A new paper suggests that having children mighthelp women’s pay,not hurt it这篇文主要是对比已育女性和未育女性的收入没有太大差距(这是啥?还好文章结尾有女性经济学家的见解,文章不至于走太偏)
The Norwegian study followed women undergoing IVF treatment for roughly a decade, finding that the annual incomes of those who gave birth fell by an average of 22% in the short term compared with those who remained childless. in the long run, however, this penalty narrowed to just 3%. Fathers' incomes did not drop; instead, they rose by around 10% over the long run.短期内已育女性收入降低22%,长期来说与未育女性差3%,长期来看父亲收入增加10%(这数据给人一种比上不足比下有余的感觉,忽略重要的数据,用意过于明显了,阅读的人自行分辨)
A new Danish study considers a longer timeframe. Petter Lundborg of Lund University, along with co-authors, looked at up to 25 years' worth of data from the point of each woman's first IVF treatment. They found a similar pattern: a sharp short-term drop in mothers' earnings, but no long-run earnings penalty compared with women who did not have children. In fact, their data reveal a small "motherhood premium" after about 15 years, which over a lifetime more than compensates for the initial drop.跟上一个结果意思差不多,不一样的点在于15年后,母亲收入略有增加,从一生来说可以弥补最初的收入下降(个别国家的数据,不具普遍性)
Danish and Norwegian mothers' incomes may recover particularly well because they have significantly better access to child care than those in many other countries. Nordic norms around gender equality could encourage fathers to play a bigger role in raising children, giving women more room to restart their careers.已经是社会福利比较发达的国家,女性生育依然不能算是非常有保障,再想想发展中国家,真的是无奈
As your columnist pondered such questions, he turned to Claudia Goldin, who won the Nobel prize for economics in 2023, for wisdom. She argues that the "parenthood gap" has three parts: the motherhood penalty, the fatherhood premium and the cost of being female.这个诺贝尔经济学奖得主是女性呢,棒棒哒。她提出父母身份差距的三个部分:母亲身份惩罚,父亲身份溢价,和女性身份成本(过分真实了,只有女性才能感受到)
知识补充:克劳迪娅·戈尔丁(英语:Claudia Goldin,1946年5月14日—),美国经济史学家、劳动经济学家,哈佛大学亨利·李荣誉经济学教授,1989年至2017年任美国全国经济研究所美国经济开发项目主任、性别经济研究小组组长。其研究课题广泛,涵盖女性劳动力、性别收入差距、收入不平等、科技变革、教育,以及移民,当中大部分通过历史视角来诠释现在,同时探讨当前社会关注问题的根源。
2013至2014年学年,克劳迪娅担任美国经济学会会长。1990年,克劳迪娅成为哈佛大学经济系首位女性终身教授。2023年获诺贝尔经济学奖,以表彰其“增进大众对女性劳动市场收入的了解”。书籍《Career and Family: Women’s Century-Long Journey toward Equity》goodreads4.23(又一本书加入书单)