经济学人 | 和去年一样,今年又烧了十亿……


Firms that burn up $1bn a year are sexy but statistically doomed


Five outliers - Chesapeake Energy, Netflix, Nextera Energy, Tesla and Uber - have collectively lost $100bn in the past decade


【1】YVES SAINTLAURENT, Lady Gaga, David Bowie. Some people do not operate by the same rules as everyone else. Might the same be true of companies? Most bosses complain of being slaves to short-term profit targets. Yet a few flout the orthodoxy in flamboyant fashion. Consider Tesla, a maker of electric cars. This year, so far, it has missed its production targets and lost $1.8bn of free cash flow (the money firms generate after capital investment has been subtracted). No matter. If its founder Elon Musk muses aloud about driverless cars and space travel, its shares rise like a rocket—by 66% since the start of January. Tesla is one of a tiny cohort of firms with a licence to lose billions pursuing a dream. The odds of them achieving it are similar to those of aspiring pop stars and couture designers.

flout:[flaʊt] v. 藐视;轻视;嘲笑

The foolish boy flout his mother's advice.


orthodoxy:['ɔːrθədɑːksi] n. 正统说法;正教;信奉正教

He had remained true to the old orthodoxy.


flamboyant:[flæmˈbɔɪənt] adj.艳丽的;火焰似的;过分华丽的 n.凤凰木;火焰色红花

subtract:[səb'trækt] v. 减去;减少

muse:[mjuːz] v. 沉思;冥想 n. 沉思

cohort:[ˈkoʊhɔ:rt] n.(古罗马军队的)步兵大队,军队;一群人

odds:[ɒdz] n. 机率;可能性;差别;投注赔率;让步;优势

伊夫•圣罗兰,Lady Gaga,大卫•鲍伊,总有一些人行事与众不同。公司也可以这样吗?大部分老板常抱怨自己是短期利润目标的奴隶。然而,有一些人用一种招摇的方式表达了对这种正统规则的蔑视。想想电动汽车制造商特斯拉,今年,到目前为止,它没有实现其生产目标,还损失了18亿美元的自由现金流(企业扣除了资本投资后的生产值)。不要紧,只要该公司创始人伊隆•马斯克在自言自语时大声一点,说些无人驾驶的汽车、太空旅行什么的,该公司的股票就会像火箭一样上升,实际上一月以来其股价已经上升了66%。这类企业是一个很小的群体,它们被允许在追求梦想的过程中损失数十亿美元,特斯拉是其中一员。它们实现目标的概率,就和那些有抱负的流行明星和时装设计师能成功的概率差不多。

[2]Investing today for profits tomorrow is what capitalism is all about. Amazon lost $4bn in 2012-14 while building an empire that now makes money. Nonetheless, it is rare for big companies to sustain heavy losses just to expand fast. If you examine the members of the Russell 1000 index of large American firms, only 25 of them, or 3.3%, lost over $1bn of free cash flow in 2016 (all figures exclude financial firms and are based on Bloomberg data). In 2007 the share was 1.4% and in 1997, under 1%. Most billion-dollar losers today are energy firms temporarily in the doldrums as they adjust to a recent plunge in oil prices. Their losses are an accident.

capitalism:[ˈkæpɪtlˌɪzəm] n.资本主义(制度);资本(或财富)的拥有

sustain:[sə'steɪn] vt. 支持;承受;维持;认可;经受

free cash flow:自由现金流

temporarily:[tempəˈrerɪlɪ] adv.暂时地;临时地

in the doldrums:无精打采;意气消沉;萧条

The economy is in the doldrums.


plunge:[plʌndʒ] n. 猛跌,骤降, 骤减


[3]But a few firms love life in the fast lane. Netflix, Uber and Tesla are tech companies that say their (largely unproven) business models will transform industries. Two others stand out for the sheer persistence of their losses. Chesapeake Energy, a fracking firm at the heart of America’s shale revolution, has lost at least $1bn of free cash flow a year for an incredible 14 years in a row. Nextera Energy, a utility that runs wind and solar plants, and which investors value highly, has managed 12 years on the trot.

in the fast lane:在生活的快车道上;快节奏的(生活);丰富刺激的(生活)

He was enjoying life in the fast lane.


persistence:[pər'sɪstəns] n. 坚持;毅力


shale:[ʃeɪl] n. 页岩;泥板岩

on the trot:接连地;一个接一个


[4]Collectively these five firms have burned $100bn in the past decade, yet they boast a total market value of about $300bn. Combining punchy valuations with massive losses means taking the entrepreneurial art form to a dizzying extreme. Steve Jobs, Apple’s co-founder, was said to have a “reality distortion field” that allowed him to bend the perception of others (although Apple itself was fairly timorous, losing just $874m in its worst year, in 1993). The experience of the five suggests that bending reality today has three elements: a vision, fast growth, and financing.

collectively:[kə'lektɪvlɪ] adv.全体地,共同地

punchy:[ˈpʌntʃi] adj.言简意赅的;简洁有力的;生气勃勃的;有分量的

entrepreneurial:[ˌɒntrəprə'nɜ:rɪəl] adj.创业的,具有企业精神的;企业

dizzying:[ˈdɪziɪŋ] adj.令人昏乱的,灿烂的

perception:[pərˈsepʃn] n.知觉;观念;觉察(力)

timorous:[ˈtɪmərəs] adj.胆怯的,羞怯的

vision:['vɪʒn] n. 视力;视觉;幻觉;眼光 v. 幻想;设想


[5]Take the vision thing first. A charismatic leader with a world-changing plan is de rigueur. For its first 23 years Chesapeake was led by Aubrey McClendon, a cocky Oklahoman who pioneered the process of blasting rocks to extract gas and oil (he died last year in a high-speed car crash). Reed Hastings at Netflix plans to destroy the conventional TV industry by selling films and shows over the internet. Like Mr Musk, Travis Kalanick, Uber’s tarnished former boss, dreams of changing how humans travel. Nextera is led by technocrats but their aim is grandiose—to usher in a new generation of energy technology.

charismatic:[ˌkærɪzˈmætɪk] adj.有魅力的;神赐能力的

de rigueur:[dəriˈɡɚr] adj.社交礼节上需要的;按照习俗;按照时尚

cocky:['kɒki] adj. 骄傲的;自大的;太过自信的

pioneer:[ˌpaɪə'nɪə(r)] n. 先锋;开拓者;先驱 v. 开辟;首倡

extract:['ekstrækt] vt. 摘录;提取;拔出;榨出 n. 摘录;精华;榨出物

tarnish:['tɑrnɪʃ] v.玷污;使丧失光泽;使变色;(丧)失(光)泽 n.晦暗;表面变色;污点

technocrat:[ˈteknəkræt] n.技术专家,专家政治论者,技术统治论者

grandiose:['ɡrændiəʊs] adj. 宏伟的;壮观的;浮夸的

usher:['ʌʃər] n. 带位员;招待员 vt. 引导;引入;做招待;担任引座员


[6]The vision needs to be validated by runaway growth. Often firms emphasise a flattering operating measure, such as oil and gas pumped from the ground, the number of rides hailed and so on. Investors need to believe in a high “terminal value”, a point in the future when high, stable profits will arrive. So it helps to show that, hypothetically, profits would gush if breakneck growth were to stop. Uber says it is profitable in cities where it has operated longest, such as San Francisco. Nextera says that if it stopped investing in new capacity, it would make $6bn of free cash flow a year. Netflix amortises the cost of content over periods of up to five years, so reports an accounting profit even as it bleeds cash.

validate:['vælɪdeɪt] vt. 使生效;证实;确认;验证

runaway:['rʌnəweɪ] n. 逃跑者;逃亡 adj. 逃跑的;失控的;迅速的

pump:[pʌmp] n. 泵;抽水机;打气筒;抽水 v. 打气;灌输;抽取;增加

hypothetically:[ˌhaɪpə'θetɪklɪ] adv.假设地,假想地

gush:[ɡʌʃ] v.喷涌;迸出 n.涌出;迸发

breakneck:['breɪknek] adj. 非常危险的;极快的

capacity:[kə'pæsəti] n. 容量;容积;能力;职位

amortise:[ə'mɔ:taɪz] v.分期偿还,摊还(债款)


[7]The third element is financing to pay for huge cumulative losses. Each of the five firms has been a financial innovator, taking advantage of cheap money and growth-hungry investors. Uber has tapped private capital markets, Nextera has structured part of its business as a partnership, Tesla has taken deposits from customers and also trades environmental tax credits. Chesapeake Energy sparked Wall Street’s lust for shale junk bonds, and Netflix has signed commitments to make $14bn of future payments to studios and artists to buy creative content.

cumulative:[ˈkju:mjəleɪtɪv] adj.累积的;渐增的,追加的

innovator:['ɪnəveɪtə(r)] n. 改革者;刷新者

deposit:[dɪ'pɒzɪt] v. 放置;(使)沉淀;存储;寄存 n. 存款;定金;堆积物

junk bonds:垃圾债券,风险债券(利息高,风险大,用于集资建立、收购新公司等)


[8]So sustaining a reality distortion field is possible, but the longer it goes on for, the harder it gets. More capital has to be raised and, in order to justify it, the bigger the firm’s projected ultimate size—its terminal value—has to be. Fast growth puts huge strain on managers. At some point the edifice can come tumbling down. The five companies described here have $60bn of borrowings, and one, Chesapeake, is struggling with its debt load.

distortion:[dɪ'stɔːʃn] n. 扭曲;变形;曲解

ultimate:['ʌltɪmət] adj. 根本的;极限的;最后的;终极的 n. 终极;极品;根本

edifice:[ˈedɪfɪs] n. 大厦;宏伟建筑

tumble down:(建筑物)摇摇欲坠,倒塌


Poker face


[9]A few firms other than Amazon have defied the odds. Over the past 20 years Las Vegas Sands, a casino firm, Royal Caribbean, a cruise-line company, and Micron Technology, a chip-maker, each lost $1bn or more for two consecutive years and went on to prosper. But the chances of success are slim. Of the current members of the Russell 1000 index, since 1997 only 37 have lost $1bn or more for at least two years in a row. Of these, 21 still lose money.

casino:[kə'siːnəʊ] n. 娱乐场;赌场

consecutive:[kən'sekjətɪv] adj. 连续的;连贯的

prosper:['prɑːspər] vi. 繁盛;成功;兴旺

in a row:连续,一连


[10]To justify their valuations, the five firms examined by Schumpeter must grow their sales by an estimated 8-33% each year for a decade. Based on the record of all American companies since 1950, and the five firms’ present revenue levels, the probability of this happening ranges between 0.1% and 25%, using statistical tables from Credit Suisse, a bank.


[11]Firms that burn piles of cash are often lionised in an era when growth is sluggish and few companies reinvest all their profits. But losing a billion dollars or more a year is a wildly risky affair and the odds are that such businesses will fall flat. This should not be a surprise—hardly anyone can pull off building a fashion empire around androgyny, wearing a raw meat dress to an awards ceremony, or singing about life on Mars.

lionise:['laɪənaɪz] v. 把(某人)视为名人;把(某人)当成要人对待

sluggish:['slʌɡɪʃ] adj. 缓慢的;懒惰的;迟钝的;萧条的;无精打采的

reinvest:[ˌri:ɪn'vest] vt. 再投资于,再授给

androgyny:[æn'drɒdʒɪnɪ] n. 雌雄同体;雌雄同体性





讲解:霞姐 / Tiassa / Angel

编排 / 校对:Angel



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