"7. Closed-minded people lack a deep sense of humility. Humility typically comes from an experience of crashing, which leads to an enlightened focus on knowing what one doesn’t know.
Open-minded people approach everything with a deep-seated fear that they may be wrong.
Once you can sort out open-minded from closed-minded people, you’ll find that you want to surround yourself with open-minded ones. Doing so will not only make your decision making more effective but you’ll also learn a tremendous amount. A few good decision makers working effectively together can significantly outperform a good decision maker working alone— and even the best decision maker can significantly improve his or her decision making with the help of other excellent decision makers.
7.头脑封闭的人缺乏深刻的谦逊意识。 谦逊通常来自人的失败经历,失败让人以一 种开明心态积极了解自己不知道的东西。
头脑开放的人看待事物时,时刻在心底 担忧自己可能是错的。
一旦你能区分头脑开放的人和头脑封闭的 人,你将会发现,你希望自己周围都是头脑开放 的人。这样做不仅能提高你的决策效率,你还能 学到很多东西。几个优秀决策者一起有效合作, 效果要显著好于单打独斗的优秀决策者。即使是 最优秀的决策者,若是能得到其他优秀决策者的 帮助,也能显著提高自己的决策质量。"