Great Idea —— 好创意/伟大的创见
For a great startup, you need a great idea, a great product, a great team and great execution.创业的成果≈创见×产品×团队能力×执行力×运气, 其中,运气的值可能在0到1000之间变化。
不要为了创业而创业。You should never start a startup just for the sake of doing so.致富的方式有很多。创业维艰。You should only start a startup when you feel compelled by a particular problem and that you think starting a company is the best way to solve it.当创业是解决眼前问题的唯一途径,其他方法都不能胜任的时候,再考虑去创业。应该先有创业的热情,再去创业。
对于一个创见,要从多个方面评估:之后的市场规模和增长潜力、公司的扩张策略the growth strategy for the company、防卫性策略、产品、长期价值等等。
最好的公司,都是有明确的使命驱动的。The best companies are almost always mission oriented. It's difficult to get large groups of people to be the extreme levels of focus and productivity that you need for a startup to be successful,unless the company feels like an important mission. And it's really hard to get that without a great founding idea.
1) 把人集中起来,专注做事,提高生产力不是一件容易的事情。要实现这一切,团队必须有一个明确而重要的使命。如果创业理念不够好,很难产生这样的使命感。
2) A related advantage of mission oriented ideas is that you yourself will be dedicated to them. 使命还有一个好处,就是你自己也会最大程度地投入到公司事务中。创业是一个长期的过程,一般需要十年才能完成。If you don't love and believe in what you're building, you're likely to give up at some point along the way.There's no way I know of to get through the pain of a startup without belief that the mission really matters.如果你对自己的公司没有信心,或者没有热情,很可能创业未成,你就先放弃了。没有清醒地认识到你的使命,根本不可能度过创业的艰辛时期。
3) A third advantage of mission-oriented companies is that people outside the company are willing to help you. 使命意识明确的第三个好处是公司外的人员也会愿意为你提供帮助。You'll get more support on hard important project than a derivative one.任重道远却有前景的产品更能得到支持和关注。
三、伟大创见(great idea)的11条标准
1. 好创见通常一开始听起来糟极了。他们听起来很糟糕,后来却证明还不错。如果一个创见,一开始就听起来很棒,那么肯定已经有很多人在做了,根本轮不到你。The best ideas often look terrible at the beginning. They all sounded rally bad, but they turned out to be good. If they had sounded really good, there would have been too many people working on them.真正好的创见,反而听起来不值得剽窃。The truly good ideas don't sound like they're worth stealing.
2. You want an idea that turns into a monopoly, but you can't get a monopoly in a big market right away. Too much competition for that. You have to find a small market, in which you can get a monopoly, and then quickly expand. 每个人都想让自己的创见发展成行业的垄断企业,但很明显,这不可能一蹴而就。你可以先找个小众市场,垄断后,快速扩张。创业的道路基本是从白手起家到垄断。
3. 你不需要特别宏大的创见。Your idea doesn't need to sound big. 你的创见只需要针对特定市场,再从找个小市场扩展。You need to take over a small market and expand from there. 你的创意只需针对特定市场,再从这个小市场扩展。You want something that sounds like a bad idea, but is a good idea. 你的创意,要听起来不起眼,但本质上必须有潜力。Unpopular but right is what you are going for.
4. 要潜心研究市场发展的规律。目标市场要能在十年内快速发展。 You also want to take some time to think about how the market's going to evolve. You need a market that's going to be big in ten years. 很多投资人纠结于现在的市场规模和公司发展,却不考虑市场的发展规律。 Most investors are obsessed with the market size today, and they don't think at all about how the market is going to evolve. 这是投资人的一大误区。This is one of the biggest systemic mistakes that investors make.他们会考虑公司发展的轨迹,却不考虑市场的发展。
5. They think about the growth of the startup itself, they don't think about the growth of the market.相较于市场现有规模,我更关注的是市场的增长速度。同时还要考虑什么因素会促进市场发展。I care much more about the growth rate of the market than it's current size. And I also care if there's any reason that it's gonna top out.
6. 我更倾向于投资现有规模小但能快速增长的市场。 I prefer a company that's going after a small but rapidly growing market than a big but slow growing one. 这种小众市场的一个优点就是顾客群的消费意识强烈,迫切需要产品。 就算产品现阶段并去完善。但只要在不断改进,消费者是可以接受的。One of the big advantages of these sorts of markets, is that customers are usually pretty desperate for a solution. And they'll put up with an imperfect but rapidly improving product.
7. Why now? Why is this the perfect time for this particular idea and to start this particular company? Why couldn't it have been done two years ago? And why will two years in the future be too late? 对于这个创意来说,为什么现在最合适创业?为什么要建立这样一个公司?两年前开始不可以吗?又或者说,两年之后再做可不可以吗?
8. 你开发的产品最好就是你自己需要的产品。这样,你会更理解和了解你的产品。 如果你自己都不明白这种产品,只是为别人生产一种产品,对你来说是一大弊端。因为你的产品必须要紧密联系消费者。
9. They are almost always very easy to explain, but very easy to understand. 好的创见解释起来很简单,也很容易理解。If it takes more than a sentence to explain what you're doing, it's almost always a sign that it's too complicated.如果需要不止一句话来解释你的理念,你的创见就太复杂了。It should be a clearly articulated vision with a small number of words, 你的创见必须条理清晰,几个词就可以描述清楚。
10. 最好的创见要么跟现在的公司理念在某些方面背道而驰,要么是彻头彻尾的新产品。如果公司一味抄袭其他现有公司,这种公司一般都会失败。一个容易失误的地方:你必须意识到,你的公司和企业必须是无法复制的。
11. 要考虑消费者的消费需求和市场的真正需求。