美妝部落客 Vera 是位難得一見,有著一頭金髮的冬天型。
Vera is a blonde Winter. In Asia, Winter people almost have black hair.
一開始會誤以為 Vera 是夏,然而你無法忽視她抹上艷色唇膏的存在感,更是因為黑色眼線於她仿佛臉上的一部份般自然。除了冬天型之外沒人吃得起黑色眼線哪!
Although lipsticks in light colors look natural on Vera's face, strong colors make her much more impressive. Black eyeliner which especially goes well for Winter people fits her a lot as if she was born with it!
Vera 多於部落格中示範暖色系彩妝,猜測係因其個人偏愛自然妝感。
Vera prefers to demonstrate her cosmetics in warm-toned (yellow-based) colors. They are actually suitable for Spring or Autumn people.
黑色,這個上天賜給冬天型的顏色讓 Vera 極其迷人!
Black looks so perfect in her.
文章來源 Citation: http://veracamilla.nl