一、安装 nvm--node版本管理工具
curl -o- https://raw.githubusercontent.com/nvm-sh/nvm/v0.38.0/install.sh | bash
在配置文件(~/.bash_profile, ~/.zshrc, ~/.profile, or ~/.bashrc)末尾添加下列内容:
export NVM_DIR="$([ -z "${XDG_CONFIG_HOME-}" ] && printf %s "${HOME}/.nvm" || printf %s "${XDG_CONFIG_HOME}/nvm")"
[ -s "$NVM_DIR/nvm.sh" ] && \. "$NVM_DIR/nvm.sh" # This loads nvm
bash: source ~/.bashrc
zsh: source ~/.zshrc
ksh: . ~/.profile
nvm install node # "node" is an alias for the latest version
nvm install 6.14.4 # or 10.10.0, 8.9.1, etc
nvm ls-remote # list available versions
nvm use node # use the installed version
nvm run node --version # run
nvm which 5.0 # get the path to the executable to where it was installed
安装后,通过nvm ls
nvm ls
二、 安装nrm -- NPM registry manager
npm install -g nrm
安装完成后执行 nrm ls:
* npm ------- https://registry.npmjs.org/
yarn ------ https://registry.yarnpkg.com
tencent --- https://mirrors.cloud.tencent.com/npm/
cnpm ------ http://r.cnpmjs.org/
taobao ---- https://registry.npm.taobao.org/
nj -------- https://registry.nodejitsu.com/
skimdb ---- https://skimdb.npmjs.com/registry
Usage: nrm [options] [command]
ls List all the registries
current Show current registry name
use <registry> Change registry to registry
add <registry> <url> [home] Add one custom registry
login <registry> [value] Set authorize information for a registry with a base64 encoded string or username and pasword
-a --always-auth Set is always auth
-u --username <username> Your user name for this registry
-p --password <password> Your password for this registry
-e --email <email> Your email for this registry
set-hosted-repo <registry> <value> Set hosted npm repository for a custom registry to publish packages
set-scope <scopeName> <value> Associating a scope with a registry
del-scope <scopeName> Remove a scope
set <registryName> Set custom registry attribute
-a --attr <attr> Set custorm registry attribute
-v --value <value> Set custorm registry value
del <registry> Delete one custom registry
rename <registryName> <newName> Set custom registry name
home <registry> [browser] Open the homepage of registry with optional browser
publish [<tarball>|<folder>] Publish package to current registry if current registry is a custom registry. The field 'repository' of current custom registry is required running this command. If you're not using custom registry, this command will run npm publish directly
-t --tag [tag] Add tag
-a --access <public|restricted> Set access
-o --otp [otpcode] Set otpcode
-dr --dry-run Set is dry run
test [registry] Show the response time for one or all registries
help Print this help
-h --help output usage information
-V --version output the version number
npm i