


In this chapter, we discuss the aims and goals ofthis text and briefly review programming concepts and discrete mathematics. Wewill


[if !supportLists]l  [endif]See that how a program performs for reasonably large input is just asimportant as its performance on moderate amounts of input.


[if !supportLists]l  [endif]Review good programming style.


[if !supportLists]l  [endif]Summarize the basic mathematical background needed for the rest of thebook.


[if !supportLists]l  [endif]Briefly review recursion.


1.1. What's the Book About?


Suppose you have a group of n numbers andwould like to determine the kth largest. This is known as the selectionproblem. Most students who have had a programming course or two would have nodifficulty writing a program to solve this problem. There are quite a few"obvious" solutions.


One way to solve this problem would be toread the n numbers into an array, sort the array in decreasing order by somesimple algorithm such as bubblesort, and then return the element in position k.


A somewhat better algorithm might be toread the first k elements into an array and sort them (in decreasing order).Next, each remaining element is read one by one. As a new element arrives, itis ignored if it is smaller than the kth element in the array. Otherwise, it isplaced in its correct spot in the array, bumping one element out of the array.When the algorithm ends, the element in the kth position is returned as theanswer.


Both algorithms are simple to code, and youare encouraged to do so. The natural questions, then, are which algorithm isbetter and, more importantly, is either algorithm good enough? A simulationusing a random file of 1 million elements and k = 500,000 will show thatneither algorithm finishes in a reasonable amount of time--each requiresseveral days of computer processing to terminate (albeit eventually with acorrect answer). An alternative method, discussed in Chapter 7, gives asolution in about a second. Thus, although our proposed algorithms work, theycannot be considered good algorithms, because they are entirely impractical forinput sizes that a third algorithm can handle in a reasonable amount of time.


A second problem is to solve a popular wordpuzzle. The input consists of a two-dimensional array of letters and a list ofwords. The object is to find the words in the puzzle. These words may behorizontal, vertical, or diagonal in any direction. As an example, the puzzleshown in Figure 1.1 contains the words this, two, fat, and that. The word thisbegins at row 1, column 1 (1,1) and extends to (1, 4); two goes from (1, 1) to(3, 1); fat goes from (4, 1) to (2, 3); and that goes from (4, 4) to (1, 1).

第二个问题是解决一个众数单词问题。输入是由一个二维字母数组和一列单词组成的。目的是在问题中找出众数单词。这些单词或水平或竖直或对角的任意方向。举个栗子,如图1.1所示,该图包含了单词this,two,fat,and that。This这个单词从(1,1)延伸到(1,4);Two 从(1,1)延伸到(3,1);Fat从(4,1)到(2,3);That从(4,4)到(1,1)。

Again, there are at least twostraightforward algorithms that solve the problem. For each word in the wordlist, we check each ordered triple (row, column, orientation) for the presenceof the word. This amounts to lots of nested for loops but is basicallystraightforward.


Alternatively, for each ordered quadruple(row, column, orientation, number of characters) that doesn't run off an end ofthe puzzle, we can test whether the word indicated is in the word list. Again,this amounts to lots of nested for loops. It is possible to save some time ifthe maximum number of characters in any word is known.


It is relatively easy to code up eithersolution and solve many of the real-life puzzles commonly published in magazines.These typically have 16 rows, 16 columns, and 40 or so words. Suppose, however,we consider the variation where only the puzzle board is given and the wordlist is essentially an English dictionary. Both of the solutions proposedrequire considerable time to solve this problem and therefore are notacceptable. However, it is possible, even with a large word list, to solve theproblem in a matter of seconds.


An important concept is that, in manyproblems, writing a working program is not good enough. If the program is to berun on a large data set, then the running time becomes an issue. Throughoutthis book we will see how to estimate the running time of a program for largeinputs and, more importantly, how to compare the running times of two programswithout actually coding them. We will see techniques for drastically improvingthe speed of a program and for determining program bottlenecks. Thesetechniques will enable us to find the section of the code on which toconcentrate our optimization efforts.


[if !vml]


Figure 1.1 Sample word puzzle



1.2. Mathematics Review


      This section lists some of the basic formulas you need to memorize or beable to derive and reviews basic proof techniques.


1.2.1. Exponents


[if !vml]




      In computer science, alllogarithms are to base 2 unless specified otherwise.


DEFINITION:[if !vml]

[endif] if and only if[if !vml]


定义:[if !vml]

[endif]当且仅当[if !vml]


 Severalconvenient equalities follow from this definition.





 [if !vml]



      Let[if !vml]

[endif], and[if !vml]

[endif]. Then, by the definition oflogarithms,[if !vml]

[endif], and[if !vml]

[endif]. Combining these three equalitiesyields[if !vml]

[endif]. Therefore, x = yz, which implies z =x/y, proving the theorem.

       令[if !vml]

[endif], 和[if !vml]

[endif]。那么,通过给出的对数的定义,[if !vml]

[endif], and[if !vml]

[endif]。结合这三个等式可以推导出[if !vml]

[endif]。因此,x = yz,那么z = x/y,定理由此可证。



log ab = log a + log b



     Letx = log a, y = log b, z = log ab. Then, assuming the default base of 2,[if !vml]

[endif]. Combining the last three equalitiesyields[if !vml]

[endif]. Therefore,x + y

= z, which proves the theorem.

    令x = log a, y = log b, z = log ab。默认底数为2,[if !vml]

[endif]。结合后边这三个等式[if !vml]

[endif],则x + y = z,由此定理可证。

    Someother useful formulas, which can all be derived in a similar manner, follow.


  [if !vml]


1.2.3. Series


The easiest formulas to remember are

[if !vml]


and the companion,

[if !vml]


要记住的最简单的公式是[if !vml]

[endif]类似的[if !vml]


     In the latterformula, if 0 < a < 1, then[if !vml]

[endif]and as n tends to [if !vml]

[endif], the sum approaches 1/(1 -a). These are the

"geometric series" formulas.We can derive the last formula for[if !vml]

[endif]in the following manner. Let S be the sum.

Then[if !vml]


Then[if !vml]


       接下来,如果0 < a < 1,那么[if !vml]

[endif],并且当n趋向于[if !vml]

[endif]时,结果无限接近1/(1 -a)。这些是“等比级数”公式。我们就可以用下面的方法导出最后的公式[if !vml]


那么[if !vml]

[endif],那么[if !vml]


     If we subtract thesetwo equations (which is permissible only for a convergent series), virtuallyall the terms on the right side cancel, leaving[if !vml]

[endif]which simplies that[if !vml]

[endif]We can use this same technique to compute[if !vml]

[endif], a sum that occurs frequently. Wewrite[if !vml]

[endif]and multiply by 2, obtaining

[if !vml]

[endif]。Subtracting these two equations yields[if !vml]

[endif]。Thus, S = 2.

    如果这两个等式相减(只允许是收敛级数时),右边所有项几乎都消去了,剩下了[if !vml]

[endif],就简化成了[if !vml]

[endif]我们可以使用相同的方法计算多项式[if !vml]

[endif]的和,我们写成[if !vml]

[endif],等式乘以二可得[if !vml]

[endif],等式两边相减得到[if !vml]

[endif],可得S = 2。

     Another type ofcommon series in analysis is the arithmetic series. Any such series can beevaluated from the basic formula.

[if !vml]


     在分析里边另外一个常见级数类型是算法级数。任一个这样的级数都能用基础的公式[if !vml]


     For instance, to findthe sum 2 + 5 + 8 +. . . + (3k - 1), rewrite it as 3(1 + 2+ 3 +. . . + k) - (1+ 1 + 1 +. . . + 1), which is clearly 3k(k + 1)/2 - k. Another way to rememberthis is to add the first and last terms (total 3k + 1), the second and next tolast terms (total 3k + 1), and so on. Since there are k/2 of these pairs, thetotal sum is k(3k + 1)/2, which is the same answer as before.

     例如,为了计算2 + 5 + 8 +. . . + (3k - 1)的和,把它改写成3(1 + 2+

3 +. . . + k) - (1 + 1 + 1 +. . . + 1),就等于3k(k + 1)/2 -

k。另外一个记住这个的方法就是首尾相加(和为3k + 1),第二项和倒数第二项相加(和为3k + 1),等等。有这样k/2对,总和就是k(3k + 1)/2,跟之前的答案相同。

     The next two formulaspop up now and then but are fairly infrequent.

[if !vml]


When k = -1, the latter formula is not valid. We then need thefollowing formula, which is used far more in computer science than in othermathematical disciplines. The numbers, HN, are known as the harmonic numbers,and the sum is known as a harmonic sum.The error in the

following approximation tends to y[if !vml]

[endif] 0.57721566, which is known asEuler's constant.

[if !vml]



[if !vml]


当k=-1时,后边这个公式没有意义。我们需要后边这个公式,它在计算机科学中比在其他数学科目中用得多得多。这个数列被称为调和数列,这个和被称为调和级数之和。下边这个近似值的误差趋近于y[if !vml]

[endif] 0.57721566,这被称作欧拉常量。

These two formulas are just general algebraic manipulations.

[if !vml]



[if !vml]


1.2.4. Modular Arithmetic


     We saythat a is congruent to b modulo n, written a[if !vml]

[endif]b(mod n), if n divides a - b.Intuitively, this means that the remainder is the same when either a or b isdivided by n. Thus, 81 61 1(mod 10). As with equality, if a b (mod n), then a +c b + c(mod n) anda d b d (mod n).

     我们说a恒等于b对n求模,写成a≡b(mod n)(a同余于b模n,或读作a与b关于模m同余),如果n能整除a-b。直观地说,意思就是当a或b被n除的时候,它们的余数相同。例如, 81 61 1(mod 10)。等价的,如果 a b (mod n),那么a + c b + c(mod n)和a d b d (mod n)。

There are a lot of theorems that apply to modulararithmetic, some of which require extraordinary proofs in number theory. Wewill use modular arithmetic sparingly, and the preceding theorems will suffice.


1.2.5. The P Word


     The twomost common ways of proving statements in data structure analysis are proof byinduction and proof by contradiction (and occasionally aproof

by intimidation, by professors only). The best way of proving that atheorem is false is by exhibiting a counterexample.


Proof byInduction


A proofby induction has two standard parts. The first step is proving a base case,that is, establishing that a theorem is true for some small (usuallydegenerate) value(s); this step is almost always trivial. Next, an inductivehypothesis is assumed. Generally this means that the theorem is assumed to betrue for all cases up to some limit k. Using this assumption, the theorem isthen shown to be true for the next value, which is typically k + 1. This provesthe theorem (as long as k is finite).


     As anexample, we prove that the Fibonacci numbers,[if !vml]

[endif]satisfy[if !vml]

[endif]。(Some definitions have F0 = 0, which

shifts the series.) To do this, we first verify that the theorem is true for

the trivial cases.It is easy to verify that F1 = 1 < 5/3 and F2 = 2。We assume that the theorem is true for i = 1, 2, . . . , k; this is

the inductive hypothesis. To prove the theorem, we need to show that[if !vml]

[endif]。We have[if !vml]

[endif],by the definition, and we can use theinductive hypothesis on the right-hand side, obtaining

   [if !vml]


[if !vml]


which simplifies to

[if !vml]


proving the theorem.

      举个例子,我们证明斐波那契数列,[if !vml]

[endif],满足[if !vml]

[endif]。(有一些定义改变了这个数列,设置了F0=0)。为了这名这个定理,我们首先证明这个定理适用于琐细的情况。证明F1 = 1 < 5/3 和F2 = 2是简单的。我们假设这个定理适用于i = 1, 2, . . . , k;这是归纳假设。为了证明这个定理,我们需要证明[if !vml]

[endif](1是加于k上的)。我们有[if !vml]


[if !vml]


[if !vml]



[if !vml]



     As asecond example, we establish the following theorem.



[if !vml]


当[if !vml]




     Theproof is by induction. For the basis, it is readily seen that the theorem istrue when n = 1. For the inductive hypothesis, assume that the theorem is truefor[if !vml]

[endif]. We will establish that, underthis assumption, the theorem is true for n + 1. We have

[if !vml]


Applying the inductive hypothesis, we obtain

[if !vml]



[if !vml]


proving the theorem.

   用归纳法证明。首先,当n=1时,定理显然成立。假设这个定理对于[if !vml]


[if !vml]



[if !vml]



[if !vml]


Proof by Counterexample


     Thestatement[if !vml]

[endif]is false.The easiest way to prove

this is to compute[if !vml]


          [if !vml]

[endif]是错误的。最简单的证明方法就是估计[if !vml]


Proof by Contradiction


     Proof bycontradiction proceeds by assuming that the theorem is false and showing thatthis assumption implies that some known property is false, and hence theoriginal assumption was erroneous. A classic example is the proof that there isan infinite number of primes. To prove this, we assume that the theorem isfalse, so that there is some largest prime[if !vml]

[endif],Let[if !vml]

[endif]be all the primes in order and

consider[if !vml]

[endif]。Clearly, N is larger than pk, so byassumption N is not prime. However, none ofp1, p2, . . . ,

pkdivide N exactly, because there will always be a remainder of 1. This isa contradiction, because every number is either prime or a product of primes.Hence, the original assumption, that pk is the largest prime, is false, whichimplies that the theorem is true.

[if !vml]


       反证法通过假设这个定理是错的来进行的,证明这个假设就意味着证明一些已知条件是错的,从而假设是错误的。一个典型的例子就是证明有无穷多个质数。为了证明,我们假设这个定理是错误的,所以就有最大的质数[if !vml]

[endif],使得[if !vml]

[endif]是按顺序排列的所有的质数并且令[if !vml]

[endif]。很明显,N比pk大,所以根据假设,N不是质数。事实上,p1, p2, . . . , pk没有一个数能整除N,因为总有一个余数1.这就是反证,因为每一个数都是质数或者质数的乘积。因此,最初的假设:pk是最大的质数是错误的,证明了定理是正确的。

1.3. A Brief Introduction to Recursion

1.3. 递归的简介

Most mathematical functions that we arefamiliar with are described by a simple formula. For instance, we can converttemperatures from Fahrenheit to Celsius by applying the formula


 C =5(F - 32)/9


Given this formula, it is trivial to writea C function; with declarations and braces removed, the one-line formulatranslates to one line of C.


Mathematical functions are sometimesdefined in a less standard form. As an example, we can define a function f,valid on nonnegative integers, that satisfies f(0) = 0 and f(x) = 2f(x - 1) +x2. From this definition we see that f(1) = 1, f(2) = 6, f(3) = 21, and f(4) =58. A function that is defined in terms of itself is called recursive. C allowsfunctions to be recursive.

有时,数学公式是使用极简形式。举个栗子,我们可以定义一个函数f,定义域为非负整数,满足f(0)=0,且f(x)=2f(x-1)+x^2。从此定义我们可以得出,f(1) = 1, f(2) = 6, f(3)

= 21, f(4) = 58。一个函数是根据自身定义的,那么这个函数就是递归的。C语言允许递归。

* It is important to remember that what Cprovides is merely an attempt to follow the recursive spirit. Not allmathematically recursive functions are efficiently (or correctly) implementedby C's simulation of recursion. The idea is that the recursive function f oughtto be expressible in only a few lines, just like a non-recursive function.Figure 1.2 shows the recursive implementation of f.



*Using recursion for numerical calculationsis usually a bad idea. We have done so to illustrate the basic points. Lines 1and 2 handle what is known as the base case, that is, the value for which thefunction is directly known without resorting to recursion. Just as declaringf(x) = 2 f(x - 1) + x2 is meaningless, mathematically, without including thefact that f (0) = 0, the recursive C function doesn't make sense without a basecase. Line 3 makes the recursive call.

使用递归计算数值通常不是什么好想法。我们先表明了基础态度。第一二行代码已经处理了元情况,也就是说,此函数的值无需递归计算,直接给出。就像声明数学函数f(x) = 2 f(x - 1) + x^2在不给定能够基础条件f(0)=0下是无意义的一样。该C语言递归函数在无元情况条件下也是无意义的。第三行代码使用了递归调用。

There are several important and possiblyconfusing points about recursion. A common question is: Isn't this justcircular logic? The answer is that although we are defining a function in termsof itself, we are not defining a particular instance of the function in termsof itself. In other words, evaluating f(5) by computing f(5) would be circular.Evaluating f(5) by computing f(4) is not circular--unless, of course f(4) isevaluated by eventually computing f(5). The two most important issues areprobably the how and why questions. In Chapter 3, the how and why issues areformally resolved. We will give an incomplete description here.


It turns out that recursive calls arehandled no differently from any others. If f is called with the value of 4,then line 3 requires the computation of 2 * f(3) + 4 * 4. Thus, a call is madeto compute f(3). This requires the computation of 2 * f(2) + 3 * 3. Therefore,another call is made to compute f(2). This means that 2 * f(1) + 2 * 2 must beevaluated. To do so, f(1) is computed as 2 * f(0) + 1 * 1. Now, f(0) must beevaluated. Since this is a base case, we know a priori that f(0) = 0. Thisenables the completion of the calculation for f(1), which is now seen to be 1.Then f(2), f(3), and finally f(4) can be determined. All the bookkeeping neededto keep track of pending function calls (those started but waiting for arecursive call to complete), along with their variables, is done by thecomputer automatically. An important point, however, is that recursive callswill keep on being made until a base case is reached. For instance, anattempt to evaluate f(-1) will result in calls to f(-2), f(-3), and so on.Since this will never get to a base case, the program won't be able to computethe answer (which is undefined anyway). Occasionally, a much more subtle erroris made, which is exhibited in Figure 1.3. The error in the program in Figure1.3 is that bad(1) is defined, by line 3, to be bad(1). Obviously, thisdoesn't give any clue as to what bad(1) actually is. The computer will thusrepeatedly make calls to bad(1) in an attempt to resolve its values.Eventually, its bookkeeping system will run out of space, and the program willcrash. Generally, we would say that this function doesn't work for one specialcase but is correct otherwise. This isn't true here, since bad(2) calls bad(1).Thus, bad(2) cannot be evaluated either. Furthermore, bad(3), bad(4), andbad(5) all make calls to bad(2). Since bad(2) is unevaluable, none of thesevalues are either. In fact, this program doesn't work for any value of n,except 0. With recursive programs, there is no such thing as a "specialcase."



These considerations lead to the first twofundamental rules of recursion:


[if !supportLists]1. [endif]Base cases.You must always have some base cases, which can be solved without recursion.

[if !supportLists]1.[endif]元情况,你必须总有一些不适用递归就能得出答案的基本情况

[if !supportLists]2. [endif]Makingprogress. For the cases that are to be solved recursively, the recursive callmust always be to a case that makes progress toward a base case.

[if !supportLists]2.[endif]编写下一步。对于那些使用递归解决的情况而言,递归调用必须总是达到一种可以逐步使用到元情况的状态。

Throughout this book, we will use recursionto solve problems. As an example of anonmathematical use,consider a large dictionary. Words in dictionaries are defined in terms ofother words. When we look up a word, we might not always understand thedefinition, so we might have to look up words in the definition. Likewise, wemight not understand some of those, so we might have to continue this searchfor a while. As the dictionary is finite, eventually either we will come to apoint where we understand all of the words in some definition (and thusunderstand that definition and retrace our path through the other definitions),or we will find that the definitions are circular and we are stuck, or thatsome word we need to understand a definition is not in the dictionary.


[if !vml]


图1.3  一个无尽的递归程序

Our recursive strategy to understand wordsis as follows: If we know the meaning of a word, then we are done; otherwise,we look the word up in the dictionary. If we understand all the words in thedefinition, we are done; otherwise, we figure out what the definition means byrecursively looking up the words we don't know. This procedure will terminateif the dictionary is well defined but can loop indefinitely if a word is eithernot defined or circularly defined.


Printing Out Numbers


Suppose we have a positive integer, n, thatwe wish to print out. Our routine will have the heading print_out(n). Assumethat the only I/O routines available will take a single-digit number and outputit to the terminal. We will call this routine print_digit; for example,print_digit(4) will output a 4 to the terminal.

假设我们想打印一个正数,我们的程序把 print_out(n)作为标题,假设唯一I/O程式可用将取一个个位数取出并显示在终端上。我们将这个程式成为print_digit;比如来说,print_digit(4),就是把4输出到终端上。

Recursion provides a very clean solution tothis problem. To print out 76234, we need to first print out 7623 and thenprint out 4. The second step is easily accomplished with the statementprint_digit(n%10), but the first doesn't seem any simpler than the originalproblem. Indeed it is virtually the same problem, so we can solve itrecursively with the statement print_out(n/10).


This tells us how to solve the generalproblem, but we still need to make sure that the program doesn't loopindefinitely. Since we haven't defined a base case yet, it is clear that we stillhave something to do. Our base case will be print_digit(n) if 0

这给我们说明了如何解决一般问题,但是我们仍需确认这个程序不会无限循环。因为我们仍未定义元情况,明显我们还有些事情未做。我们的元情况就是print_digit(n) if 0

* is shown Figure 1.4.


*The term procedure refers to a functionthat returns void.


We have made no effort to do thisefficiently. We could have avoided using the mod routine (which is veryexpensive) because n%10 = n - (n/10) * 10.

我们轻易地已经完成了这个程序。我们本可以避免使用模数例程(模数运算太高消耗),因为 n%10求余 = n-(n/10)*10。

Recursion and Induction


Let us prove (somewhat) rigorously that therecursive number-printing program works. To do so, we'll use a proof byinduction.




The recursive number-printing algorithm iscorrect for n >=0.


PROOF: First, if n has one digit, then theprogram is trivially correct, since it merely makes a call to print_digit.Assume then that print_out works for all numbers of k or fewer digits. A numberof k + 1 digits is expressed by its first k digits followed by its leastsignificant digit. But the number formed by the first k digits is exactly n/10, which, by the indicated hypothesis is correctly printed, and the last digitis n mod10, so the program prints out any (k + 1)-digit number correctly. Thus,by induction, all numbers are correctly printed.

证明:首先,如果n是个位数字,那么很简单,它是正确的,因为他只调用了跑一次print_digit。假设print_out支持k个或少于k数位的数字作为参数。一个k+1位数字就是由它的前k位数字和在这之后的最低有效位数字组成。但是前k位数字组成的书实际上等于n/10,根据之前的假设它们(前k个数字组成的数)可以被正确打印,并且最后一位数就是n mod 10,因此这个程序可以正确打印任意(k+1)位的数字。因此,通过归纳法,所有的数字都可以被正确打印。

[if !vml]


图片1.4 递归程序打印一个整数

This proof probably seems a little strangein that it is virtually identical to the algorithm description. It illustratesthat in designing a recursive program, all smaller instances of the sameproblem (which are on the path to a base case) may be assumed to workcorrectly. The recursive program needs only to combine solutions to smallerproblems, which are "magically" obtained by recursion, into asolution for the current problem. The mathematical justification for this isproof by induction. This gives the third rule of recursion:


[if !supportLists]3.[endif]Design rule.Assume that all the recursive calls work.


This rule is important because it meansthat when designing recursive programs, you generally don't need to know thedetails of the bookkeeping arrangements, and you don't have to try to tracethrough the myriad of recursive calls. Frequently, it is extremely difficult totrack down the actual sequence of recursive calls. Of course, in many casesthis is an indication of a good use of recursion, since the computer is beingallowed to work out the complicated details. The main problem with recursion isthe hidden bookkeeping costs. Although these costs are almost alwaysjustifiable, because recursive programs not only simplify the algorithm designbut also tend to give cleaner code, recursion should never be used as asubstitute for a simple for loop. We'll discuss the overhead involved inrecursion in more detail in Section 3.3.


When writing recursive routines, it iscrucial to keep in mind the four basic rules of recursion:


[if !supportLists]1. [endif]Base cases.You must always have some base cases, which can be solved without recursion.


[if !supportLists]2. [endif]Makingprogress. For the cases that are to be solved recursively, the recursive callmust always be to a case that makes progress toward a base case.


[if !supportLists]3. [endif]Designrule. Assume that all the recursive calls work.


[if !supportLists]4. [endif]Compoundinterest rule. Never duplicate work by solving the same instance of a problemin separate recursive calls.


The fourth rule, which will be justified(along with its nickname) in later sections, is the reason that it is generallya bad idea to use recursion to evaluate simple mathematical functions, such asthe Fibonacci numbers. As long as you keep these rules in mind, recursiveprogramming should be straightforward.




This chapter sets the stage for the rest ofthe book. The time taken by an algorithm confronted with large amounts of inputwill be an important criterion for deciding if it is a good algorithm. (Ofcourse, correctness is most important.)Speed is relative. What is fast for oneproblem on one machine might be slow for another problem or a differentmachine. We will begin to address these issues in the next chapter and will usethe mathematics discussed here to establish a formal model.



[if !supportLists]1.1   [endif]Writea program to solve the selection problem. Let k = n/2. Draw a table showing therunning time of your program for various values of n.

1.2 Write a program to solve the word puzzle problem.

1.3 Write a procedure to output an arbitrary real number(which might be negative) using only print_digit for I/O.

1.4 C allows statements of the form

#include filename

which reads filename and inserts its contents in place ofthe include statement. Include statements may be nested; in other words, thefile filename may itself contain an include statement, but, obviously, a filecan't include itself in any chain. Write a program that reads in a file andoutputs the file as modified by the include statements.

1.5 Prove the following formulas:

a. log x < x for all x > 0

[if !vml]


1.6 Evaluate the following sums:

[if !vml]


1.7 Estimate

[if !vml]


*1.8 What is[if !vml]


1.9 Let[if !vml]

[endif]be the Fibonacci numbers as definedin Section 1.2. Prove the following:

[if !vml]


**c. Give a precise closed-form expression for[if !vml]


1.10 Prove the following formulas:

[if !vml]




1.3写一个只用print digit来输出的程序输出一个任意实数(包括负数)

1.4 C语言允许这样形式的语句:

#include filename



a. log x < x for all x > 0

[if !vml]



[if !vml]



[if !vml]


*1.8[if !vml]


1.9 设[if !vml]


[if !vml]


**c. 给出一个精确的封闭式的[if !vml]


1.10 证明下列公式:

[if !vml]




There are many good textbooks covering the mathematicsreviewed in this chapter. A small subset is [1], [2], [3], [11], [13], and[14]. Reference [11] is specifically geared toward the analysis of algorithms.It is the first volume of a three-volume series that will be cited throughoutthis text. More advanced material is covered in [6].

有许多好的教材都在这一章复习了数学知识。一小部分是[1], [2], [3], [11], [13],和[14]。参考书[11]是专门面向算法分析的。一个分为三册的一套书的第一册在整书中被引用。更先进的材料在[6]中。

Throughout this book we will assume a knowledge of C [10].Occasionally, we add a feature where necessary for clarity. We also assumefamiliarity with pointers and recursion (the recursion summary in this chapteris meant to be a quick review). We will attempt to provide hints on their usewhere appropriate throughout the textbook. Readers not familiar with theseshould consult [4], [8], [12], or any good intermediate programming textbook.


[8] [12] ,或许任何一本好的作为媒介的编程教材。

General programming style is discussed in several books.Some of the classics are [5], [7], and [9].

比较普遍的编程风格在几本书中都有介绍。[5] [7] [9]都是比较经典的。

[if !supportLists]1.      [endif]M. O.Albertson and J. P. Hutchinson, Discrete Mathematics with Algorithms, JohnWiley & Sons, New York , 1988.

2. Z. Bavel, Math Companion for Computer Science, RestonPublishing Company, Reston, Va., 1982.

3. R. A. Brualdi, Introductory Combinatorics, North-Holland,New York, 1977.

4. W. H. Burge, Recursive Programming Techniques,Addison-Wesley, Reading, Mass., 1975.

5. E. W. Dijkstra, A Discipline of Programming, PrenticeHall, Englewood Cliffs, N.J., 1976.

6. R. L. Graham, D. E. Knuth, and O. Patashnik, ConcreteMathematics, Addison-Wesley, Reading, Mass., 1989.

7. D. Gries, The Science of Programming, Springer-Verlag,New York, 1981.

8. P. Helman and R. Veroff, Walls and Mirrors: IntermediateProblem Solving and Data Structures, 2d ed., Benjamin Cummings Publishing,Menlo Park, Calif., 1988.

9. B. W. Kernighan and P. J. Plauger, The Elements ofProgramming Style, 2d ed., McGraw- Hill, New York, 1978.

10. B. W. Kernighan and D. M. Ritchie, The C ProgrammingLanguage, 2d ed., Prentice Hall, Englewood Cliffs, N.J.,1988.

11. D. E. Knuth, The Art of Computer Programming, Vol. 1:Fundamental Algorithms, 2d ed., Addison-Wesley,Reading, Mass., 1973.

12. E. Roberts, Thinking Recursively, John Wiley & Sons,New York, 1986.

13. F. S. Roberts, Applied Combinatorics, Prentice Hall,Englewood Cliffs, N.J., 1984.

14. A. Tucker, Applied Combinatorics, 2d ed., John Wiley& Sons, New York, 1984.

[if !supportLists]1.      [endif]M. O.

Albertson and J. P. Hutchinson ,离散数学和算法,John Wiley & Sons,纽约,1998

[if !supportLists]2.      [endif]Z.



[if !supportLists]3.      [endif]R. A.


New York,,1997

[if !supportLists]4.      [endif]Burge,递归编程技术,Addison-Wesley,Reading, Mass., 1975.

[if !supportLists]5.      [endif]W.

Dijkstra,一门编程学科,Prentice Hall, Englewood Cliffs, N.J.,1976.

[if !supportLists]6.      [endif]L.

Graham, D. E. Knuth, and O. Patashnik,具体的数学,Addison-Wesley, Reading,Mass., 1989.

[if !supportLists]7.      [endif]Gries,编程科学,Springer-Verlag,New York, 1981.

[if !supportLists]8.      [endif]Helman

and R. Veroff, Walls and Mirrors:解决问题的中间语言及数据结构,2ded., Benjamin Cummings Publishing, Menlo Park, Calif., 1988.

[if !supportLists]9.      [endif]W.

Kernighan and P. J. Plauger,编程风格的元素,2d ed., McGraw- Hill, NewYork, 1978.

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