Module 1 Explaining office technology
1. More multipart verbs
- intranet 局域网
- Wi-Fi 无线网络
- browser 浏览器
- home page 主页
- user name 用户名
- password 密码
- Do you know your user name and password? 你知道你的用户名和密码吗?
- Enter your user name and password to go to the company intranet. 输入你的用户名和密码来进入公司的内部网。
- You can access the company Wi-Fi information from the home page. 你可以在主页查看公司无线网的信息。
- Our intranet allows us to safely share information within the company. 我们的内部网允许我们在公司内部安全地共享信息。
语言点:Wi-Fi 和 wireless network 这两个术语是同一个意思。
- Don't forget your username and password.
- All the information is on the company intranet.
- Which browser do you use?
- The office Wi-Fi can be a bit slow.
- Our company home page has a new design.
- Always keep your password secret.
2. Multipart verbs
复合动词是后接一个或多个介词的动词,比如 in、on 或 down。Type in 就是一个复合动词。
- He typed in the information. 他输入信息。
有些复合动词的两个部分可以分开。注意在下面的例子中,switch 和 on 在第一例中没有隔开,但在第二例中分隔开来。
- Switch on the computer. 启动电脑。
- Switch the computer on. 启动电脑。
对于可分动词,可将代词it, them 和 him放在动词和介词之间。
- Switch it on. 把它启动。
- Put them in. 把它们放进去。
- Log in with your password. 输入你的密码登录。
- You can double-click on the icon to open the file. 你可以双击图标打开文件。
- Scroll down the page to find the link. 滚动下拉页面,找到链接。
- You can zoom in to make the image larger. 你可以拉近放大图片。
- With a smartphone, tap on the icon to open the program. 对智能手机而言,点击图标打开程序。
- Scroll down the page to find the link.
- Type in your user name and password.
- Log in to the intranet on the company home page.
- Zoom in to make the image larger.
- Switch the computer on, and access the Wi-Fi.
- Double-click on the icon to open the file.
- Tap on the icon to access the program.
3. Describing how something works
- How does that work? 那是怎么工作的?
- Can you explain how it works? 你能解释它是怎么工作的吗?
- What do I do? 我怎么做?
- How do I do it? 我怎么做呢?
- Let me explain how it works. 让我来解释它的工作原理。
- First of all, you have to switch it on. 首先,你要将它启动。
- The next thing you have to do is log in. 你必须要做的下一件事是登录。
- After that, tap on any icon to open the file. 然后,轻击任何图标来打开文件。
- Let me explain how it works.
- First of all, you have to switch it on.
- The next thing you have to do is log in.
- After that, tap on any icon to open the file.
Module 2 Solving a technical problem
1. Computer problems
- log on 登录
- shut it down 关机
- reboot 重启
- expired 过期
- back up 备份
- connect to 连接到
- Oh, no! My computer has crashed. 哦,糟糕!我的电脑死机了。
- You can't log in because your password has expired. 你无法登录是因为你的密码已过期。
- I can't connect to the internet. Our service must be down. 我无法连接到网络。我们的服务一定中断了。
- If you're having a problem, reboot your computer. 如果你遇到问题,重启电脑。
- I'll sort the problem out. 我会把问题解决掉。
- I didn't back up my files, and I had to start all over again. 我没有备份我的文件,我必须要重新从头再来一遍。
- My computer got too hot and shut down. 我的电脑太热了,关机了。
- Don't forget to log off from your computer at the end of the day. 一天工作结束时,不要忘记注销你的计算机。
- Oh, no! I didn't back up my files.
- Try rebooting your computer.
- I can't connect to the internet. It must be down.
- The computer got too hot and shut down.
- That should sort the problem out.那应该会解决这个问题。
- I can't log in. My password has expired.
- My computer has crashed again!
- Don't forget to log off when you're done.当你完成时不要忘记退出。
2. Listening with a purpose
3. Obligations and expectations
- be required to 用于必须遵守的规定。该表达与 have to 和 have got to 的意义相同,但更正式更官方。
- All employees are required to change their passwords every month. 所有的员工每个月都要求更改他们的密码。
某事应做但并不一定要做时,使用 be supposed to 和 be expected to。两个短语的语气与 should 和 ought to 相似。
- You're supposed to back up all the work you do. 你应该备份你做的所有工作。
- You're expected to tell your manager if you have a computer problem. 如果遇到计算机故障,你应该告诉你的经理。
使用 be responsible for 表达常规工作要求。
- Employees are responsible for reporting all technical problems to IT. 员工有责任将所有的技术问题汇报给信息技术部门。
使用 be allowed to 表示特权或权利。
Employees are allowed to work from home one day a week. 员工每周可以在家办公一天。
I'm expected to delete all personal emails. 我需要删除所有私人邮件。
You're supposed to back up all your work. 你应该把所有你的工作备份。
We're allowed to work from home one day a week. 我们允许每周在家工作一天。
IT is responsible for sorting out tech problems. 信息技术部门负责解决技术问题。
You should shut down and reboot your computer. 你应该关机并重启你的电脑。
You're required to log off at the end of the day. 一天结束后你要退出。
Module 3 Summarizing a tech presentation
1. Innovation
- innovation 创新
- perspective 看法
- curiosity 好奇心
- failure 失败
- accurate 准确的
- emerging market新兴市场
- pragmatic 务实的
- hands-on 亲身实践的
- innovate - innovation - innovative 创新-创新-创新的
- fail - failure - failing 失败-失败-失败的
- emerge - emergence - emerging 出现-出现-新兴的
- curiosity - curious 好奇-好奇的
- pragmatism - pragmatic 实用主义-务实的
- accuracy - accurate 精确-精确的
- My boss takes a pragmatic approach to problems. 我的老板对问题采取务实的方法。
- This area is an emerging market. 这个区域是一个新兴的市场。
- The company's failure is due to poor innovation. 公司的失败是因为糟糕的创新。
- The company will eliminate the failing stores. 公司将会清除不成功的商店。
- She is a very curious and innovative engineer. 她是一个很有好奇心的而且爱创新的工程师。
- Accuracy is very important in my work. 准确性在我的工作中非常重要。
2. Expressing importance
- I'd like to talk about innovation.我想谈谈创新。
- What drives me is curiosity.驱动我的是好奇心。
- The hard part is ...困难在于……
- The hard part is telling you when it's gonna happen and who's gonna do it.
- I would look for ...我要寻找……
- I would look for people who have got experience in computer.
- There's nothing like ...什么都不像……
- There's nothing like hands-on experience.
表达重要性,除了直接说 this is important,还有其他具有同等效果、更为巧妙的方法。
一种表达重要性的方法是重读某些单词。在本例中,注意单词 easy 和 when 的重读,以及它们如何传达时机的重要性。
- Predicting the future is the easy part. The hard part is knowing when it's going to happen. 预测未来简单。难的是知道什么时候会发生。
- I'd like to talk about the future. 我想谈谈将来。
- What drives me is curiosity. 驱动我的是好奇心。
- The hard part is knowing who is going to do it. 难就难在知道由谁来做。
- I would look for a pragmatic person. 我要找个务实的人。
- There's nothing like hands-on experience. 没什么比得上实践经验。
- I'd like to talk about innovation. 我想谈谈创新。
- I would look for pragmatic people. 我要找务实的人。
- What drives me is curiosity. 好奇心的驱使。
- The hard part is learning from failure. 难的是从失败中学习。
- There's nothing like hands-on experience. 没有什么比实际经验更好的了。
3. Making and confirming inferences
做出 inference(推断)有助于你确认别人所说的内容,让人放心你明白了他们的意思。使用类似表达做出推断:
- It sounds like you're driven by pragmatism. 听起来驱使你的是实用主义。
- I thought she was saying that we should have fewer meetings. 我认为她的意思是我们应该少开点会。
- If I understood him correctly, we should do more brainstorming. 如果他说的我没理解错的话,我们应该多多集思广益。
- If I'm hearing you correctly, only highly adaptable companies are successful. 如果你说的我没听错的话,只有适应能力强的公司才是成功
- I thought she was saying that creativity is the key. 我认为,她的意思是创造力是关键。
- So you're saying it's a bad idea? 那么,你的意思是这主意不好?
- I liked the emphasis on adaptability. 我喜欢对适应能力的强调。
- If I'm hearing you correctly, you like the idea. 要是你说的我没听错的话,你喜欢这个主意。
- If I understood him correctly, we're losing money. 如果他说的我没理解错的话,我们在亏钱。
- It sounds like you don't agree with him. 听起来你不赞成他的看法。
Module 4 Discussing technology in your life
1. Technology in our life
- overwhelming 难以应对的
- position 处境;状况
- dependent 依靠的
- advancement 升迁;进展
- social networking 社交网络
- media 媒体
- double-edged sword 双刃剑
- engrossed 全神贯注的
- Sometimes all the technology in our lives can be overwhelming. 我们生活中的各种科技有时可能让人难以应付。
- I'm totally dependent on my smartphone. I'd be lost without it. 我非常依赖我的智能手机,没有它,我会不知所措。
- John is completely engrossed in his video game. John 极度沉迷电子游戏。
- I'm in a difficult position. I don't like technology, but I need it. 我处境尴尬。我不喜欢科技,可却需要科技。
- The advancement of technology is unstoppable. 科技的进步不可阻挡。
- Social networking has had a very positive effect on my life. 社交网络在我的生活中有非常积极的影响。
- We can access media in many different ways now. 现在我们可以用很多不同的方式来登入媒体。
- Technology is a double-edged sword. It has advantages and disadvantages. 科技是一把双刃剑,优势和劣势并存。
- She's completely engrossed in that video game.她彻底沉迷在电子游戏中。
- Technology is a double-edged sword.技术是一把双刃剑。
- He's totally dependent on his smartphone.他完全依赖他的智能手机。
- The advancement of technology is overwhelming.技术的不断前进令人应接不暇。
- We can access media from almost anywhere.我们几乎可以在任何地方登入媒体。
- They're in a great position, working from home.他们的境况非常好,在家上班。
- Social networking has changed the world.社交网络已经改变了世界。
2. More listening strategies
3. Debating a point
当我们就某个问题争论的时候, 你可能想表明你同意或者不同意某人的观点。
- You have a good point there. 你正说到点子上了。
- Yes, I see what you're saying. 是的, 我明白你所说的。
- I'm not so sure about that. 我不那么确定。
- I can't agree with you there. 我不能同意你的观点。
如果你不同意某人的观点, 你可能想提出一个对立的观点。
- Actually, I think technology has made life a lot better. 事实上,我认为技术让我们的生活变得好很多。
- I hear what you're saying, but it's a double-edged sword. 我听到你所说的,但是它是一把双刃剑。
- I mean, all I see is kids totally engrossed in their smartphones! 我的意思是,我所看到的尽是孩子们完全沉迷在他们的智能手机里。
- For example, I know people who can work from home now. 例如,我认识一些人他们现在在家工作。
We'll just have to agree to disagree. 我们不得不承认我们的观点无法一致。
Well, each to their own, I guess. 嗯,我想我们是各持己见。
Actually, I'm not so sure about that.事实上,我不太确定。
I mean, some people are connected twenty-four seven.我的意思是,有些人联网二十四小时无休。
I hear what you're saying, but I disagree.我听到你所说的,但是我并不同意。
We'll just have to agree to disagree.我们不得不承认我们的观点无法一致。
For example, employees can work from home.例如,员工可以在家工作。
I can't agree with you there.我不能同意你所说的。
Yes, I see what you're saying.是的,我明白你所说的。
You have a good point there.你正说到点子上了。