private static final Type configurationTypeReference = new TypeToken<Map<String, String>>() {

   * 查询配置信息
   * @param appId 应用ID
   * @param clusterName 集群名称
   * @param namespace 命名空间
   * @param dataCenter 数据中心
   * @param clientSideReleaseKey
   * @param clientIp 客户端IP
   * @param messagesAsString
   * @param request
   * @param response
   * @return
   * @throws IOException
  @RequestMapping(value = "/{appId}/{clusterName}/{namespace:.+}", method = RequestMethod.GET)
  public ApolloConfig queryConfig(@PathVariable String appId, @PathVariable String clusterName,
                                  @PathVariable String namespace,
                                  @RequestParam(value = "dataCenter", required = false) String dataCenter,
                                  @RequestParam(value = "releaseKey", defaultValue = "-1") String clientSideReleaseKey,
                                  @RequestParam(value = "ip", required = false) String clientIp,
                                  @RequestParam(value = "messages", required = false) String messagesAsString,
                                  HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response) throws IOException {
    String originalNamespace = namespace;
    //strip out .properties suffix
    namespace = namespaceUtil.filterNamespaceName(namespace);
    //fix the character case issue, such as FX.apollo <-> fx.apollo
    namespace = namespaceUtil.normalizeNamespace(appId, namespace);

    if (Strings.isNullOrEmpty(clientIp)) {
      clientIp = tryToGetClientIp(request);

    ApolloNotificationMessages clientMessages = transformMessages(messagesAsString);

    List<Release> releases = Lists.newLinkedList();

    String appClusterNameLoaded = clusterName;
    if (!ConfigConsts.NO_APPID_PLACEHOLDER.equalsIgnoreCase(appId)) {
      Release currentAppRelease = configService.loadConfig(appId, clientIp, appId, clusterName, namespace,
          dataCenter, clientMessages);

      if (currentAppRelease != null) {
        //we have cluster search process, so the cluster name might be overridden
        appClusterNameLoaded = currentAppRelease.getClusterName();

    //if namespace does not belong to this appId, should check if there is a public configuration
    if (!namespaceBelongsToAppId(appId, namespace)) {
      Release publicRelease = this.findPublicConfig(appId, clientIp, clusterName, namespace,
          dataCenter, clientMessages);
      if (!Objects.isNull(publicRelease)) {

    if (releases.isEmpty()) {
              "Could not load configurations with appId: %s, clusterName: %s, namespace: %s",
              appId, clusterName, originalNamespace));
          assembleKey(appId, clusterName, originalNamespace, dataCenter));
      return null;

    auditReleases(appId, clusterName, dataCenter, clientIp, releases);

    //合并发布KEY 用于校验配置是否有变更操作
    String mergedReleaseKey = releases.stream().map(Release::getReleaseKey)

    if (mergedReleaseKey.equals(clientSideReleaseKey)) {
      // Client side configuration is the same with server side, return 304
          assembleKey(appId, appClusterNameLoaded, originalNamespace, dataCenter));
      return null;

    ApolloConfig apolloConfig = new ApolloConfig(appId, appClusterNameLoaded, originalNamespace,

    Tracer.logEvent("Apollo.Config.Found", assembleKey(appId, appClusterNameLoaded,
        originalNamespace, dataCenter));
    return apolloConfig;

  private boolean namespaceBelongsToAppId(String appId, String namespaceName) {
    //Every app has an 'application' namespace
    if (Objects.equals(ConfigConsts.NAMESPACE_APPLICATION, namespaceName)) {
      return true;

    //if no appId is present, then no other namespace belongs to it
    if (ConfigConsts.NO_APPID_PLACEHOLDER.equalsIgnoreCase(appId)) {
      return false;

    AppNamespace appNamespace = appNamespaceService.findByAppIdAndNamespace(appId, namespaceName);

    return appNamespace != null;

   * 查找所有的公共的发布信息记录
   * @param clientAppId the application which uses public config
   * @param namespace   the namespace
   * @param dataCenter  the datacenter
  private Release findPublicConfig(String clientAppId, String clientIp, String clusterName,
                                   String namespace, String dataCenter, ApolloNotificationMessages clientMessages) {
    AppNamespace appNamespace = appNamespaceService.findPublicNamespaceByName(namespace);

    //check whether the namespace's appId equals to current one
    if (Objects.isNull(appNamespace) || Objects.equals(clientAppId, appNamespace.getAppId())) {
      return null;

    String publicConfigAppId = appNamespace.getAppId();

    return configService.loadConfig(clientAppId, clientIp, publicConfigAppId, clusterName, namespace, dataCenter,

   * 合并发布的配置信息
   * Merge configurations of releases.
   * Release in lower index override those in higher index
  Map<String, String> mergeReleaseConfigurations(List<Release> releases) {
    //构建配置MAP key-V
    Map<String, String> result = Maps.newHashMap();
    for (Release release : Lists.reverse(releases)) {
      result.putAll(gson.fromJson(release.getConfigurations(), configurationTypeReference));
    return result;



  • /configs/{appId}/{clusterName}/{namespace:.+} :查询给定参数下所有已发布的配置集合,返回ApolloConfig
  • 已发布的配置,包含public和给定参数下配置两部分
  • 此API同时记录当前应用实例信息(Instance)到DB中,通过InstanceConfigAuditUtil类
  • 此API用于获取client端中Config的原始数据


  • /configfiles/{appId}/{clusterName}/{namespace:.+} : 查询给定参数下所有发布的配置集合,组装成给定文件格式的字符串形式返回,(JSON或properties)格式
  • 此API存在缓存功能,缓存保存在内存中
  • 已发布的配置集合通过ConfigController获取


  • /notifications/v2: 当发布消息有更新时通知client配置已变更
  • 接口使用Http Long Polling方式实现,用于配置中心配置变更后动态通知客户端

长连接实际上我们是通过Http Long Polling实现的,具体而言:

  • 客户端发起一个Http请求到服务端
  • 服务端会保持住这个连接60秒
  1. 如果在60秒内有客户端关心的配置变化,被保持住的客户端请求会立即返回,并告知客户端有配置变化的namespace信息,客户端会据此拉取对应namespace的最新配置
  2. 如果在60秒内没有客户端关心的配置变化,那么会返回Http状态码304给客户端
  • 客户端在收到服务端请求后会立即重新发起连接,回到第一步


 * 配置加载服务接口,用于加载发布的配置信息
 * @author Jason Song(song_s@ctrip.com)
public interface ConfigService extends ReleaseMessageListener {

   * 加载发布配置信息
   * Load config
   * @param clientAppId the client's app id 客户端应用ID
   * @param clientIp the client ip 客户端IP
   * @param configAppId the requested config's app id 配置应用ID
   * @param configClusterName the requested config's cluster name 配置的集群名称
   * @param configNamespace the requested config's namespace name 配置的命名空间
   * @param dataCenter the client data center  客户端的数据中心
   * @param clientMessages the messages received in client side 通知消息
   * @return the Release
  Release loadConfig(String clientAppId, String clientIp, String configAppId, String
      configClusterName, String configNamespace, String dataCenter, ApolloNotificationMessages clientMessages);


  • 用于加载给定参数下所有已发布的配置信息
 * 抽象的配置加载服务,用于加载发布的配置信息
 * @author Jason Song(song_s@ctrip.com)
public abstract class AbstractConfigService implements ConfigService {
  private GrayReleaseRulesHolder grayReleaseRulesHolder;

   * 加载发布配置的记录
   * @param clientAppId the client's app id 客户端应用ID
   * @param clientIp the client ip 客户端IP
   * @param configAppId the requested config's app id 配置应用ID
   * @param configClusterName the requested config's cluster name 配置的集群名称
   * @param configNamespace the requested config's namespace name 配置的命名空间
   * @param dataCenter the client data center  客户端的数据中心
   * @param clientMessages the messages received in client side 通知消息
   * @return
  public Release loadConfig(String clientAppId, String clientIp, String configAppId, String configClusterName,
      String configNamespace, String dataCenter, ApolloNotificationMessages clientMessages) {
    // load from specified cluster fist
    if (!Objects.equals(ConfigConsts.CLUSTER_NAME_DEFAULT, configClusterName)) {
      Release clusterRelease = findRelease(clientAppId, clientIp, configAppId, configClusterName, configNamespace,

      if (!Objects.isNull(clusterRelease)) {
        return clusterRelease;

    // try to load via data center
    if (!Strings.isNullOrEmpty(dataCenter) && !Objects.equals(dataCenter, configClusterName)) {
      Release dataCenterRelease = findRelease(clientAppId, clientIp, configAppId, dataCenter, configNamespace,
      if (!Objects.isNull(dataCenterRelease)) {
        return dataCenterRelease;

    // fallback to default release
    return findRelease(clientAppId, clientIp, configAppId, ConfigConsts.CLUSTER_NAME_DEFAULT, configNamespace,

   * 查询发布记录
   * Find release
  private Release findRelease(String clientAppId, String clientIp, String configAppId, String configClusterName,
      String configNamespace, ApolloNotificationMessages clientMessages) {
    Long grayReleaseId = grayReleaseRulesHolder.findReleaseIdFromGrayReleaseRule(clientAppId, clientIp, configAppId,
        configClusterName, configNamespace);

    Release release = null;

    if (grayReleaseId != null) {
      release = findActiveOne(grayReleaseId, clientMessages);

    if (release == null) {
      release = findLatestActiveRelease(configAppId, configClusterName, configNamespace, clientMessages);

    return release;

   * 根据ID查询有效发布记录
   * Find active release by id
  protected abstract Release findActiveOne(long id, ApolloNotificationMessages clientMessages);

   * 根据应用ID,集群名称、命名空间查询发布记录
   * Find active release by app id, cluster name and namespace name
  protected abstract Release findLatestActiveRelease(String configAppId, String configClusterName,
      String configNamespaceName, ApolloNotificationMessages clientMessages);


  • 查询发布配置的抽象实现,重新抽象了方法findLatestActiveRelease与findActiveOne供子类实现
 * 默认的配置查询服务,无缓存功能
 * config service with no cache
 * @author Jason Song(song_s@ctrip.com)
public class DefaultConfigService extends AbstractConfigService {

   * 发布记录操作服务,通过操作DB资源获取发布记录
  private ReleaseService releaseService;

  protected Release findActiveOne(long id, ApolloNotificationMessages clientMessages) {
    return releaseService.findActiveOne(id);

  protected Release findLatestActiveRelease(String configAppId, String configClusterName, String configNamespace,
                                            ApolloNotificationMessages clientMessages) {
    return releaseService.findLatestActiveRelease(configAppId, configClusterName,

  public void handleMessage(ReleaseMessage message, String channel) {
    // since there is no cache, so do nothing


  • 无缓存功能的实现,通过DB操作资源来查询库中的发布配置数据
  • DB操作资源:ReleaseService
 * 配置查询服务,使用guava做本地缓存,带有本地缓存功能的实现
 * config service with guava cache
 * @author Jason Song(song_s@ctrip.com)
public class ConfigServiceWithCache extends AbstractConfigService {
  private static final Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(ConfigServiceWithCache.class);
   * 默认的缓存失效时长 1h
  private static final long DEFAULT_EXPIRED_AFTER_ACCESS_IN_MINUTES = 60;//1 hour
  private static final String TRACER_EVENT_CACHE_INVALIDATE = "ConfigCache.Invalidate";
  private static final String TRACER_EVENT_CACHE_LOAD = "ConfigCache.LoadFromDB";
  private static final String TRACER_EVENT_CACHE_LOAD_ID = "ConfigCache.LoadFromDBById";
  private static final String TRACER_EVENT_CACHE_GET = "ConfigCache.Get";
  private static final String TRACER_EVENT_CACHE_GET_ID = "ConfigCache.GetById";
  private static final Splitter STRING_SPLITTER =

   * 发布记录操作服务
  private ReleaseService releaseService;

   * 发布消息操作服务
  private ReleaseMessageService releaseMessageService;

   * 构建一个发布消息ID与配置发布记录对应的关系缓存
  private LoadingCache<String, ConfigCacheEntry> configCache;

  private LoadingCache<Long, Optional<Release>> configIdCache;

   * 空的配置发布实体
  private ConfigCacheEntry nullConfigCacheEntry;

  public ConfigServiceWithCache() {
    nullConfigCacheEntry = new ConfigCacheEntry(ConfigConsts.NOTIFICATION_ID_PLACEHOLDER, null);

   * 初始化方法,在实例创建后调用
  void initialize() {
    configCache = CacheBuilder.newBuilder()
        .build(new CacheLoader<String, ConfigCacheEntry>() {
          public ConfigCacheEntry load(String key) throws Exception {
            List<String> namespaceInfo = STRING_SPLITTER.splitToList(key);
            if (namespaceInfo.size() != 3) {
                  new IllegalArgumentException(String.format("Invalid cache load key %s", key)));
              return nullConfigCacheEntry;

            Transaction transaction = Tracer.newTransaction(TRACER_EVENT_CACHE_LOAD, key);
            try {
              ReleaseMessage latestReleaseMessage = releaseMessageService.findLatestReleaseMessageForMessages(Lists
              Release latestRelease = releaseService.findLatestActiveRelease(namespaceInfo.get(0), namespaceInfo.get(1),


              //构建通知ID,当最后配置发布消息为null 通知ID=-1,标识无通知信息
              long notificationId = latestReleaseMessage == null ? ConfigConsts.NOTIFICATION_ID_PLACEHOLDER : latestReleaseMessage

              if (notificationId == ConfigConsts.NOTIFICATION_ID_PLACEHOLDER && latestRelease == null) {
                return nullConfigCacheEntry;

              //构建缓存实例, 通知ID-最后的配置发布记录
              return new ConfigCacheEntry(notificationId, latestRelease);
            } catch (Throwable ex) {
              throw ex;
            } finally {
    configIdCache = CacheBuilder.newBuilder()
        .build(new CacheLoader<Long, Optional<Release>>() {
          public Optional<Release> load(Long key) throws Exception {
            Transaction transaction = Tracer.newTransaction(TRACER_EVENT_CACHE_LOAD_ID, String.valueOf(key));
            try {
              Release release = releaseService.findActiveOne(key);


              return Optional.ofNullable(release);
            } catch (Throwable ex) {
              throw ex;
            } finally {

  protected Release findActiveOne(long id, ApolloNotificationMessages clientMessages) {
    Tracer.logEvent(TRACER_EVENT_CACHE_GET_ID, String.valueOf(id));
    return configIdCache.getUnchecked(id).orElse(null);

  protected Release findLatestActiveRelease(String appId, String clusterName, String namespaceName,
                                            ApolloNotificationMessages clientMessages) {
    String key = ReleaseMessageKeyGenerator.generate(appId, clusterName, namespaceName);

    Tracer.logEvent(TRACER_EVENT_CACHE_GET, key);

    ConfigCacheEntry cacheEntry = configCache.getUnchecked(key);

    //cache is out-dated
    if (clientMessages != null && clientMessages.has(key) &&
        clientMessages.get(key) > cacheEntry.getNotificationId()) {
      //invalidate the cache and try to load from db again
      cacheEntry = configCache.getUnchecked(key);

    return cacheEntry.getRelease();

   * 校验缓存中的KEY
   * @param key
  private void invalidate(String key) {
    Tracer.logEvent(TRACER_EVENT_CACHE_INVALIDATE, key);

   * 发布消息监听回调函数,用于处理新记录的发布回调
   * @param message
   * @param channel
  public void handleMessage(ReleaseMessage message, String channel) {
    logger.info("message received - channel: {}, message: {}", channel, message);
    if (!Topics.APOLLO_RELEASE_TOPIC.equals(channel) || Strings.isNullOrEmpty(message.getMessage())) {

    try {

      //warm up the cache
    } catch (Throwable ex) {

   * 发布消息ID与发布记录对应关系实体
  private static class ConfigCacheEntry {
    private final long notificationId;
    private final Release release;

    public ConfigCacheEntry(long notificationId, Release release) {
      this.notificationId = notificationId;
      this.release = release;

    public long getNotificationId() {
      return notificationId;

    public Release getRelease() {
      return release;



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