Wagga Wagga 玻璃艺术之城
Glass Art Gallery里,能够看到在过去一些时期的玻璃艺术代表作品:精美、深邃!
“制作也是一种制作形式,是我们在一个时间点上做下的标记,可能是一种创造,可能是一种哲思,或者是一个理论上的时间点,或一种组合 : 一个内在的空间和纬度,一个可以触摸的、看得见的现在。英文原文:Making is a form of marking. We mark a point in time. Whether a creative,a philosophic, a theoretical point in time, or a combination of - the interior dimension has a physical, viewable presence”
Glass Art Gallery 不能拍照,所以就从买的画册里拍了一些局部照片,也从网上下载了一些照片。
Wagga Wagga,这是土著语,看到它的英文意思是Crow, 我在想,为什么土著人会把它叫做“皇冠,皇冠”呢?难道土著人也有对权力的崇拜吗?再仔细一看,是crow (乌鸦),并不是crown (皇冠),叫两遍就是复数了,“乌鸦,乌鸦”,这个小城名字的意思就是有很多小鸟的地方,看来,人群部落的认知总是与生活体验联系在一起的。
Wagga Wagga在墨尔本和悉尼之间的一个小城市,墨尔本开车过去5个小时左右。这里的文化气息浓厚,风格上是现代与过去的一种结合,各种建筑也很有特色。两层楼的社区图书馆很大很繁忙,既有现代的电脑触屏管理系统,楼梯上又挂满古朴温暖的布艺品。
后来,从网上google 了玻璃艺术大师George Aslanis 的信息,遗憾的是,他已经在去年因癌症而英年早逝了。“WAGGA Art Gallery is proud to present a retrospective survey of one of the most influential and innovative artists in contemporary Australian glass, George Aslanis (1960-2016). Aslanis inspired a generation of glass artists to develop their passion and their understanding of the artform. Experiments in Light reveals the great scope of his practice and his ideas.
George Aslanis began his artistic career in ceramics, but became drawn to the paradoxical qualities of glass, which he described in one interview as “dense and heavy and solid… it is the antithesis of light, yet it describes light in so many ways”.
As head of the Glass and Ceramic Studio at Monash University for many years, Aslanis was a tremendous influence on glass students and artists across Australia, and many of the works on display in Experiments in Light have been loaned from former students.
Aslanis’ practice involves a dialogue that describes “states of being”, and symbols and metaphors are important motifs in his work. Drawing from cultures past and present he combined various elements to create visually complex cast glass sculptures. These objects are read from two sides, a sculpted textured surface and an open view into the interior space of the glass. The question of what exists beneath the surface, the interior life often unseen is a constant aspect of George Aslanis’ work.
George Aslanis himself once described his work as “a discussion about glass, its inherent material properties; these include the sensual and the metaphorical. Glass is a material in a state of becoming, an endless multiplicity of potentials.” Experiments in Light is itself a tribute to Aslanis’ own multiplicity of potentials, and the home of the National Art Glass Collection is a fitting venue to reflect upon the life and career of such an influential artist.”
在Wagga Wagga,碰到了有趣又奇怪的事情:那里所有和我对话的女士,甚至在去洗手间路上碰到的女士,都在热情又温文尔雅地夸赞我的大衣很漂亮。我在想,是不是被艺术深度温暖了内心的人们,她们更有了那种慷慨,欣赏,善良,温暖和感恩之心呢?(谢谢Echo 凌云帮我挑选的大衣。)
Tamworth 澳大利亚乡村音乐之都