4. 然而,帮人觉于上主的临在,并非心理治疗的本分。2 它要等到心理治疗功成身退时才会现身;因为宽恕所至之处,真理必会现身。3 如果心理治疗要靠相信上主存在才有疗效的话,那就太不公平了。4 何况“相信上主”的概念其实没有什么意义,因上主只可能被“觉”或被“悟”,而那属于真知的领域。5 “相信”反射出“不信”的可能;然而,在上主的真知内,这种对立是不存在的。6 不“知”上主就等于没有“觉悟”,所有不宽恕之举都会将人导向这不“知”不“觉”之境。7 缺了真知,人们只好退而求助于信仰了。
4. Yet it is not the awareness of God that constitutes a reasonable goal for psychotherapy. 2 This will come when psychotherapy is complete, for where there is forgiveness truth must come. 3 It would be unfair indeed if belief in God were necessary to psychotherapeutic success. 4 Nor is belief in God a really meaningful concept, for God can be but known. 5 Belief implies that unbelief is possible, but knowledge of God has no true opposite. 6 Not to know God is to have no knowledge, and it is to this that all unforgiveness leads. 7 And without knowledge one can have only belief.