1. 标题 Subject Line:
Always have a subject line that summarises briefly and clearly the contents of the message.
比如:Re: Summary of Our Meeting with ABC Suppliers
2.简短的句子 Short and Simple Sentences
Use short and easy sentences. Long sentences can often be difficult to read and understand. The most common mistake that I see my students making is to translate directly from their own language.
This can often lead to confusing sentences. I always tell my students to use the KISS Test – Keep It Short and Simple
3. 考虑下你的读者是谁 Think of who your reader is going to be.
Is it a colleague, a client or your boss? Should the email be informal or formal? Most business emails these days have a neutral tone. Note the difference between Informal and Formal:
Informal – Thanks for the email of 15 February
Formal * – Thank you for your email received 15 February*
Informal – Sorry, I can’t make it.
Formal * – I am afraid I will not be able to attend*
Informal * – Could you…?*
Formal * – I was wondering if you could….?*
Some emails to colleagues can be informal if they are friends. This is the style that is closest to speech, so there are often everyday words and conversational expressions that can be used.For instance, ‘Don’t forget’, ‘Catch you later’, ‘Cheers’.
如果同事是朋友,一些电子邮件可以使用非正式的语言。这是一种比较亲近的表达方式,是日常交流经常使用的词语。例如: ‘Don’t forget’, ‘Catch you later’, ‘Cheers’.
The reader will also accept bad grammar in informal emails. However, if the email is going to a client or senior colleague, bad grammar and an over-friendly style will not be acceptable.
4. 注意字母大小写,标点符号,拼写及基础的语法
Be very careful of capital letters, punctuation, spelling and basic grammar.
While these can be tolerated in informal emails, they are very important in business emails as they are an important part of the image you create.
Give yourself time to edit what you’ve written before you push that Send button. In today’s busy world, it’s very easy to send out many emails without checking them so make a conscious effort to edit.
5. Think about how direct or indirect you want to be
In some cultures it is common practice to be very direct in email correspondence. However, this can cause a problem if you’re writing to someone in another country and in a language that is not yours. They might find your directness rude and sometimes offensive.
Consider these:
Direct – ‘I need this in half an hour’.
Indirect – ‘Could I have this in half an hour?’
Direct – ‘There will be a delay’.
Indirect – ‘I’m afraid there will be a slight delay’.
Direct – ‘It’s a bad idea’
Indirect – ‘To be honest, I’m not sure it would be a good idea’.
By adjusting your tone, you are more likely to get a more positive response from your reader.
6. 积极Be positive!
积极的词汇: helpful, good question, agreed, together, useful, I’d be delighted, mutual, opportunity.
消极的词汇: busy, crisis, failure, forget it, I can’t, it’s impossible, waste, hard
The words you use show your attitude to life so choose your words wisely.