webrtc 视频组帧逻辑分析伪代码

//使用队列方式调用,如果是使用线程,就是调用 decode_thread_ 的线程方法了,最终都会调用到 HandleEncodedFrame

if (!use_task_queue_) {
} else {
decode_queue_.PostTask([this] {
decoder_stopped_ = false;

frame_buffer2.cc  里面 frames_ 编码帧数据取出的过程

void VideoReceiveStream::StartNextDecode()  // webrtc\src\video\video_receive_stream.cc
    void FrameBuffer::NextFrame(
    int64_t max_wait_time_ms,
    bool keyframe_required,
    rtc::TaskQueue* callback_queue,
    std::function<void(std::unique_ptr<EncodedFrame>, ReturnReason)> handler)
    frame_buffer_->NextFrame(...)  //  webrtc\src\modules\video_coding\frame_buffer2.cc(line:70)
        .... //输入参数的赋值
            int64_t wait_ms =  FindNextFrame(...)
                for (auto frame_it = frames_.begin()) // 遍历 frames_
                    EncodedFrame* frame = frame_it->second.frame.get(); //得到某一帧视频编码视频数据


                    frames_to_decode_ = std::move(current_superframe); //将可解码的帧存入 frames_to_decode_ 队列


            callback_task_ = RepeatingTaskHandle::DelayedStart(..) //延迟回调传传入的回调方法,
                -- GetNextFrame() //获得查找到的帧
                     for (FrameMap::iterator& frame_it : frames_to_decode_) {
                           frames_to_decode_ // 从find的数据   frames_to_decode_ 里面通过条件去除可用帧返回

                // 回调到外面的方法,并且传出frame帧
                // void VideoReceiveStream::HandleEncodedFrame() \\webrtc\src\video\video_receive_stream.cc
                // decode_queue_.PostTask(DecodeTask{this, std::move(frame)});
                        int decode_result = video_receiver_.Decode(frame.get()); // 函数为:int32_t VideoReceiver::Decode(const webrtc::VCMEncodedFrame* frame) 
                            int32_t VideoReceiver::Decode(const VCMEncodedFrame& frame) //webrtc\src\modules\video_coding\\video_receiver.cc
                                VCMGenericDecoder* decoder =_codecDataBase.GetDecoder(frame, &_decodedFrameCallback);  //获取VCMGenericDecoder对象
                                VCMGenericDecoder::Decode() //webbrtc\src\modules\video_coding\generic_decoder.cc 

                    // 递归调用 StartNextDecode




frame_buffer2.cc  里面 frames_ 编码帧数据存入的过程

void RtpTransport::OnReadPacket(rtc::PacketTransportInternal* transport,
                                const char* data,
                                size_t len,
                                const int64_t& packet_time_us,
                                int flags) //  webrtc\src\pc\rtp_transport.cc RtpTransport(line:241)
    if (!cricket::IsValidRtpPacketSize(packet_type, len)) //检查rtp 包的可用性

    if (packet_type == cricket::RtpPacketType::kRtcp) 
        OnRtcpPacketReceived(std::move(packet), packet_time_us); //进入 rtcp 包的处理
        OnRtpPacketReceived(std::move(packet), packet_time_us); // webrtc\src\pc\srtp_transport.cc(line:202)

            DemuxPacket(std::move(packet), packet_time_us); // webrtc\src\pc\rtp_transport.cc RtpTransport(line:183)
                if (!parsed_packet.Parse(std::move(packet))){}  // 解析rtp 包

                parsed_packet.set_arrival_time_ms((packet_time_us + 500) / 1000); //设置包到达时间

                if (!rtp_demuxer_.OnRtpPacket(parsed_packet)) {..} // webrtc\src\call\rtp_demuxer.cc RtpDemuxer(line:174)
                     RtpPacketSinkInterface* sink = ResolveSink(packet);


                    sink->OnRtpPacket(packet); \\ webrtc\src\video\rtp_video_stream_receiver.cc RtpVideoStreamReceiver(414)

                        last time  记录
                        ReceivePacket(packet) \\ webrtc\src\video\rtp_video_stream_receiver.cc RtpVideoStreamReceiver(606)
                            if (!depacketizer->Parse(&parsed_payload, packet.payload().data()) //rtp 负载信息解析,比如负载头,负载的分离,nalu的解析,负载长度

                            RTPHeader rtp_header; //rtp 头信息分析


                            OnReceivedPayloadData(parsed_payload.payload, parsed_payload.payload_length,
                                                rtp_header, video_header, generic_descriptor_wire,
                                                packet.recovered()) \\ webrtc\src\video\rtp_video_stream_receiver.cc RtpVideoStreamReceiver(line:319)

                                VCMPacket packet(payload_data, payload_size, rtp_header, video_header,
                                            clock_->TimeInMilliseconds()); // playload_data 字节数据构造成 VCMPacket

                                if (nack_module_) {
                                    ... // nack 模块处理

                                if (packet.codec() == kVideoCodecH264) {

                                rtcp_feedback_buffer_.SendBufferedRtcpFeedback(); //按需,发送rtcp 消息

                                if (!packet_buffer_->InsertPacket(&packet)) {..} \\ webrtc\src\modules\video_coding\packet_buffer.cc PacketBuffer(line:70)
                                    -- OnTimestampReceived(packet->timestamp); //时间搓记录
                                    -- 首包记录和延迟包处理
                                    -- if (data_buffer_[index].seqNum == packet->seqNum) {} // 重复包处理
                                    --  while (ExpandBufferSize() && sequence_buffer_[seq_num % size_].used) {}  //sequence_buffer_ 容量扩充
                                    -- 如果扩充后,容量仍然不够,就要容器数据清空
                                    -- sequence_buffer_[index] 相关数据赋值
                                    -- UpdateMissingPackets() 根据seqnum,更新记录丢包
                                    -- found_frames = FindFrames(seq_num); //重要,组合帧信息
                                            std::vector<std::unique_ptr<RtpFrameObject>> found_frames; // 创建 RtpFrameObject 独占智能指针对象的 数组
                                            // 遍历sequence_buffer_ 里面所有的帧信息
                                            for (size_t i = 0; i < size_ && PotentialNewFrame(seq_num); ++i)
                                                 PotentialNewFrame(seq_num) // 初步排查,是否潜在可能,这个seq_num 后能找到一帧

                                                 sequence_buffer_[index].continuous = true; // 连续参数复制为0

                                                 if (sequence_buffer_[index].frame_end) 
                                                     int64_t frame_timestamp = data_buffer_[start_index].timestamp; // 记录下,当前要找的帧的时间搓

                                                     // 找到一个帧的最后一包,然后往前遍历,去寻找找到帧的开始,break的时候,就是找到了开始,直接return ,就是异常,找不到可用的帧了
                                                     while (true) 
                                                         frame_size += data_buffer_[start_index].sizeBytes; //累加帧字节大小
                                                         max_nack_count = std::max(max_nack_count, data_buffer_[start_index].timesNacked); //取最大重传次数
                                                         sequence_buffer_[start_index].frame_created = true; // 修改包连续信息状态 为frame_created
                                                         packet_infos.push_back(data_buffer_[start_index].packet_info); // VCPPacket 的 RtpPacketInfo属性存入队列

                                                         if (!is_h264 && sequence_buffer_[start_index].frame_begin){break;} //找到帧开始

                                                         start_index = start_index > 0 ? start_index - 1 : size_ - 1; //向前滚动 
                                                        // In the case of H264 we don't have a frame_begin bit (yes,
                                                        // |frame_begin| might be set to true but that is a lie). So instead
                                                        // we traverese backwards as long as we have a previous packet and
                                                        // the timestamp of that packet is the same as this one. This may cause
                                                        // the PacketBuffer to hand out incomplete frames.
                                                        // See: https://bugs.chromium.org/p/webrtc/issues/detail?id=7106            
                                                        if (is_h264 &&(!sequence_buffer_[start_index].used ||data_buffer_[start_index].timestamp != frame_timestamp)) {
                                                            // 一直往前找,直到timestamp 与 当前帧时间搓不一样的时候,break掉,
                                                            // 代码里面也有注释,说这里有风险,因为帧开始 frame_begin 标识可能没有,也有可能标识设置为true,单其实不是真的,可能导致拼接一个错误的帧

                                                     std::reverse(packet_infos.begin(), packet_infos.end());   // 包信息逆转一下


                                    // 循环处理组好的帧
                                    for (std::unique_ptr<RtpFrameObject>& frame : found_frames)
                                        assembled_frame_callback_->OnAssembledFrame(std::move(frame)); \\ webrtc\src\video\rtp_video_stream_receiver.cc RtpVideoStreamReceiver(line:502)
                                        reference_finder_->ManageFrame(std::move(frame)); webrtc\src\modules\video_coding\rtp_frame_reference_finder.cc RtpFrameReferenceFinder (line:35)
                                            -- FrameDecision decision = ManageFrameInternal(frame.get()); // 组帧信息

                                            frame_callback_->OnCompleteFrame(std::move(frame));   \\  webrtc\src\video\rtp_video_stream_receive.cc RtpVideoStreamReceiver (line:538)

                                                -- video_coding::RtpFrameObject* rtp_frame = static_cast<video_coding::RtpFrameObject*>(frame.get()); //获得RtpFrameObject 对象

                                                complete_frame_callback_->OnCompleteFrame(std::move(frame));  \\ webrtc\src\video\video_receive_stream.cc-- VideoReceiveStream(line:531)
                                                    ... //一些时间的处理,比如延迟什么的

                                                    int64_t last_continuous_pid = frame_buffer_->InsertFrame(std::move(frame));  \\ webrtc\src\modules\video_coding\frame_buffer2.cc(line:450)










class VCMPacket
    uint8_t payloadType; //playload 类型 比如101
    uint32_t timestamp; // 所在帧的rtp 时间
    int64_t ntp_time_ms_; // 所在帧的npt 时间 可能是 -1
    uint16_t seqNum; // transport seq_num 比如 : 1,2,3
    const uint8_t* dataPtr; //字节数据
    size_t sizeBytes; // 字节数据长度
    bool markerBit; // mark 标识,可以标识是否帧结束
    int timesNacked; // 这个rtp包重传次数

     * @brief 
     *  nalu 类型
     * if (is_first_packet_in_frame() && markerBit) 比如这个条件,如果是一帧的开始,也是结束,那么这个rtp包,包含了一个完整的nalu,比如一个sps包
     * else if (is_first_packet_in_frame())  如果只是第一个包,那么就是一个nalu的开始
     * else if (markerBit) 如果是一帧的结束,那么就是一个nalu的结束
     * else 那么就是不nalu 里面的一部分
     * 这一段的解释,在构造函数里面可以分析到
    VCMNaluCompleteness completeNALU;  

    bool insertStartCode;  // h264 的帧开始
    RTPVideoHeader video_header; //rtp 头
    absl::optional<RtpGenericFrameDescriptor> generic_descriptor;

    RtpPacketInfo packet_info; //  TODO:还不清楚
class PacketBuffer {
  * 参数:
  * clock: 时钟
  * start_buffer_size:
  * max_buffer_size: 
  * OnAssembledFrameCallback: 用于去组装帧的回调方法
  static rtc::scoped_refptr<PacketBuffer> Create(
      Clock* clock,
      size_t start_buffer_size,
      size_t max_buffer_size,
      OnAssembledFrameCallback* frame_callback);

  virtual ~PacketBuffer();

  // Returns true unless the packet buffer is cleared, which means that a key
  // frame request should be sent. The PacketBuffer will always take ownership
  // of the |packet.dataPtr| when this function is called. Made virtual for
  // testing.
  virtual bool InsertPacket(VCMPacket* packet);
  void ClearTo(uint16_t seq_num);
  void Clear();
  void PaddingReceived(uint16_t seq_num);

  // Timestamp (not RTP timestamp) of the last received packet/keyframe packet.
  absl::optional<int64_t> LastReceivedPacketMs() const;
  absl::optional<int64_t> LastReceivedKeyframePacketMs() const;

  // Returns number of different frames seen in the packet buffer
  int GetUniqueFramesSeen() const;

  int AddRef() const;
  int Release() const;

  // Both |start_buffer_size| and |max_buffer_size| must be a power of 2.
  PacketBuffer(Clock* clock,
               size_t start_buffer_size,
               size_t max_buffer_size,
               OnAssembledFrameCallback* frame_callback);

  friend RtpFrameObject;
  // 包 连续信息
  struct ContinuityInfo {
    // The sequence number of the packet.
    uint16_t seq_num = 0; // 包seq_num

    bool frame_begin = false; // 是否一帧的首包

    bool frame_end = false; // 是否一帧的尾包

    bool used = false; // 包是否正占用着一个buffer 位置

    bool continuous = false; // 是否连续,判断条件是这seq_num 前的所有包都 used 为true,也就是背插入了buffer

    bool frame_created = false; // 这个包背拿去组帧用了

  Clock* const clock_;

  // Tries to expand the buffer.
  bool ExpandBufferSize() RTC_EXCLUSIVE_LOCKS_REQUIRED(crit_);

  // Test if all previous packets has arrived for the given sequence number.
  bool PotentialNewFrame(uint16_t seq_num) const

  // Test if all packets of a frame has arrived, and if so, creates a frame.
  // Returns a vector of received frames.
  std::vector<std::unique_ptr<RtpFrameObject>> FindFrames(uint16_t seq_num)

  // Copy the bitstream for |frame| to |destination|.
  // Virtual for testing.
  virtual bool GetBitstream(const RtpFrameObject& frame, uint8_t* destination);

  // Get the packet with sequence number |seq_num|.
  // Virtual for testing.
  virtual VCMPacket* GetPacket(uint16_t seq_num)

  // Mark all slots used by |frame| as not used.
  // Virtual for testing.
  virtual void ReturnFrame(RtpFrameObject* frame);

  void UpdateMissingPackets(uint16_t seq_num)

  // Counts unique received timestamps and updates |unique_frames_seen_|.
  void OnTimestampReceived(uint32_t rtp_timestamp)

  rtc::CriticalSection crit_;

  // Buffer size_ and max_size_ must always be a power of two.
  size_t size_ RTC_GUARDED_BY(crit_);
  const size_t max_size_;

  // The fist sequence number currently in the buffer.
  uint16_t first_seq_num_ RTC_GUARDED_BY(crit_);

  // If the packet buffer has received its first packet.
  bool first_packet_received_ RTC_GUARDED_BY(crit_);

  // If the buffer is cleared to |first_seq_num_|.
  bool is_cleared_to_first_seq_num_ RTC_GUARDED_BY(crit_);

  // Buffer that holds the inserted packets.
  std::vector<VCMPacket> data_buffer_ RTC_GUARDED_BY(crit_);

  // Buffer that holds the information about which slot that is currently in use
  // and information needed to determine the continuity between packets.
  std::vector<ContinuityInfo> sequence_buffer_ RTC_GUARDED_BY(crit_);

  // Called when all packets in a frame are received, allowing the frame
  // to be assembled.
  OnAssembledFrameCallback* const assembled_frame_callback_;

  // Timestamp (not RTP timestamp) of the last received packet/keyframe packet.
  absl::optional<int64_t> last_received_packet_ms_ RTC_GUARDED_BY(crit_);
  absl::optional<int64_t> last_received_keyframe_packet_ms_

  int unique_frames_seen_ RTC_GUARDED_BY(crit_);

  absl::optional<uint16_t> newest_inserted_seq_num_ RTC_GUARDED_BY(crit_);
  std::set<uint16_t, DescendingSeqNumComp<uint16_t>> missing_packets_

  // Indicates if we should require SPS, PPS, and IDR for a particular
  // RTP timestamp to treat the corresponding frame as a keyframe.
  const bool sps_pps_idr_is_h264_keyframe_;

  // Stores several last seen unique timestamps for quick search.
  std::set<uint32_t> rtp_timestamps_history_set_ RTC_GUARDED_BY(crit_);
  // Stores the same unique timestamps in the order of insertion.
  std::queue<uint32_t> rtp_timestamps_history_queue_ RTC_GUARDED_BY(crit_);

  mutable volatile int ref_count_ = 0;
class RtpFrameObject : public EncodedFrame 
        rtc::scoped_refptr<PacketBuffer> packet_buffer_; // PacketBuffer 指针的计数引用
        VideoFrameType frame_type_; // 帧类型,I,P
        VideoCodecType codec_type_; // 编码类型,H264
        uint16_t first_seq_num_;  // 帧的低一个rtp的seq_num
        uint16_t last_seq_num_; // 帧的最后一个rtp的seq_num
        int64_t last_packet_received_time_; //帧最后一个包接收到的时间

        int times_nacked_; // 帧里面 传次数最高的一个包的重传次数

void PacketBuffer::UpdateMissingPackets(uint16_t seq_num) {
if (!newest_inserted_seq_num_)
newest_inserted_seq_num_ = seq_num;

const int kMaxPaddingAge = 1000;
if (AheadOf(seq_num, *newest_inserted_seq_num_)) {
uint16_t old_seq_num = seq_num - kMaxPaddingAge;
auto erase_to = missing_packets_.lower_bound(old_seq_num);
missing_packets_.erase(missing_packets_.begin(), erase_to);

// Guard against inserting a large amount of missing packets if there is a
// jump in the sequence number.
if (AheadOf(old_seq_num, *newest_inserted_seq_num_)) {
  *newest_inserted_seq_num_ = old_seq_num;

while (AheadOf(seq_num, *newest_inserted_seq_num_)) {

} else {

1.AheadOf(A, B)可以简单理解为A>B。实际环形数据的比较与环形存储空间size有关,相当与(A > B) xor (abs(A - B) > size / 2)。


3.删除与当前包序号相差超过1000的丢包序号,因为太老了。如果seq_num - 1000 > newest_inserted_seq_num,证明中间丢包太多,只从seq_num - 1000开始插入丢包序号。


举例:收包1000, 1001, 1002, 1005,1003……收到1005时认定1003/1004丢包,收到1003时删除丢包列表中的1003,只剩1004。

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