there are seven days in a week .
there are 24 hours in a day .
if today is Monday ,yesterday was Sunday
if today is Monday ,tomorrow is Tuesday .
If today is Thursday , the day before yesterday was Tuesday .
how many days are there in a week ?
How many hours are there in a day ?
if today is Monday ,what day was yesterday ?
If today is Thursday ,the day after tomorrow is Saturday .
if today is Friday ,the weekend begins tomorrow .
if today is saturday Thursday was two days ago .
if today is Friday ,Sunday is the day afeter tomorrow .
if today is
if today is satuiday .
if today is Friday ,what was the day before yesterday ?
what day of the week begins for the letter F?
waht day of the week begins for the letter M?
There are twelve months in a year.
January is the first month of the year.(Jan.)
February is the second month of the year.(Feb.)
March is the third month of the year.(Mar.)
April comes after March and before May.(Apr.)
May is the fifth month of the year.(May)
June is the sixth month of the year.(Jun.)
Julycomes after June.(Jul.) (come after在……后面)
August and September are the eighth and ninth months of the year.(Aug.)(Sept.)
October comes after September and before November.(Oct.)
November is the eleventh month of the year.(Nov.)
December is the twelfth month and the last of the year.(Dec.)