so,why English is imortant? When I was thinking about the question, there were several answers came to my mind.
应试需求。显然,大部分英语学习者是学生。中考,高考,英语四六级,以及考研,无论是否英语相关专业,英语学习都是重头戏,占据了大量时间。Almost every students had spent so much time on learning English, but why is English a necessary course of all the students ? There are two major reasons .
English is the most popular global language.毫无疑问英语是全球最流行的语言。English is the offical language of over 50 countries. Especially, the US is the most inmortant centre of economy and technology, and the most of the academic papers are written by English . so, it`s a privilage of using English as an official language.
English can help open up the professional opportunities. 会英语显然会有更多的就业机会。In the context of globalization, the person who can speak English may have more opportunities to get a job.
Broaden your mind . when you are learning English , you are learning the culture of the country which speak English.