The Psychological Solution-7
Those who pass this first test will receive ten more years of education and training, in body and mind and character.
And then they will face a second test, far severer than the first.
Those who fail will become the auxiliaries, or executive aides and military officers of the state.
Now it is just in these great eliminations that we shall need every resource of persuasion to get the eliminated to accept their fate with urbanity and peace.
For what is to prevent that great unselected majority, in the first test, and that lesser but more vigorous and capable second group of Eliminees, from shouldering arms and smashing this Utopia of ours into a mouldering reminiscence?
What is to prevent them from establishing there and then a world in which again mere number or mere force will rule, and the sickly comedy of a sham democracy will reënact itself da capo ad nauseam?
Then religion and faith will be our only salvation: we shall tell these young people that the divisions into which they have fallen are God-decreed and irrevocable—not all their tears shall wipe out one word of it.
We shall tell them the myth of the metals:
[ 01’01” ] severe (严苛的)
[ 01’26” ] auxiliary (辅助的;副的)
[ 02’18” ] urban (城市的;住在都市的)
[ 02’22” ] urbanity (儒雅;谦和)
[ 03’41” ] smash...into... (把……粉碎成)
[ 03’50” ] mouldering (腐朽的;崩塌的)
[ 03’54” ] reminiscence (旧事)
[ 04’40” ] there and then (彼时彼地)
[ 05’18” ] sickly comedy (病态的闹剧)
[ 05’33” ] da capo ad nauseam (重头再来,周而复始)
[ 06’01” ] salvation (救赎)
[ 06’18” ] division (分层;阶级)
[ 06’30” ] creed (教条)
[ 06’40” ] decree (法令;判决)